Epilogue II

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( Jungkook and Taehyung )

The sun was playing hide and seek with the clouds. The pitter-patter of the rain lulling one to sleep. It was the perfect day to get some extra sleep on the weekend after working so hard all the week.

Taehyung pulled the blanket closer to himself, smiling at the warm gushy feeling. Oh, how much his body missed this warmth. Just a few more hours of sleep until his body feels refreshed again. But the destiny wasn't on his side.

He shot up from the bed on hearing the loud noise, his heart almost jumping out of his chest on the possibilities of what could've happened behind that sound.

" Akiyo !"
He shouted, wearing his flip flops on the wrong foot, as he dashed down the stairs.

" Akiyo !"
With every unanswered call he started getting more nervous. The possibility that it was the child who got hurt behind that sound were getting greater now.

" Papa !"
Taehyung was finally able to breath when he saw his little boy standing there with no signs of harm or injury. His fluffy brown hairs bouncing in the air, and soft droopy eyes staring back at his father.

" Are you okay ?"
He goes there to check him and the child was actually fine. But his anxious facial expressions were telling the omega that something was wrong.

He looked in the same direction where Akiyo was looking at and found his husband standing in an attentive position with his lips sealed in a thin line.

" Oh, you're awake ?"
Jungkook asked in a very awkward tone that added more to Taehyung's doubt.

He put Akiyo down from his lap, now taking slow steps towards Jungkook.
But seeing him coming forward, Jungkook lunged towards the omega and grabbed him in his arms, spinning him around a whole 180 degree.

" What are you doing ?"
Taehyung tries to turn around, but Jungkook is stronger than him and is easily capable of holding him in the same position for hours without exerting much force.

" Just hugging my beautiful husband. Can't I do that ?"
Taehyung huffs at that. Ahh..he used the complimenting card... he's surely hiding something.

" Jeon Jungkook!"
He said in a stern voice, his eyes sharp and lips pulled in a straight line.
" What are you hiding ?"
Jungkook's whole expression changed on that, his smile starting to waver now.

" Hiding ... Haha what do you mean ?"
He looks at Taehyung's feet instead of looking into his eyes, afraid that that way the omega would see right through him.

Taehyung crossed his arms and very sharply observed Jungkook's body features. These are the time that makes him feel thankful for studying human psychology.

" You are making the same face that you make when you've done something wrong. Tell me what is it ?"
Living with Jungkook under one roof for years have resulted in such a thing that he could just tell the younger's mood by hearing his sigh.

" You're misunderstanding, hyung."
He put his hand to hold Taehyung's. Ah... there he goes with his affection to stop Taehyung from doubting.

Taehyung knew that Jungkook wasn't going to admit it anytime soon. So, he turns to the weak point in their house.

" Jeon Akiyo !"
The boy instantly got attentive on hearing his name. He knows that it's serious when his parents use his first name too.

" Tell me what happened here."
Taehyung taps his feet and continued to stare at the little boy who tried to escape from the scene.

" I told you-"
Jungkook tried to come forward, but Taehyung easily stopped him with his right palm.

" I'm asking Akio, not you."
An angry Taehyung is someone you don't want to mess with, and his husband and son knew the fact very well.

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