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" Do you really have to go ?"
Jimin makes sad faces, standing at the doorway waving Daejeong off. His parents came back earlier than expected so, he's taking his leave now.

" Uncle Dae, don't go.."
Eunjae whines too, his arms wrapped around Daejeong's long legs. The boy has grown quite fond of his new uncle.

At that Daejeong puts his bag down and hugs Eunjae. He was never fond of children before, but after meeting Eunjae the boy has stolen his heart. He's too cute for someone to not like him.

When Yoongi first met Daejeong, he thought he'd be happy when the alpha leaves, but now he's kinda feeling sad too.

" I would come to see you next time, I promise." He says and ruffles Eunjae's hairs. He himself doesn't want to leave, but he have to visit his parents before he goes back to America. That reminds him of the important thing.

" Jimin ah, you're coming back with me right ?"
The question catches Jimin off guard. He knew he have to go back to his reality one day, but didn't know it was gonna be this soon. Just when he was starting to feel happy again...

Jimin only nods his head with the slightest movement.
" Great. I'll book our flights tickets one week away from now."

Yoongi comes forward at that. What the hell does he mean by one week ?

" Isn't that too soon ?"
His hands fall limp. One week isn't enough for him. There's so much he still have to tell Jimin about Eunjae, there's so many places he want to visit with Jimin. But the time is not enough.

" The semester's going to start soon and Jimin needs to go back early, as he'll be starting as a professor now."
Daejeong saw the look that was on Yoongi's face and it was enough to tell him that Yoongi definitely didn't see Jimin as just his friend.

Yoongi is standing dumbfounded, he looks at Jimin, but the younger doesn't look back, his eyes are glued on the floor. Is this how this was supposed to be ? Why did he even think that it would be different this time ?

" See ya, Jimin." Daejeong hugs Jimin one last time before stepping out of the door.
He just smiled sadly looking at Jimin standing there, he have a feeling about how this is going to end.

Once he was gone, Jimin closed the door, Yoongi was still standing at the same position while Eunjae was already gone inside his room.

" So, we've just one week left huh ?"
Jimin turns up to see Yoongi smiling sadly. He nods.
" Then, we should make the most of it."
Yoongi says with a smile on his face, but Jimin knows that he's hiding the pain behind it. He can feel the aching of his heart.

" Tell me, what d'you wanna do ?"
Yoongi asks but doesn't dare to look into Jimin's eyes, because he's afraid that he might let out his inner emotions.

" Hyung..." Jimin says softly.
Yoongi only gives him a little hum at that, he isn't capable of saying much.

" Won't you ask me to stay ?" He asks in a small voice. Maybe it's because a part of him wants to stay.

Yoongi smiles, a smile that shows how helpless he feel.
/ If I say, would you stay ?/ He wanted to say but decided not to.

" It's your life Jimin ah, who am I to interfere ?"
Yoongi laughs but Jimin doesn't. The small sentence pierced right through Jimin's heart. Yeah, it's his life. Right...

" But it'd be good if you don't cut ties this time."
Yoongi remembers the time he wanted to contact Jimin or just send him some pictures of Eunjae but he wasn't able to because he didn't know of any way to contact Jimin.

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