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" So, it wasn't Jimin ?"
Dressed in his best clothes and a glass sitting on the brim of his nose, Taehyung sat in the chair in front of Yoongi. He's looks a lot more matured now, even his facial features looks more majestic than before.

" No, it was someone else who looked like Jimin." He takes a long sip from his coffee that has gone cold because he was busy telling Taehyung the details of his life. But it actually feels really nice to hang out with your friend.

" Does he ask you about Jimin frequently ?" Taehyung asks hesitantly, thinking that maybe he's stepping on an aching nerve.

" Yeah, he's always bugging me with questions about how Jimin was and what not. But he never asks why isn't he here." He laughs a little on remembering his son's question. He always feel like he's being interviewed about his love life.

" He's literally the best baby." Taehyung's heart overfills with love whenever he talks about Eunjae. The little boy has made him fall for him even with his slightest actions.
" Hmm, afterall he's my son." Yoongi close his eyes, saying it with a puffed up chest.

" I see, still boastful as ever." Taehyung rolls his eyes at him but ended up laughing anyways.
" You'll know when you have a kid of your own." A light smile spread on Yoongi's lips. He had the same view has Taehyung before Eunjae came.

" So, any plans about it ?" Taehyung chokes on his tea when Yoongi looked at him with a smirk forming on his lips.
" Hyung, shut up. We just got engaged, not so soon." Yoongi laughs at the way Taehyung tries to hide his flustered face.

" You started without us ?" The voice made both the male turn around in an instant.
Their lips curled up into a smile when they spotted their friends walking towards them.

With open arms and contagious smile Taehyung ran to towards them. Seeing the Omega coming his way Jin opened his arms too, closing his eyes to feel the hug bettet but Taehyung just went past him.
" Aigoo, my baby." He went to Namjoon who was behind Jin. Picking up the little girl from the alpha's arms.

" Stop stealing my baby." Jin huffed at the lack of greeting. Crossing his open arms to his chest now.
" Hii hyung, it's been a while." Yoongi greeted his hyung who's still behaving like a child even after becoming a parent himself.

" Hey, Joon ah." He embraced Namjoon in a side hug.
" Hii hyung." Namjoon hugged the smaller alpha back, feeling happy to meet him after so long.

They all sat on the joint table. The main centre of attraction for today was Kim Aera, Namjoon and Jin's one year old daughter.
They tied the knot right after graduating, because Jin believed that they love each other so there's no need for any kind of delay when they both are sure that they want this.

And one year ago they were blessed with a little baby girl, who was a perfect mix of her both fathers, Jin and Namjoon. She had all her uncles wrapped around her little finger from the day she arrived.

" Hello princess." Yoongi finally got to pick the girl in his arms because Taehyung wouldn't just let her go. She giggled happily in Yoongi's arms when he raised her up in the sky.

Namjoon and Jin looked at eachother at the sight, their daughter is so loved and so spoiled. But they don't want it any other way.

" Where's my favourite nephew ?" Jin asks looking around when he didn't heard the squeaky voice of Eunjae anywhere in the surroundings.

" What do you mean favourite ? You only have one nephew, hyung." Yoongi rolls his eyes, continuing to bounce the baby up and down in his arms. Since, he took care of Eunjae alone, he is very good with babies.

" Okay, so where is my one and only favourite nephew ?"
The words made Yoongi laugh a little. Seeing Yoongi laugh, Aera started giggling too.

" He's getting ice cream with his favourite uncle." Yoongi made sure to put special emphasis on the word 'favourite uncle'.

" But I'm sitting here." He says in a disappointed tone.
" That means you're not his favourite."
" Yah-" He was ready to throw his hands at the alpha sitting in front of him if not for the voice that came not so long after.

" Uncle Jinnie." The exciting voice cuts Jin's words and soon the little footsteps are running to him.
" Eunjae ah." He hugged the little boy tightly, like they met after being separated for decades when in reality they just met last month.

" Hey kiddo." Joon ruffled the top of his head and opened his arms for the boy to come rest in them.
" Uncle joon." He gladly accepted the open arms and stayed there until he noticed Aera sitting in his father's lap.

" Aera~" He escaped from Namjoon's hold and started playing with her. Yoongi gently stroked his son's cheeks.

" I hope he didn't made a ruckus." Yoongi says on noticing Jungkook's presence behind him.
" No hyung, he's the best boy ever." Jungkook patted Aera's chubby cheeks and took a seat next to his fiancè.

" I missed you, bun." Taehyung snuggled in Jungkook's chest, sticking to him like a koala bear.

" But he was only gone for what, 5 minutes ?" Yoongi still hasn't gotten used to Taehyung being all mushy and lovely- dovey with Jungkook. It feels a little weird but it sure is an amusing sight.

" Let me be in my alpha's arms in peace." Taehyung said and everyone laughed at that. Leaving the newly engaged couple in peace.

" Where's Hobi and Ryu ?"
Yoongi asks when the other two has still not joined them, usually they would be the first one to arrive because Ryu is very punctual. And he always manges to drag Hoseok with him in time.

Hoseok confessed to Ryu at the end of their semester. Although Hoseok didn't have much hope, Ryu reciprocated his feelings. They have been dating since then and all of them accepted Ryu with open arms. He's a sweet kid.

" You don't know ? They went to meet Ryu's parents in Japan." Yoongi nods his head to the new information, he was a bit busy to know it.

Alot have changed in the past four years. Namjoon and Seokjin got married, started a family. Taehyung and Jungkook started dating and got engaged, just recently. Hoseok and Ryu are dating. Many a things changed but not their friendship. It's the only constant in this variable life.

When Jimin left... It was a hard time for everyone.
Jungkook suffered the most from his departure. He wasn't ready to accept the fact that Jimin would just leave him like that without any explanation.

He was devastated, crying and waking up at nights just to scream Jimin's name. It was thanks to Taehyung who cared for him at those time that he was able to recover from his darkest times.
Taehyung himself was very hurt when Jimin left but he tried not to show it, acting all strong so that he could provide support to the others.

Yoongi was the only one who had forgiven him. He never resented Jimin. Not even for a second. Jimin has blessed him with such a special gift, their son, and he's thankful for that. There's no space for anger and hatred in his heart when it's full of love.

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