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Everything was blur for a second, all he could hear were the faint whispers. But they too were muffled for him to make out a complete sentence. It was just like how you feel after a hangover, half of your memory blacked out until you regain your full consciousness.

That's what Jimin was feeling too, he could feel the hardness of the bed that made him recognise that it wasn't his own. There were some constant beeping that made him want to wake up and turn it off, it irked him.

In between the whispers he heard some familiar giggles, it made him smile a little because he knew it belonged to Eunjae. Soon, enough he could hear the giggles becoming louder, meaning that Eunjae was coming closer to him.

The boy put his hand on top of Jimin's hand, the anesthesia has still not worn off from Jimin's body that's why he was still unconscious. But Eunjae was very concerned about his papa, he would come in between to check on him.

" Papa."
He calls for him in his sweet voice, his hand rubbing over Jimin's.
" Papa wake up !" He calls for him again, getting impatient now. How can he stay calm while his father laid unconscious in front of him like that ?

" Eunjae ah, let him rest baby."
Yoongi answers, the boy pouted at that and was about to go when he felt Jimin holding his hand.

" Eun-nie..." Jimin calls for him, finally beating the haziness in his body and waking up.

On hearing Jimin's voice, Yoongi went to his side, helping the omega sit up and offering him some water.
He fondly caressed Jimin's cheeks and brushed the hairs out of his eyes.

Once Jimin finished drinking water, Yoongi hugged Jimin in excitement and kissed his temple to express his gratitude towards him.

" Jimin ah, thank you. Thank you so much. You've made me the happiest person on earth."
He held Jimin's hand and Jimin saw the tears in his eyes, he quickly wipes them away, now getting impatient to meet his babies.

" Where are they ?"
Yoongi gets aside with a smile, going to the crib nearby. He brings one child close to Jimin and puts them down in his arms.

Jimin experienced that feeling for the first time. The feeling of holding your newborn in your arms for the very first time. The feeling that he never got to experience with Eunjae, but now he finally can.

" Our elder son."
Jimin gasped as Yoongi unwraps the sheet so the child's face was more visible now. His baby boy was so small that even his hands start to tremble, so Yoongi put his own hands there to stop the trembling.

Jimin's eyes were quick to get filled with tears. Is this what Taehyung and Jin hyung would have felt when they held their child for the first time ?
The little boy was peacefully sleeping, he didn't even open his eyes. He was that comfortable in Jimin's hold.

Jimin had to control himself from sobbing at the view, never did he thought he would be able to see a view like this.

He wasn't even over the overwhelmed feeling when Yoongi came with the other baby in his hands.

Yoongi lowered himself and sat on the bed beside Jimin so he could show him the baby's face.

" Our youngest son."
He says, gently stroking the boy's chest, who was wide awake and looking everywhere with his curious eyes.

Kicking his legs very hard to get out of that sheet, and Yoongi can just tell that his little boy was going to be a troublemaker.

" Our sons."
Jimin put his hand over the boy and he instantly wrapped his whole hand around Jimin's finger making him choke on a sob, because for him this is all so new.

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