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" Jungkook ah." Yoongi knocks lightly on the door. He has been doing the same for past few minutes, knocking on the door and calling for the younger. But not even one single reply came from inside.

Yoongi puts his forehead on the wooden door, controlling his breath before he decides to barge in.

" I'm coming in." He warns Jungkook as he twists the door knob to walk inside.
The room was dark, not even the nightshades were on. If it wasn't for the moonlight that entered from the balcony, Yoongi wouldn't have been able to see his surroundings.

In that darkness, he saw a figure lit by the moon light. In the balcony Jungkook stood with his eyes close, feeling the cold wind striking his face.

He was disturbed from his headspace on hearing the sound of door being opened and closed. He hesitantly turns around, in that murkiness his eyes met with Yoongi but soon he diverted his attention back to the moon.

Yoongi tiptoes to the balcony, he stops to stand next to Jungkook.
" What are you doing here ? Let's go, it's time for the dinner." 
There's a light smile with a tint of hope on his lips.

" I'm not hungry."
Jungkook said in a grumpy tone. That made Yoongi thinks that he's behaving just like Eunjae, when he doesn't want to eat his food because Yoongi didn't cook his favourite dish.

" Everyone's waiting for you."
Jungkook shook his head again. He doesn't say anything this time, sticking to gestures only.

" Is it because of Jimin ?" Yoongi asked in an almost whisper.
Jungkook stayed silent for a second before nodding his head. His eyes were focused on one particular star that seemed alone in the night sky, as if the other stars and moon have abandoned it. Just like him...

Yoongi sighs, stepping close to Jungkook and putting a hand on his shoulder. He gave it a little squeeze.

" You're still mad at him ?"
Jungkook nods his head again in a very light manner, if Yoongi wasn't paying attention to him he'd have missed it.

He finally turns around to look at his hyung and let him see the tears and hurt in his eyes.

Looking into Jungkook's eyes was enough to let Yoongi experience the pain the younger has been going through all alone. With a swift moment, Yoongi is enclosing Jungkook in his arms, pressing his face onto his chest and gently patting his head.

" Jungkook ah.." He soothes him like a baby.
Jungkook cried harder on his shoulder. He never noticed how much tears were stored in his heart, maybe they were the reason behind his strong feelings for Jimin.

" I know that he was your only family and that he hurted you, but gguk-"
Yoongi separates him from his chest to get a good look at his face. His hand rests on Jungkook's both cheeks, slowly caressing them, as he wipes the tears rolling down his chin.

" He needed that time."
Jungkook still doesn't look into Yoongi's eyes.

" Everything was just too much on him. Imagine getting pregnant at a young age, having to choose between a child and your career. I'm sure most people would do the same as Jimin."
Then only Jungkook puts himself into Jimin's shoes and he starts to feel all the emotions that Jimin might have felt at that time.

" Sometimes running away is the best solution."
He gently strokes Jungkook's head. Jungkook has always been dear to him like a little brother.

" But you have to see that he came back. He came back for Eunjae, he came back for you, he came back for all of us. Most people wouldn't do that."
He smiles at the young alpha. And slowly Jungkook's sharp eyes turns sloppy and soft, the hate starts to fade away from them slowly.

" You just have to give him a chance. He's still your same Jimin hyung who loves you dearly."
That made Jungkook snap his head up.
" Hyung loves me ?" He asks hesitantly. He thought the omega would hate him after how he behaved that day.

" Yeah, he loves you so much. You can see it in his eyes. Jimin consider you as his family, gguk ah."

" If you continue to behave like this.... Jimin will break."
He has seen Jimin putting up his best smile, but he knows that on the inside Jimin is so close to breaking, and he doesn't want to see the omega like that.

" So just give him a chance." He's requesting Jungkook, just one simple request.
Jungkook just look into Yoongi's begging eyes, nodding slightly.

" Hyung ? Jungkook ?"

Yoongi quickly wipes his tears on hearing Taehyung's voice from outside the door.

" We're coming." He screams back. Ready to go but then he stops to give Jungkook a pat on his back.
" Go wash your face and then come down." Jungkook nods and then Yoongi went down, leaving the door for him.

When he reached the dining hall, Jimin's eyes were already focused in his direction, as he bounced his leg in anticipation.

" Is he coming ?" He asks in a hushed tone as soon as the alpha takes a seat next to him.
Yoongi hums in response and Jimin seems to relax at that. He could see the colours coming back to the omega's pale face.

When Jungkook came down, everyone behaved like nothing happened. They made the atmosphere just like usual, not making a big deal of the feud between the two.

" Uncle koo will sit with me." Eunjae went to Jungkook's side, dragging him all the way to sit on the chair next to him.

Jungkook smiled at Eunjae and ruffled his hairs. The boy has something special that makes everyone give into his demands.

" Let's start." Yoongi said and everyone starts digging in.

Dinner went by normal. Everyone kept spiking up usual conversations here and there. In between that Jimin kept on looking at Jungkook, but didn't dare to initiate anything.

After the dinner was over the alphas volunteered to wash the dishes since they didn't do much before. The omegas were glad to receive a hand.

Jin, Jimin, Taehyung and Ryu decided to utilise the free time that they had and soon became indulged in their own conversations. Which varied from Ryu's Japan trip to Taehyung's juice bar to Jin whining about Namjoon's clumsy habits to Jimin talking about his time in America.

" Joon ah, I'll come in a few minutes you should put Aera to bed." Jin requests his husband, not wanting to go to sleep yet.

Namjoon got up at his husband's order, picking Aera from Jin's arms. She was already half asleep, given that it was already past her bed time. He wished everyone goodnight before going towards their room.

Jimin then looked at Yoongi and the alpha understood him by just one glance.
" Eunjae ah, let's go to bed." Yoongi opened his arms for the child to come rest in them.

The boy then looked at Taehyung and his uncle Tae slightly shook his head.
" I wanna sleep with uncle Tae and Koo."
Taehyung smiled at that, he taught him well.

" No baby, you'll disturb them." Jimin tried to say, but the little boy was already walking towards Jungkook and hugging his legs.

" You wanna sleep with me ?" Jungkook crouches down, asking him in a cute voice.
" Yess." Eunjae replied enthusiastically, already getting excited at the idea.

" Fine, let's go to our room then."
With a swift movement, he picks Eunjae up in his arms, giving his little tummy some nice tickles.

" Good night papa, good night appa, good night uncles." He waved at all of them before returning Jungkook the favour by tickling him back.

" Good night..." Yoongi sound disheartened at the fact that Eunjae chose Jungkook over him.

" Come on hyung. Don't be upset, you have me." Hoseok understands that the omegas need some alone time for themselves so he starts pulling Yoongi with him to upstairs.

Yoongi looked at Jimin with a look of 'help me', but omega only giggled and waved him bye as he was dragged against him will.

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