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Yoongi opens his eyes to the dimly lit room, though it is daytime no-one has opened the thick drapes. He has woken up with the worst headache ever. A non-existent being hammering nails in his head.

He wouldn't have woken up, if not for the unsettling feeling in his stomach. He groans and turns over to see he wasn't sleeping next to Eunjae, but was in his own room.

Against the will of his tired body, he slowly lifts himself up to see that he was well tucked in the bed.
Then he remembers the last night vaguely, the memories slowly coming back from how he brought drinks for them, then Jimin asking him to play a song, him singing it, Jimin crying and---
the last thing he remembers before he passed out was that he kissed Jimin.

Beads of curse directed at himself came out of his mouth. His hands run all the way to pull on his hairs, groaning and screaming until his eyes fall on the oddly empty corner of the room. Wasn't that the place where Jimin's suitcase was ? But it isn't there right now.

He has never been so quick on his feet. Dashing out of the room, he runs into the living room. It's empty...

The kitchen, it's empty. He checked the bathroom, but it's empty too. So, with his lips moving in prayers, he went to Eunjae's room to found the boy sleeping alone with no signs of Jimin.

His heart started racing. What if Jimin left- NO ! NO that can't be ! He rushes back inside the room and picked up the phone calling Jimin. The call didn't connect.

His legs trembled as he walked back and forth inside the small room.
Jimin can't leave him like that! NO, his flight is due tomorrow, they were supposed to visit their friends today. Was it his confession or the kiss that pushed Jimin away from him ?

He falls back to the bed pulling his hairs in frustration. Why did he have to break the moment ? Why did he have to confess his feelings when he knew Jimin was going to go away if he did that ?

He pulled himself back up. Maybe he's just imagining the worst. Maybe Jimin is visiting one of their friends. He instantly dialled up Taehyung's number.

After a few rings Taehyung picked up with a low groan directed at Yoongi because he's not an early riser and his precious sleep was disturbed by his hyung.

" I-is Jimin there ?"
The tremble in Yoongi's voice made Taehyung worry too. Yoongi is always a calm and composed person, but if he's behaving like this... something is wrong.

Yoongi prays that he'll hear a 'yes' from Taehyung's side. He wants to hear that Jimin is there and that he just went there because he wasn't waking up from his deep sleep.

" No. Why ? What's wrong ?"
Yoongi's false hopes starts to shatter.

" Hello ? Yoongi hyung ?"
He couldn't hear Taehyung calling him anymore, he's so dumbfounded. All he could see was Jimin leaving him.

" H-he left. Jimin... He's gone."
He somehow manages to pull himself and say. His heart still have the slightest bit of hope so, he'll hold onto it.

Taehyung is silent for some second before his booming voice comes in the form of a loud shout.

" He went back to A-america."
Taehyung feels himself stiffening up, but then he suddenly starts laughing.
" Hyung, it's not April fools yet. Stop trying to prank me."

" Tae... His bag- they're gone. Jimin's gone. He's not picking up my calls."
Yoongi cries out and that made Taehyung know that it was serious.

" Hyung, I'm coming there."
With that Taehyung ended the call.

Yoongi curls himself into a ball, holding the pillow close to his chest that has the faintest hint of Jimin's scent in it. He doesn't know, how he was able to bear the pain of Jimin going away before, but he doesn't think he can do this again. This situation is making him realise how he can't live without Jimin anymore now.

" Appa why you crying ?" Eunjae asks rubbing his eyes, his father's loud voice woke him up.
With his favourite bunny plushie clutched in his hands, he walks towards the bed where his father was curled into himself.

When Yoongi saw Eunjae he wasn't able to stop himself anymore. He threw his arms around Eunjae and started sobbing loudly.

" E-eunjae ah..." He cried and the child was stunned. He didn't know how to calm his father down, he has never seem him crying before.
So, he just wrapped his small arms around Yoongi's back and starts patting it, just like his father do to him when he cried.


" Hyung, where's Jimin ?" Taehyung comes rushing in and Jungkook follows after. He's shocked to see Yoongi crying with Eunjae in his arms. If he previously had any doubt about this being a joke, it's pretty clear that it's not.

Yoongi sucks in his tears and faces them. Eunjae is pressed against his chest and he could feel the fabric getting wet by his tears.
" He went back."

This time Jungkook comes forward and answer him.
" Hyung, you're misunderstood. Jimin hyung wouldn't do that again."
Yoongi could see Jungkook's eyes brimming too. He can see a deja vu of before. He have the same eyes as before, so fierce and full of trust for his Jimin hyung. It hurts Yoongi to think how heartbroken Jungkook would be when his trust will be broken into pieces again.

" Jimin was supposed to go back tomorrow. We were supposed to go to your house today and tell you the news. But-"

He stops in between when he got a whiplash of the memories. If only he hadn't kissed him, if only he hadn't confessed...

" But what ?" Taehyung butts in. He can't understand what's going on.
" Last night I got drunk and confessed my feelings. I even kissed him." Yoongi says looking down as if he has committed a sin.

Jungkook and Taehyung were shocked at that, but not that much. They kinda expected something like this to happen since they both lived together.

" Jimin is my bestfriend I know he wouldn't do something like this."
Taehyung is furious. He trusts Jimin. He can't believe that whatever Jimin did in the past weeks to get closer to them was only to leave them again like this.

" He already has done this one time, he can do it-"
" SHUT UP !" Taehyung goes and hold Yoongi's face. He knows that Yoongi is starting to imagine things now and he doesn't want that to happen.

" He's changed. You know that better than anyone else. You know he won't do something like this."
He speaks each and every word with his tears rolling down, but his voice is as firm as ever. He doesn't even waver, that's how much he trust Jimin.

" Hyung..."
Jungkook comes from behind, he crouches down next to Yoongi and rubs Eunjae's back who was silently sobbing the whole time. It is probably too much for him to handle.

" Let's go to the airport." He suggested and Yoongi looks up to see Jungkook smiling at him faintly.

" I'll stop hyung this time. I won't let him go." Taehyung feels so proud of Jungkook right now. He wipes his own tears and then nods at the suggestion.

" Yeah, that's right. Let's go." He says too and Yoongi look at them like they were his saviours.

Yoongi  got up from there and followed them, he didn't even bothered changing his clothes or even washing his face. They're like the least of his concern right now.

" Did you call the others ?" Taehyung asked as Yoongi slips into his shoes and takes Eunjae's slippers with him too.

Yoongi shook his head.
" Let's call them in the car then."

Since he is no position to drive he decided it was better to just go in Jungkook's car. Eunjae has been latching to him since when he heard that Jimin left him and has been sniffling continuously.

" A-appa... I don't wan' papa to g-g-go." Eunjae hiccups with his breaking voice and Yoongi just hugged him closer, his tears falling on Eunjae's cheek.

" I know baby. I know." He kiss the top of his head. It hurts to see his child suffering like this.

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