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Yoongi always regarded himself as a punctual man, 'early to bed and early to rise' kind of. But today his early morning didn't start as usual. Maybe it was because he slept late at night or just the person, who was snuggling so close to his body.

His eyes only opens because of a snap sound. Forcefully, he opened his heavy eyelids to see Eunjae standing in front of him with mobile phone in between his small hands.

" Baby, what are you doing ?" He asks in his usual morning voice. His head feeling heavy because of the small amount of sleep he got. He had spent the whole night with Jimin, just talking, they only fell asleep around early morning.

Eunjae laughed at his father, extending his phone towards him to showed the picture. It's a picture of him and Jimin sleeping on each other's shoulder. The picture made him realise the extra weight he was feeling on his shoulder.

He turned around to see Jimin's face just a few centimetre away from his. It was too close for his heart to handle so, he instantly backed off.

" I'll send it to Taetae." Eunjae ran after saying that, the phone secured in his hand.

It made Yoongi's heart race, he stood up from his position, making Jimin's head fall back on couch.
Eunjae takes many pictures of him sleeping and just send them to the group that consist of his uncles. Yoongi is afraid he's planning to do so today too, and if he does, it's gonna be a big problem.

" Eunjae ah, no." He ran after him but the child is faster on his feet. Ah, young blood. He ran with all his might but still failed to chase the four year old down.
" Eunie." He tried again but, the child is not listening. He's thinking of this as one of those chasing games, they both play occassionally and he don't have any plan of losing in it.

" Min Eunjae." Eunjae stops at that. His father only says his full name, when he's mad. So, he turns around and gulps down.
Yoongi extends his hand forward and Eunjae instantly put the phone there, he knows when to play and when to give in.

Yoongi ruffles his hair to let him know that he isn't mad at him. But the boy is still a little unsure about it.
" What d'you want for breakfast ?" He crouches down to the ground.
The boy look into his father's eyes for any hint of anger but when he didn't find any he let out a big smile.

" Toastiee."
" Okay." He ruffled Eunjae's hairs again and soon the boy is going back into his room to play.

He let Jimin complete his sleep while he fix some breakfast for them. He's about half way done with the food, when the door bell rings.

His eyes went to the clock, it's just 9 in the morning. Who would come this early ?

The door bell stirs Jimin up from his light sleep. He stretches out his arms, letting out a couple of yawns, his body rested well. He hears the door bell again. His eyes roam in the surroundings to see Yoongi busy in the kitchen so, he gestures the Alpha that he'll take it.

" Yes ?" He opens the door while still rubbing his puffy eyes. That's why he hates sleeping in, it makes his face appear swollen and cherry red.

The person dressed in fine clothes in early morning gave him a confused look. More like a judging look for his messy hairs and wrinkled clothes.
" Is Yoongi home ?" Jimin nods. His mind finally steps into a full awake state on hearing Yoongi's name come out of the stranger's mouth.

He closed the door as the person steps inside. A smile forms on his face when he saw Eunjae running in his direction. He even opened his arms and bent down a little, ready to hug him but, he was misunderstood.

" Minjun uncle !" Eunjae jumped into the strangers arms and bursted into the biggest smile ever. His arms wrapping tightly around his neck.

" Morning baby." Minjun pressed a kiss on his forehead, holding him in his arms just like that for some time.
On hearing his son loud voice, Yoongi came rushing from the kitchen too.

" Oh, what are you doing here ?" Minjun walks upto Yoongi at the question. His face twisting in a frown.
" I thought, you said, I can come here anytime ?" He asked in a fake hurt tone, putting his hand on his heart to emphasis how much Yoongi's question hurt him.

Yoongi rolled his eyes at the omega's overdramatic self but he's soon smiling.
" Did you real came here for no reason ?"
Minjun lightly shook his head.

" I think seeing you and Eunjae is a good enough reason." A soft smile forms on both their faces.

Jimin didn't dare to bulge from his spot, he just watched them with a slow beating heart. His gravity-drawn shoulders painting a picture of his heart. They all looks like a family together. A happy family that he isn't supposed to be a part of.

Yoongi's eyes fell on Jimin who's staring at them with eyes devoid of any kind of emotions.
" Jimin ah, come here. I'll introduce you two."

He's hesitant at first but then with slow steps starts to walk towards them, standing some feets away from Yoongi. He gave Minjun a small smile and bowed in respect. He looks older than him, almost Yoongi's age.

" He's Minjun, my boss." He introduces him simply but, of course, the omega isn't satisfied with that.

" Yah ! Am i just a boss for you ?" The omega almost says in a threating tone, making Yoongi laugh.
" He's a good friend."
He isn't satisfied with that introduction but he decided to stay silent on it. He'll make sure to bring a change to it, later on.

" And he's Jimin." Minjun's eyes bulge at that. Jimin ? Did he hear it right ? Is he the same Jimin or...

" Eunjae's other dad ? The one that lef-" Yoongi nudges him before he could continue his sentence.
" Yeah, he's Eunjae's father." Yoongi replies.

Minjun's smile falter at that and he just gave a cold stare to Jimin. The stare was so powerful that it made Jimin shiver from head to toe.

" I brought cakes for you." Minjun tries to change the topic because he clearly don't want to hear Yoongi talking about his ex right now. He extends the paper bag that have the logo of a well renowned bakery printed on the front.

" But hyung doesn't like sweets..." Jimin says in a hushed tone. He didn't even realise he said that. It was just the unconscious part of his brain telling him that he still remembers the little details about the alpha.

Minjun smirks at him on hearing that. The kind omega's persona is changed to a sassy one.
" He didn't before, but now he does." He scoffs, mocking him.

" Four years are enough to change a person's preferences."
It's his way of telling Jimin that Yoongi doesn't like him anymore and he should back off. Jimin doesn't look up to his eyes now, feeling more small now.

" Eunjae ah, I also bought the toy that you wanted for awhile now." He easily captures his attention by saying that.

" Really ?"
" Yeah, let's go and set it up on the shelf." The boy nods eagerly at that. The thought of new toy has always had him get so overhyped and Minjun knows it too well.

" Thank you uncle, you're the best." He pressed a kiss on Minjun's cheek. And Minjun smiled in victory as if he won a war that was going on for years.
" Anything for my baby." He puts extra emphasis on 'my baby' and says the word while looking straight into Jimin's eyes.

The word sank Jimin's heart. He don't want to feel this way because he don't have any right to do so, but he have no control over his emotions right now. He can't control what he's feeling.

" I'll go freshen up." He runs away from there before anyone could stop him. He need some time alone.


Sksk sorry for being late. I was busy binge watching 'Descendants of the sun' for the nth time ✌🏻

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