Epilogue III

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The following years passed by like a flash for Yoongi and Jimin. Together they experienced every first of their children's lives, just what Jimin has wished for.

He was finally able to understand the things Yoongi went through in his absence. It still made his tongue bitter, but he tried not to think too much about the past, because it wasn't in his hands to change it afterall.

So, instead he focused on the present, he focused on making new memories with Yoongi, Eunjae, Yejun and Dae hyun.

This time Jimin was there when Dae hyun took his first step. He actually expected Yejun to be the one to start walking first because of how active the child was, but contrary to his expectations it was Dae hyun.

They were just lying lazily in their living room, when Dae hyun stood up on his own while taking support of the table.
Jimin was so shocked that he covered his agaped mouth with hand, his eyes starting to water.

Although Hyun fell down in his first try, he tried again and finally succeeded on the 5th one. Once he was able to take two steps without any help, he started smiling at his success. Jimin opened his arms for the child, waiting patiently for him to cover the distance.

Eunjae was clapping for his little brother from behind and Yejun tried to copy him, while Yoongi was the one filming the scene.

Once Hyun finally made it, Jimin swung him around and peppered his face. For a second he almost saw Eunjae's spit image in him and it made him forget that he hadn't witnessed the same with Eunjae.

And as for the first word, well both of the parents expected the twins to say 'papa' or 'appa', but they actually shocked them by saying 'hyung' as their first word.

It wasn't that clearly pronounced, more like a broken "huu-ng", but it was cute enough to make Eunjae feel like he was ninth cloud. He's still so boastful about that till now. Always telling his parents how his little brothers love him more than them.

And Jimin and Yoongi would only look at each other and smile. Their children are so precious to them.


Jimin kept on staring at the locked door of the twins room. They have been silent for a long time and it made him think that something was wrong. Because they weren't exactly the type to stay calm, especially not Yejun. He was like a devil hidden behind the mask of an angel.

But he tried to not think too deep into the matter thinking it was just him, until he heard a shrill cry and the door finally flung opened.

" P-papaa!" Dae hyun's loud cry echo in the room as he came running into the hall.
His hands curled into fists around his eyes.

Ye Jun followed behind, with puffy cheeks and tongue peeking out to tease his twin.
" Hyunie ah, what happened ?"
Jimin wiped his tears and asked while caressing his cheeks. The boy sniffled a little before finally sucking up all his tears.

" Ye Junie- punch me.."
He turns around and then point at his twin brother who isn't even shocked at the accusation. He only continued to walk towards them.

" Yejun ah !"
Jimin called his name in a strict tone sending chill through the boy's body. And now he was trying to come up with an excuse.

" Because Hyunie messed up my card." He points at Dae hyun, accusing him back.

" Is that a reason for you to punch your brother ?"
Jimin was raging, with this troublemaker in this house, he can never catch a breath.

" Yejun, you're not a gangster, when will you stop causing troubles."
The boy's head hang low now, scared of his father. His bottom lip is wobbling so Yoongi quickly comes to his rescue.

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