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Just like that their trip came to a beautiful end. Nobody wanted to go back to reality after living in a fairytale, but everyone had their own work to do and responsibilities that they can't run away from. Afterall they were not the same carefree teenagers as before now.

With the promise of meeting soon again, everyone parted their ways.

Jimin and Jungkook's relation seemed to get better, but there wasn't an instant change. It's impossible after the gaps that the years have created between them. But Jimin isn't one of them who'll get afraid of the gaps, he'll try to cross them.

He'll work his way to Jungkook's heart and open the door that has been shut for a while now. He'll give it his best to get that trust back that he lost because of his wrong doings.

On their way back from the lodge, Taehyung forced Jimin to go with Jungkook in his car, while he himself shared a car with Yoongi and Eunjae. Since their houses are close to each other, it wasn't that much of a trouble.

Riding back home with Jungkook wasn't all sunshine though, they stayed silent most of the ride. Not because they didn't have anything to say, but because they had so much to say, but didn't know where to start.

Oddly the silence wasn't deafening as before though. Their small conversation started from Jimin telling him how his favourite song was still the one from years ago.

And Jungkook telling him how it has been his comfort song too. Because they were apart but not their hearts and feelings.
After that Jungkook took the initiative to start a conversation and ask Jimin about his life in America. It made Jimin so happy that he was about to tear up.

It was the best day of his life. The bird that was once prisoned in the cage of guilt could finally fly high in the sky of freedom. He was free and it was the second best feeling ever, first being the one where he was hugged by his son and was called 'papa' by his little angel.

The smile that Jimin had that very day was more blinding than the sun.
He came home and rushed into Yoongi's arms. His arms wrapped tightly around the alpha's back as he cried tears of joy. For a second, Yoongi thought something bad happened until he felt Jimin's lips curling into a smile against his chest.

Eunjae was confused at the sight, so Yoongi just gave him a reassurance smile. He knows they Eunjae will surely understand it some day.

" Jimin ah, are you happy ?" Yoongi asks and Jimin tightens his arms even more, heaving a deep sigh.
" Very." He separates himself from Yoongi and looked into the alpha's eyes.

His eyes the rare sight of cresent moons, the happy tears adorning his lifted cheeks, lips curled into a beautiful smile that would even make the moon to come to the earth and see it for himself. He's happy. Very happy.

Even after that day his plan didn't just ended there. Because he was determined to make everything perfect, and until then he wasn't going to stop even if he was tired.

He'd invite their friends to lunch and dinner whenever possible. Spending as much as time with all of them as he could and trying to rebuild their bond from the scratch.

While on one side Yoongi was happy for Jimin; he kinda felt sad that he wasn't able to enjoy that much time with Jimin as before. It was like Jimin had time for everyone else but him and, that made him a little sad.

Just like today, Taehyung has dragged Jimin to shopping with him. But when Yoongi volunteered to tag along, he was strictly prohibited. Quoting Taehyung's exact words that it was a soulmate date and he shouldn't disturb their quality time because he always has Jimin to himself at home.

So being the good friend Yoongi is, he agreed to Taehyung and now he's sitting in his living room surrounded by Eunjae's toys as the boy played with his cars with Yoongi being the road he drove them on.

" Can appa lay down now ? I'm sleepy."
He tried to lay down from his sitting position, his back stiff from staying in the same position for a long time. But Eunjae stopped him just in time before the cars that rested on top of his heads could fall.

" No ! I wanna play moreee." Eunjae pouted, blinking his eyes, oh-so innocently.

Yoongi sighs, he knows he shouldn't give in to Eunjae's demand this easily. But then he would reminisce the time when Eunjae was around two. While the other children cried and made fuss for new toys and clothes, Eunjae didn't.

Yoongi has seen him looking fondly at the new toys in the shop from the window, but the boy never uttered a single word about wanting it. The money wasn't good at that time so, he wasn't able to buy it for Eunjae. But, still Eunjae never complained about those materialistic things.

If only, he demanded Yoongi's time, asked him to play with him a little more, to tell him one more bed time story, to hold him close in his arms, to cook tasty food for him. And when he has a son like that, Yoongi doesn't know how to say no.

" Only for 5 more minutes."
Yoongi sucked in the tears that started forming because of the memories.

The boy shrieked in happiness and then threw himself on Yoongi. Rubbing his nose against Yoongi's.

They were disturbed by the doorbell. A big smile grew on Eunjae's face, he instantly got off from his appa's lap on hearing the door bell. His feet rushing to open the door thinking that his papa is back.

" Papa is here !" He ran towards the door, jumping over all the toys that he has scattered on the ground. Once he reached the door, he stood on his tiptoes, trying to reach the door handle to unlock it.

" Slow down baby." Yoongi came from behind. He was a bit confused, because Jimin usually don't ring the doorbell. He comes inside by punching in the passcode. But maybe his hands are full with bags today that's why he can't put in the password. Yeah, that must be it.

" Welcome hom-"

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