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When Jimin came out of the shower the house was engulfed in dead silence. He looked around hoping to find the other two in some corner of the big house but, there was no one. The front door was left half open, which made him come to the conclusion that the two of them were outside.

He walked out of the house into the small garden. The sound of footsteps made both the father and son, turn their head towards him.

Yoongi smiles on seeing Jimin, gesturing him to come close to them.
" Papa, can you help me plant these ?" Eunjae ran towards Jimin, putting out his little fist forward. He uncurls them slowly to show Jimin the little seeds he was holding onto.

" He got it from his school for a project." Yoongi explains for him.

Jimin crouches down to Eunjae's height, the pep talk with Yoongi earlier has helped him to change his way of thinking.
" Is it a flower ?" He takes one seed in his palm, examining it. He never took interest in such things before, so, he barely has any knowledge about it.

Eunjae shook his head to that.
" It's strawberry~" He sang it like one of his nursery rhyme and then giggled at his own cuteness.
" You like strawberry ?" Jimin asks wanting to know more about his son. God, he wants to spend the whole day just listening to Eunjae talk about himself.

" Appa says Eunie should eat fruits to grow like him. I like all fruits but, not mangoes." He scrunches his nose at the mention of mangoes. His dislike towards the fruit is showing clearly.
Jimin's heart skips a beat, he doesn't like mangoes too.

" You're a good boy." His hand twitches, he want to pat his head like Yoongi but he's still a little scared.
" You can plant them here." Yoongi brings out a pot filled with soil and places it in front of them.

Yoongi supported his back on the tree trunk and watched the bonding time of recently reunited father and son.
Jimin let Eunjae do all the work by himself but made sure to guide him at every step. The boy listened to him attentively, following his leads and soon, the little strawberry seeds were planted inside the pot.

" Papa let's go inside. I want to show you my toys." He says as soon as he was done with washing his muddy hands. He didn't let Jimin give him an answer and started dragging him inside.

Jimin tried to slow him down, but the boy was too excited to notice his efforts of doing so. In the end he just let himself get dragged by his overly excited son.
Eunjae only let go of Jimin's hand when they were finally in his room.

It was the first time Jimin came into his room. The walls were painted in pretty pastel colours unlike Yoongi's room that he was currently staying in. A single bed was placed next to the small window.
There were many different kind of stickers stuck on the wall. Jimin smiled as he traced all of them. They were stuck on a low level, highest where his son's arms could reach for now.

Eunjae took his hand again and made him sit on the soft, furry rug.
Once Jimin was in the position according to his liking, Eunjae brought all his toys down from the shelf.

" Wow, you've a lot of toys." Jimin watches all the toys his son put in his lap. They're of different kinds, some figurines, some plush toys, some cars and even robots.

" Appa and uncles bought them for me." He replies happily bouncing on his feet.
" Minjun uncle always bring Eunie new toys."

Jimin's head snap on hearing the unfamiliar name. Minjun ? Jimin hasn't heard this name before. Is he Yoongi's boyfriend ? He wants to ask just to settle his inner curiousity.

" Minjun uncle ? Is he a friend of your appa ?"
Eunjae nods his head to that, trying to remember the word he heard the other day.
" Yes, they went on a date yesterday." He remembers hearing it from his uncle Jin.

" Oh." Was all Jimin managed to say. He was happy, like genuinely happy but the void... The void in his heart was hard to ignore.

" When Aera comes here, I give all my toys to her but she threw them away." He says with a pout, hugging his panda plushie closer. He always try to impress the little girl with his toys but she doesn't take any interest in them.

Jimin smiles on hearing his son talking about his friends. It only makes him want to know more and more.

" Who's Aera ?" Maybe she's a neighbour or just a friend in his school. His mind tries to answer for him.
" Uncle Joon and uncle Jin's daughter." The momentarily shock made him tongue tied.

" W-what ? They have a d-daughter ?" It was far away from his imagination. He kinda expected the two of them to be together, maybe dating but the thought of them having a daughter never crossed his mind.

" Yeah, you should be glad you weren't here to witness them being all mushy and in love."
Yoongi says from behind, trying to ease Jimin's shock. Jimin turned around to see the alpha leaning on the door frame.

"Especially during their wedding, Joon cried after seeing hyung walking the aisle." He let out a laugh on remembering that day. It may have seemed a bit hilarious but he knew the emotions his best friend was feeling, he want to experience then too, someday. He took a seat next to Jimin.

" They got married ?"
Yoongi remembers that Jimin needs to be told a lot of things, he has missed out a lot.

" Hmm, idiots in love." A whiplash of sweet moments of his two friends flash before his eyes. A warm smile sits on his face.

" Their daughter is a true blessing. You wanna see her picture ?"
" Yes, please." Yoongi smiles before taking out his phone.

Jimin watches as Yoongi unlocked his phone, a wallpaper of Yoongi and Eunjae hugging each other tightly welcomed him. He smiled, they look so cute together.

Yoongi didn't have to go down much to search for Aera's pictures, his gallery is full of Eunjae and Aera, nothing else to see.

He hands Jimin his phone after opening a folder. Jimin just stare at the photograph in awe, tracing the picture with his finger. The baby is so cute. Anyone can tell she's Namjoon and Jin's daughter by one look. She's beautiful just like Jin and her dimpled smile just make her look like a mini Joon.

It left him wondering if Eunjae look like that too. A perfect combo of him and Yoongi...

" Her cheeks are so soft and round." Yoongi tells Jimin. The desperation to meet the baby girl grows in Jimin's heart on hearing every tiny detail about her.

He starts swiping to see more pictures of her, everytime getting more awestruck by her cuteness.
But the next picture made him stop smiling. It was a picture of Taehyung and Jungkook holding Aera in their arms.

" Appa, papa is crying." Eunjae says to Yoongi on noticing Jimin's tears.

Yoongi turns to face him with a worried expression. He puts his hand on Jimin's shoulder to burst his bubble. He knew  how Jimin could be about Taehyung and Jungkook, he kinda expected this behaviour.

Jimin inhales a sharp breath, looking at Jungkook and Taehyung just makes him want to cry. But he sucks up his tears on seeing the big doe eyes staring at him. He smiles to stop Eunjae from worrying about him.

He swipes next and he just froze, Yoongi looks into the phone to see what happened.
It was a selfie that Taehyung took from his phone. They were particularly close in this picture and Jungkook was kissing the omega's cheek.

" Grossly in love with each other." Yoongi says and Jimin cracks a smile. It feels good to know that his friends found their happiness.

" They got engaged." Yoongi feeds him the new information that the omega missed on, little by little.

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