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The sounds of curtains draping over, the tapping of footsteps and little huffs, Yoongi smiles at the sounds, but kept his eyes closed. He knows damn well that Jimin was awake, but he didn't open his eyes. He was waiting for that one thing.

" Hyung, I know you're awake."
Jimin tries to sound intimidating, but failed drastically at that.

Yoongi accidentally smiled at Jimin's cute voice, but soon returned to having no expression on his face.
" I just saw you smile." Jimin tried again, but the alpha is dense.

" You're even worse than Eunjae."
With that Jimin pulled the blanket towards himself, leaving Yoongi in cold. But the alpha didn't budge at the cold winds, he's determined.

" We'll be late for our date."
Yoongi was so tempted to open his eyes at the mention of their date, but he thought, just a little more.

When nothing else worked, Jimin knew he have to give in too. He sighs before going towards Yoongi's side. He admired the alpha's sleeping features for a second, before leaning down close to his face.

His lips puckered up to plant a kiss on his cheek. But just as his lips were about to touch Yoongi's cheek the alpha moved and it landed on his lips instead. Yoongi opened his eyes after finally getting his morning kiss, greeting Jimin with a smile.

Jimin screamed, trying to cover his blushing face with his hands.

" Hey, hey ! Let me see your beautiful face." Yoongi tried to uncover Jimin's face. The omega looked up with a frown, his face is on fire the way Yoongi looks at him.

It's been a month since the big event and their confession happened. Everything has been going smoothly. They've been going on many dates, all planned by Jimin.

It's not that Yoongi didn't want to plan a date for Jimin. But it was more like the omega wouldn't let him do anything, saying that Yoongi had done enough for him and it's his time to make the effort.

Jimin spend all his time getting to know Yoongi even better. Even the minimalist things like his favourite colour, Jimin was determined to know even that about Yoongi.

" Papa, Eunnie's ready." Eunjae came into their room to show them he was all dressed up.
" My handsome baby." Jimin ran his hand over Eunjae's hairs and gave them a little ruffle.

" He got that from me." Yoongi whispered into Jimin's ear, getting cheeky with him. Jimin is used to such things now.

" Yeah yeah, my handsome alpha."
Jimin turns to Yoongi and stroked his hairs too, like he just did with Eunjae. The boy giggled on seeing his parents being lovey dovey. Scenes like this always make him burst into the biggest smile. He's so happy for his parents.

" You go wash up. We'll leave once Taehyung is here to fetch Eunjae."

Jimin have planned a breakfast date for him and Yoongi. Eunjae mostly tag along with them, but once in a while Taehyung suggests to leave Eunjae with him so they could enjoy some private time. So, that's why he's going to Taekook's house today.

" Okay, sir."
Yoongi stands up from the bed and pressed a kiss to Eunjae's cheek, he turned to do so with Jimin, but the omega dodged him just in time. He poked his tongue out at the alpha, teasing him.

Yoongi huffed at that and went to take out his clothes and just as Jimin let his guard down for a second, he quickly stole a kiss from him and rushed to the bathroom before Jimin could shout behind him.


" Eunjae ah !"
Jimin looked over from the kitchen, to see Taehyung entering their house again without even knocking. He rolls his eyes at that, he really need to change the passcode now.

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