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' Time goes by in a flash when you wants it to goes slowly.'
Yoongi finally understood what the person would have meant when he said those words.
Five days have already passed by in a blink of eye and all that's left now are the last two days before Jimin goes back to America.

They've spent the last five days doing whatever Eunjae wanted them to do. Going to places like amusement parks, aquarium, ice skating, zoo and Lotte world.

Even if Eunjae knew about Jimin leaving, he didn't say a single word about it. Maybe it was because he didn't want to confront the reality or because of what Yoongi has asked of him.


Yoongi takes some deep breaths, his fist clenching and unclenching to compose himself. With a smile on his face he knocks on the door of his room, more like Jimin's room now.
It hurts him to think that some days later there will be no Jimin inside. when he opens the door of the room.

" Jimin ah.." He calls for the younger in a hushed tone, not wanting to wake Eunjae up. Since the boy has been practically stuck to Jimin nowadays, he didn't have much alone time to spend with the omega.

" Hyung ?"
When he heard his name being called from inside, Yoongi gets the affirmation that Jimin is still awake.

So with light steps he went inside. Jimin was sitting on the bed with a book in his hands. Or that's what he thought until he got a good look at that and it was actually Eunjae's photo album that have all of his photos from the baby till now.

Yoongi smiles and starts walking towards him. His hands are full because of the wine glasses and the bottle of red wine that he was holding.

" What is this ?"
Jimin asks as Yoongi settles everything down on the side table and then came to sit next to him.

" Since you will be busy with our friends tomorrow, I thought we could celebrate this last night together."
They still haven't told their friends about Jimin going back, so they're deciding to do it tomorrow by going to their houses. That way Jimin would be able to bid a nice goodbye this time.

The words 'last night' made Jimin feel a hollow feeling in his heart. He knows that they just have two days left now, but he doesn't want to accept the fact.

" You're saying as if I won't come back ever again." He laughs the matter off. But the words made Yoongi's eyes shine with hope. For someone who's been living in the dark even a ray of light is enough to feel him with hope.

" You will come back ?"
Yoongi's eyes are screaming 'say yes, even if you've to lie to me'. So that's what Jimin does with his bottom lip tucked between his lips.

" Of course, I will."
He smiles, but not his usual one. And even Yoongi can see that so, he quickly changes the subject.

" Ah, I haven't had a drink in a while. I was saving this for a special time." He takes the glass and hands over one to Jimin, then goes to caress the transparent glass bottle.

" That means I'm special ?"
Jimin tried to lighten the atmosphere by cracking some jokes here and there. And Yoongi doesn't have it in him to smile but, he fakes it for Jimin's sake. If only Jimin knew how special he was to him. Maybe it's his fault too, for not telling him that.

He pours the wine and they clink their glasses together, taking their first sip. This is the first time he's drinking with Jimin. When Yoongi was about to refill again Jimin stopped him.
" Wait-- something is missing."

Yoongi raise his brows at that. Jimin smiles smugly before getting off the bed and going towards the window where Yoongi's guitar rested on the stand.

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