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" Jimin !" Yoongi comes shouting his name. It's been a while since the two omega went somewhere private to talk and they haven't come back yet. The alpha is afraid things might have gotten heaten up a bit.

" Jim-" He spots the two familiar figures coming into his direction. And the sight is oddly different from his imagination. 
Jin has his arm wrapped from Jimin and Jimin is leaning onto the older for support.

His face is paler than ever, even his beautiful pink lips have turned into a blueish colour.
" Jimin ah, are you okay ?" He goes to hold Jimin into his arms. The omega almost slipped, if not for Yoongi's big veiny hands resting on his waist.

There are dried tears stain that runs down his sculptured face, breaking Yoongi's frail heart. He's a strong person, he can withstand anything, but not even one teardrop that comes out of the omega's eyes.
" Yeah hyung, I'm okay." Jimin says, even though his legs are shaking and so are his hands.

Yoongi turns to look at Jin, he didn't realised that he's releasing his alpha pheromones to assert his dominance. Jimin nudges him, shaking his head to tell him that it wasn't because of the omega.

The alpha wanted to say something but decided to stay silent for the meantime.
" Let's go, the kids are getting restless." Jimin nods to that, getting himself out of Yoongi's arms.

It's just the aftermath of anxiety attack that leave him with no strength in his body. His limbs are still trembling and even though he's feeling down, he still puts on a big smile as they approach the kids.

Yoongi turns to Jin, when Jimin is away from there. He knows he doesn't have any right to speak in between the two friends but he have to intervene before this gets even more messy.

" Hyung.." He whisper lightly to catch the older's attention who's looking at Jimin. Even Jin's eyes looks like he's so scared and shocked.
" Just... Just give him a chance." Yoongi's begging.

" He's been through a lot-" his eyes find Jimin happily bouncing Aera in his arms. The omega puts on a smile like nothing happened.
" - he's trying his best to make up for those years. Just please give him a chance." He finishes his sentence with eyes still on Jimin.

" I think he deserves it." With that he soon walks away to join the kids. Leaving Jin to think on his own.

The omega inhales a sharp breath. He admits, he was a little rude back there. Heck, that was not how he imagined reconciling with Jimin will be, if it ever happened.

He was going to hug his friend tightly in his arms and tell him how much he missed him. He was going to tell him about all the little anecdotes from his daily life. He was going to tell him about Aera and her little habits. But, when he saw him standing there in flesh... His brain got short circuited.

He was happy, ecstatic, elated, surprised, confused, entranced, relieved, hurt all at once. So many emotions going through like a roller coaster that took the ability to think straight away from him.
But, now that his mind is calm and the anger seems to seep into the ground, then only he realises the words he have blurted to the younger.

Yeah, it was Jimin's fault. But that doesn't give him the right to be that rude to his friend. Because even after all these years, he's still the same Jimin to him. The same Jimin that'll try new recipes and make him taste first to get his approval, the same Jimin that'll bring icecream for him when something bad happened. His sweet Jimin that he loves and cherish so much.

He watches the way Jimin played with Aera, she has her hand wrapped around Jimin's finger with a big, big smile. He was yearning to see this view since so long. How he wished Jimin was there with them when Aera was born, he wanted to see the omega holding his niece. But atleast he got to see so now.

He walks back to them, sitting next to his husband. Namjoon wrapped his arm around his waist. Asking him if he's feeling okay or not. Jin assures him with a smile.

He catches Jimin looking his way but when he looked back the omega shifts his gaze. There's this terrified look in his eyes.

Jin clears his throat grabbing Jimin's attention.

" Did you bring something for the picnic ? Or are we all going to get starved ?" He speaks to the omega. His tone is not honey laced but it isn't laced with poision either. It's just the perfect tone you talk to your best friend in.

Jimin's face beams on seeing the older talk to him. He passes Aera into Yoongi's arms, instantly bringing forward a big bag that is full with the breakfast he prepared by himself.

" I made so much for all of us to enjoy." His face glows because of how happy he is right now.

" There's kimbap, dumplings, rolled egg omelette, rice balls and toasts. You can eat anything you want." He puts all the food out in open and it's just too much. Yoongi is actually shocked as to when the omega got the time to prepare all this.

" Also, I brought some mild snacks for Aera. And her favourite strawberry milk." Namjoon and Jin give each other glances, astonished that Jimin has came so prepared like he was desperately waiting for this day. Actually, he was.

" Shall we start ?" Namjoon says and puts his hand to take one dumpling. Eunjae soons follows behind his uncle.

Jimin puts the food in front of Jin, hoping the older would take it and he actually did.
Jimin's eyes beamed when he saw Jin enjoying it. He didn't dare to ask how it was but his eyes are doing enough work to ask the same.

" It's tasty." Jin says making the younger smile in content. There's even some happy tears forming in Jimin's eyes out of happiness but he's quick to wipe them away.

Yoongi puts his hand on Jimin's thigh to tell him that he's proud of him. Jimin's hard work is finally paying off.

Jimin returns the warm gesture by putting his hand on top of Yoongi's and directs a smile at him. He's happy, so, so happy.

In between them, the little Aera looks at both her uncles with her doe eyes and smiles. As if she can feel the happiness radiating from them too.

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