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Being the best cook in the house, Jin was the in charge of cooking food for everyone. Since the alphas, Namjoon and Hobi were in the living room busy playing with the children, Taehyung, Jimin and Ryu decided to lend Jin a helping hand in the kitchen.

" Where's Yoongi hyung ?" Taehyung asks when he didn't spot the alpha anywhere near them.
Namjoon was reading a story book to Eunjae while Hoseok was hissing from pain because Aera really likes to pull his hair. But Yoongi wasn't there with them.

" He said he's tired from driving for long time. So, maybe he fell asleep." Jimin replied to him casually, his eyes were too focused on cutting the spring onion in equal size.

" Let's play ping pong."
Taehyung suggested, stretching his arms out, he was bored from all this cooking. At home, usually Jungkook is the one who cooks for him, since the alpha likes to pamper him. So, he never took a great interest in cooking.

Jimin and Jin just spared each other a glance before they went back to cutting their vegetables. Taehyung understand the awkward air that surrounds his two friends. He want them to be back to normal, just like before.

" We still have to do a lot of things." Jin tried to get away, because he's still a bit cautious of Jimin. He's unsure of how he feels to welcome his friend back.
" Me and Ryu will do the rest of work, you should rest for a while." Hobi announced his presence, going right to his boyfriend's side and engulfing him in a back hug.

Now, Jin was left with no other option than to give in to Taehyung's demand.
" Fine." He said and both the younger omegas shrieked in excitement.

Taehyung dragged them both outside in the open where there was a table set up already for them to play.
" I'll be the referee, you two should play." Taehyung hands them their racket and sat on one of the chairs himself, right in the middle from where he could get a good view of the game.

" Let's see who'll win." He gives them his permission to start the game.
" It'll be Jin hyung, he's the ace of ping pong." Jimin's comment made Jin flush. He covered his red face with his hand, trying hard not to smile at the compliment.

" Let's play." He said simply, but his smile didn't go unnoticed by the other two omegas.

They continued to play the game for sometime and Jin let himself get lost in the moment, forgetting about the other things for a second or two. He felt like he was teleported a few years back into his life, when he was still in college, so carefree and happy. Jimin felt like the same way.

" Yah! How can you be so bad at this ? I thought you'd have learned some skills in America." Jin said unconsciously, teasing Jimin just like before. The words flow out of his mouth without much thinking.

The comment made Jimin's eyes water with happiness, it felt like everything was getting better. Not so rapidly, but slowly.

" I know, right ? I thought he'd be a changed Jimin when I meet him again, but turned out he's the same dumb person ever." Taehyung went and put his arm around Jimin's shoulder, forcing the omega to look at him.

Jimin elbowed him in the stomach for teasing him.
" You're bullying me." He whined like a little child, almost sounding like Eunjae.

Taehyung then looked at Jin and both exchanged some glances.
" We're just stating facts." Then all three of them burst into laughter. The happy laughter of three best friends who missed each other dearly.

" They're so happy." Namjoon comments when he saw Yoongi staring deeply at the trio.
Yoongi only nods his head lightly, he didn't notice that there were tears forming in his eyes.

" I hope they always stay like that." Namjoon put his hand on Yoongi's shoulder and gave it a little squeeze. Even after all these years he can easily read Yoongi's emotions like an open book. Maybe, the older only lets his walls down when he's with him.

" Is Jungkook still upstairs ?"
Yoongi's whole demeanor changes on hearing Jungkook's name. He's still a little mad at how the younger behaved with Jimin.

" What's wrong ?" Namjoon quickly senses the shift in his composure.
So, after huffing out a deep sigh, Yoongi told him everything that happened between Jungkook and Jimin in the last days.

After hearing all that, Namjoon only exhales a deep breath as he shakes his head.
" And you think you're doing the right thing by getting mad at him ?"

Yoongi turns to face Namjoon, because he was so sure that this was the right thing to do. Anyone in his shoes would be mad at Jungkook.

" I know Jungkook's behaviour is unjustified. I'm not saying that you're in wrong for getting mad at him. But you're his hyung."
He feeds the great words into Yoongi's brain a little at a time.

" Jungkook is like a little child. You need to guide him, hyung. You can't just leave his hand like that when he needs you the most."
It's like an eye opening experience, Yoongi realises that whatever Namjoon is saying is the truth. And how dumb he is to behave like a child when he should behave like a mature person.

" Namjoon ah, have I ever told you how much I love you ?"
Namjoon laughed at that, his dimples showing to full extent.

He puts his hand on Yoongi's shoulder and looks at him dramatically. His eyes turning down and teeth nibbling on the bottom lip.
" Hyung, I've a husband."
And then they both end up laughing.

" What're you two laughing at ?" Jin steps inside and looks at the two of them suspiciously, he must've thought that they were bad mouthing him behind his back.

" Hyung just told me how much he loves me." Jin gave Yoongi a glance at that. Yoongi raises his hand in defense, trying to convince Jin that, Namjoon was telling the truth.

" Oh, when did you come down ?" Jimin comes inside after he and Taehyung were finished picking up the balls.

" While you were busy in losing the game." Yoongi said and then burst into laughter himself.

" Yah!" Jimin shouts at the older.
He threw the ping pong ball at Yoongi but that missed him by an inch. At that the alpha poked his tongue out to tease him. So, Jimin threw the racket this time and it hit right on Yoongi's arms.

" That hurts." He said rubbing the sore spot frantically. Jimin only smiled at him in victory.


The alphas were in the charge of looking after the children while the omegas prepared the food. The ingredients were already chopped, the only thing left to do was to cook them.

Yoongi was desperately waiting for Jungkook to come down so, he could have a talk with him, but the alpha didn't come down.

Even when the food was ready and served, he didn't show up. So, Taehyung was about to go call for him, but Yoongi stopped him by placing his hand on Taehyung's wrist, pulling him back.

" I'll go."
He starts to get up but was stopped by Jimin this time.
Jimin was afraid the alpha might do something wrong in rage. So, Yoongi assured him that he didn't have any intention of doing that.

It wasn't easy to convince Jimin, but when the omega saw the sincerity in Yoongi's eyes, he let him go. Hoping that the things wouldn't get awkward between the two because of him.

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