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The little house is engulfed in a sweet aroma that runs from the kitchen to the living room and further into all the rooms. It's like a spell that attracts the little footsteps towards it.

" Appa." The little boy announces his presence. Running to the kitchen with his footsteps making a pitter patter sound. His arms wraps around his dad's legs, too young to properly hug him.

Yoongi smiles at that, picking up his baby in one swing and settling him down on the kitchen counter so that they could he on an eye to eye level.

" Smells yummy~." He rubs his little tummy with his mouth already watering and Yoongi just bursts into the biggest smile. It's hard to not smile at every little thing his son does.

" Who's the best cook in the world ?" He turns off the stove to lean closer to his son so that their foreheads were touching.

The boy let out a mischievous giggle before replying.
" Uncle Jin." He laughs more louder when he spots his dad frowning. He always think his father looks cute with his nose scrunched up like that, he reminds him of a cat.

" Brat." Yoongi muttered in a fake annoyed tone, only to pick his son up and shower him with kisses. His hand wrap around his little tummy and starts tickling there.

" Appa tickles." He tries to get out of his grasp but he doesn't succeed.
" That's what you get for saying that I'm not a good cook." He continues tickling him until the boy is breathless.

" My appa is the best cook." Eunjae finally says it.
" In the whole world ?" He nods his head furiously at that he don't want his father to tickle him again.

Their sweet moment was interrupted by the doorbell. The boy hooked his arm over his father's neck wanting to be carried by him. And Yoongi obliged to his request.
He have a hunch who might be at the door.

" Uncle Minjun!" Eunjae shrieked on seeing the smaller omega standing with his hand full of bags. He jumped directly into his arms.
" Eunie ah." He let all the bags fall to the ground and just grabbed the boy, spinning him in his arms.

They continued to hug and giggle in each other's arms like that until Yoongi cleared his throat to gain their attention.

" Hey Yoongs!" Yoongi scrunches his nose at the nickname.
" I told you not to call me that." Minjun walked inside with Eunjae still latching to him.
Yoongi scoffed a little at how his son seems to love Minjun more than him.

" Why ? I like it. Eunie like it too, right ?" Eunjae nods his head at the question. He's like a parrot who agrees to everything that Minjun says.

" Eunie you're a big boy now. Get down from uncle's lap." Eunjae shakes his head to that, hiding himself more in Minjun's arms. He loves the omega too much to let go of him.

" Let him be. He's still a baby." He ruffles Eunjae hairs and a image of a five month old Eunjae start replaying itself in his head.

" Yeah, one day he'll be getting married and you'll still say he's a baby." He laughed at that because there was some truth in that statement.

" No, but for real. It feels like it was just yesterday you showed up at my office with Eunie latched to your chest." That brought a whiplash of memories to Yoongi.

A dropout student, who didn't took his responsibilities serious before, was now suddenly taking care of a little human, who he knew nothing about how or what to do.

If he thought that he was ready to take care of a baby he was proved wrong. He wasn't ready to wake up in the middle of the night when Eunjae cried, he wasn't ready to make baby formula while studying for an upcoming test, he wasn't ready to choose diapers over a nice meal. He wasn't ready for the parenthood..
But that didn't mean he gave up.

Of course, it was hard. He didn't expected it to be easy to be a single father. Even with the help of his friends and family it was still so hard for him. They would help to take care of the baby in the day while Yoongi attended his classes and worked part-time. But when he'd come home tired and the baby would start crying, it made him tear up too.

It was taking a toll on him. He'd find himself sitting in a corner and wishing for Jimin to be there with him.

He would think how different his life would have been if Jimin was there.
Jimin would know how to calm the baby down. He'd sing to their son when he woke up in the middle of night.

But then he would remember that he chose Jimin's happiness himself, he wanted Jimin to be happy. Even if he was here, and not happy then their live would have been suffocating. But now that they're away, atleast they're happy in their respective lives.

When Eunjae was five months old Yoongi decided this was it. He dropped out of the college, his dream to pursue music was long gone, all there left was a will to give his son a good life.

With Eunjae strapped onto his chest he went from company to company, giving interviews while also taking care of his son. It wasn't easy, some just declined him on seeing a baby with him.

He was almost so close to give up, when he went to the last company. He was a bit shocked to see the CEO being a young omega, mostly they comprise of either alphas or betas.

That's how he met Minjun. His kind boss.  He liked Yoongi's will to work and employed him at that instant. Not only that, he also put a crib in the office so Yoongi wouldn't have to worry about Eunjae.

Yoongi was so thankful for that, he almost cried. That's how they got so close. Minjun loved Eunjae like his own son.

" There, there. Your appa is zoning out again." He spoke to Eunjae and snapped his finger in front of Yoongi's eyes, bringing him back to the present.

" Ah, we were just about to eat breakfast. Wanna join ?" He stands up and walks towards the kitchen. It's crazy how domestic this all feels now. Minjun coming at their house announced is not a big deal anymore.

" Can never say no to such good food." He puts Eunjae down, holding his hand instead.

" Let's help your appa in setting the table." The duo waddled to the kitchen. Trailing behind Yoongi like little ducklings.
Yoongi found it do endearing how close Minjun is to Eunjae. Their bond is almost like that between a parent and a child.

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