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The air of America... it's surely different from Korea. It has been four years since he moved here. Four years, since he last saw all his friends. Four years, since he left Yoongi and his son behind in Korea without a single notice.

It's been four years but he's still not used to this place. Even when he's living perfectly fine and doing what he always wanted to do, he can't help but feel like his life is still incomplete. Like there's missing a part in his heart and he'll only find it in Korea.

" There you go... Daydreaming, again." The taller alpha snaps his finger in front of Jimin. He have a big smile on his face, just like usual. Sometimes, Jimin envy him for how happy he is. He too, want to be happy.

" So...." He starts but doesn't finish. The nervousness radiates from the pheromones he's letting out. It's hard to control his strong alpha scent that asserts his dominance.

" I heard you're gonna be appointed as a professor soon ?" He says with a genuine smile. Of course, he's happy for Jimin.

" Yeah." Jimin replies plainly, not even bothering to look at the alpha.
" You sound sad." Daejeong points it out.

Is he really sad ? What's there to be sad about ? Isn't this what he wanted ? Studying in his dream university and then getting his dream job ? This is what he always wished for. Then why is he not happy ?

" I'm happy." He fakes a smile and the alpha laughs. Somehow, he can easily see through Jimin's fake smile. It's that obvious.

" Jimin, I know you since four years. Don't try to lie to my face."
Something about Daejeong reminds Jimin of Taehyung. He wonders if the omega is still mad at him. Of course, he'd be, he just came to America without notifying anyone. Changed numbers, broke all contacts, it's no doubt they all hate him.

Does Jungkook hate him too ? He misses the younger's face. He would have grown quite taller too, right ? And maybe a bit more muscular. That child really loved to work out. He smiles a little on the thoughts.
Jungkook is his only family, he can't see the apha hating him. And Yoongi...

" Earth to Jimin." Daejeong stops him before his thoughts could turn to Yoongi. It's best if he doesn't think about the alpha.

He met Daejeong one week after he arrived here. Since, he was from Korea too, the two clicked instantly. It was good to know someone from your country in a foreign land.

Daejeong was an alpha too, anyone can tell by the aura that surrounds him and his strong scent. People often mistook him for someone who's rude and arrogant but in reality he's a sweet person. Jimin learned the fact after their first meet.

" So, what're you going to do for the break ?" Jimin has a month before he starts his job as the professor. His studies are complete now and it's time for him to start working.

" How about a date with me ?" The alpha says with a smile and it exposes his dimple. He have a soft smile contrary to his aura that screams dominance.

He's trying to court Jimin for the past months and even Jimin isn't unknown of the fact. He knows that the alpha likes him but he's unclear of his own feelings. He don't want to play with his heart and use him as a rebound for Yoongi.

" Dae, you know-" the alpha stops him before he could reject him again.
" Yeah, I know you're not interested in relationship and shit. But atleast give it a try. If you don't like it, then we can stop."

" Let's just go on one date atleast.."  He looks at Jimin with his pleading eyes and Jimin is so close to give in.

Daejeong is right. He should atleast give him a chance. He knows his heart isn't capable of loving someone. But maybe it's finally the time he opens the door to his close heart.

" Fine." He sighs out.
The alpha instantly leapt to his side , engulfing him in a hug, probably too excited after finally hearing his approval.

Jimin walks backward, he has something to tell him before the alpha get's his hopes up.
" I'm going back to Seoul for a month. We can go on a date after that." Daejeong freezes like a statue.

" Wait- you're going back ? After four years ? Why ?" Jimin didn't think that the news would be that shocking to him.

" Nothing, I just miss Korea. And after taking the job I don't think so I'll be able to visit anyways. So, it'll be like a goodbye." Yeah, a goodbye. This time it'll a proper goodbye to his past as he steps into a new future.

" Oh.." The alpha goes silent. He have a lot in his head but he decide rather not to say it.
Jimin never told him about his life in Korea but he have a hunch that there's someone there that still holds Jimin's heart.

" When is your flight ?" He tries not to dwell on his own thoughts.
" Next week." They starts walking again.
" I'll drop you off." Jimin just nods.

" Jimin..."
Jimin hums in response to let him know he's listening.
" You'll come back right ?" Jimin stops at that, turning around to see him stopping a few steps away from him.

" Of course. I've no reason to stay there." He bites his lips as his mind decides to show him some flashback but he stops them before they could fully take over him. He don't have any reason to stay there.

" Okay.." The alpha whispers but inside his heart he have a doubt that this is the last time he'll be seeing Jimin.

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