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The sun was about to set, painting the sky in the orange hues. The divinely view made Jimin wanting to detach himself from the worldly worries and just feel the happiness present in the atmosphere. What made the simple sunset more special was the presence of his friends.

Their snack time was mostly Eunjae running with his food in his hands until one of his uncles chased him down. The boy hasn't calmed down since he heard about the firecrackers. He has been bugging them for several minutes now and Hoseok finally gave in.

So, they were busy taking the crackers out and sorting them. Jimin and Yoongi were the only one sitting aside and admiring the view, when Jimin suddenly stands up as he is reminded of something.

" Where are y'going ?" Yoongi asked on seeing the omega rushing away from him.
Jimin didn't reply and just gestured him to wait for some minutes.

After some time he came back with Yoongi's new guitar in his hand. He has loaded the guitar in the car trunk the previous day.

" Why did you bring it here ?"
Jimin passes the guitar to Yoongi and sat on his previous seat.
" What else goes better than music with this view." He looks upto Yoongi, asking him to play, but the older kept the guitar away which earns him a whine from Jimin.

" I told you, it's been years since I last held a guitar. I'm not so good."
He tries to reason but Jimin isn't satisfied with that. He wants Yoongi to play for him even if it's not that good.

" Hyung, please. Anything is fine. I won't criticize your singing."
Yoongi tries hard not to look at Jimin because he knows that the omega has that puppy expression on his face, but Jimin is stubborn too and he keeps pushing his face closer to Yoongi.

" Ah, fine. Just one song." He finally says, when the close proximity made his heart race.
The sentence worked like magic and Jimin sat back on his place with a big grin.

Yoongi thinks for some time, before he finally chose a song in his head. Slowly he starts strumming the guitar.
He remembered that he learned to play this song sometime in middle school, but it's been years so he's not sure if he'll play it in the right chord or not. But for Jimin, he'll give it a try.

"It was too close to say anything."

He sings the first line, looking at Jimin. Although Jimin only asked to play the song, Yoongi wants to sing the lyrics too because his heart is telling him to do so.

Jimin is awestruck when he heard Yoongi sing, but he doesn't interrupt the alpha in the middle and continued to listen to him silently.

" It was too close to see anyone else."

Whenever Jimin is close to him, he can't focus on the outer world. Just like right now, their friends are busy bursting cracker and having fun with each other, but Yoongi's lost in a whole different world with Jimin being his only view.

" It was so close that I almost lost my breath."

The feeling of air being knocked out of his lungs when he saw Jimin for the very first time, came back. He wasn't able to breathe for a good second because of the omega's beauty. It's a given that omega's are known for their beauty, but Jimin was just something different. No one was able to catch his eye before and after Jimin.

" And we are here today because of that closeness."

He flinches his eyes on knowing how he just played the wrong chord. But Jimin didn't paid attention because he's enchanted by Yoongi's voice right now.

" Maybe you just met me by chance.
Maybe we were in the same place by chance."

By chance... Was it a mere coincidence that they met ?

"Because you had never experienced that feeling,
And I had never experienced it either."

Even though he has dated many people before Jimin finally came into his life, he never fully understood what love was until Jimin made him feel all those emotions he never thought he was willing of feeling.

" If we had not started our conversation that day,
We wouldn't have known the feeling today."

If Taehyung haven't introduced them that day, if Jimin hasn't asked him to help him with his heats, if he would've declined the offer... then the things would have been so different. He wouldn't be feeling these kind of feelings then.

" Because neither of us knew, what it was like.
Who are we stopping ourselves for ? For who ?"

He feels Jimin's eyes on him when he sang those particular lines. He wanted to stop, but for Jimin he continued.

"We had no reason to stop."

They had no reason, but they still did. And Yoongi's afraid that the history will repeat itself.

" There are two paths, we might have to decide,
Whichever path we take, will you stay or go ?"

He isn't brave enough to ask Jimin that himself so he's asking it through this song.
Jimin isn't brave enough too, that's why he doesn't look into Yoongi's eyes.

"Maybe you just met me by chance,
Maybe we were in the same place by chance.
Because you had never experienced that feeling,
And I had never experienced it either"

" If we had not started our conversation that day,
We wouldn't have known the feeling today.
Because neither of us knew, what it was like"

" Who are we stopping ourselves for ?"

He has now fully diverted his attention to Jimin, he looks at him intensively as he sings the last two lines.

" Will we continue to walk together ?"

He doesn't realise that his eyes are glassy, until he sees the ocean getting blurred. He strummed the guitar one last time before his hands fall limp.

" Hyung..." Jimin never completed his sentence. And maybe in that silence Yoongi found his answer. He found the answer to the question he never asked.

" Look, Eunjae is calling you. You should go." He makes Jimin turn back with his sentence. They saw Eunjae jumping and waving at them, asking them to join him.

" Aren't you coming ?" Jimin asks in a hushed tone. All of a sudden, he's been feeling a heavy weight on his chest.
Yoongi quickly wipes the wetness off his eyes and looks up with a smile.

" Yeah, I'll just put this back in the car and then join you."
On getting the affirmation that Yoongi will join them, Jimin walks away towards Eunjae, but his usually smile is missing.

Once he was able to put the guitar back in the car, Yoongi joined them too, as promised.
While Jimin was busy lighting up the crackers with Eunjae, Yoongi was busy capturing the moments in his camera with a smile on his face but his heart was hurting. Because somewhere deep down, he understood that these moments were only going to live in his camera roll.


Since this is getting too long than I initially planned, I'll try to fasten the pace a bit haha. I'll focus on the main scenes now. And also, *cough* angst *cough* incoming *cough*.  ^_^

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