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" They look so happy." He wipes the tears trickling down his chin. His heart has been doing flips since he saw them like that. They look so cute together, more like match made in heaven.

" They would be happy to see you. They all miss you so much." Jimin looks at Yoongi, the older is giving him an assuring smile. He knows, Yoongi wants him to come out of his bubble but he's scared. It'd need him some time before he can finally meet his friends that he has hurted so much.

" I need some time." He breaths out. The idea of wanting to see them is really tempting. He just want to go crash in their arms and beg for forgiveness.

" Jungkook cried so much when you left suddenly." The youngest's puffy eyes and swollen face was so heartbreaking for all of them to see.

" Taehyung was the only one who knew about your plan to go to America. When Jungkook heard about it, he was ready to hop on the next plane. But we somehow managed to stop him." Jungkook is a hard headed person, it took them a lot of efforts to stop him from following Jimin.

Honestly, what Jimin regretted the most was leaving them without any notice and cutting all ties with them. He beat up himself because of that for years.

" They hate me, don't they ?" Jimin knows they hate him and Yoongi won't be able to deny what's true. If he was in his friend's shoes he would have done so too.

" No, they don't hate you they're just-- mad at you." Jimin rolls his eyes at the older's, how is that any different.
" Was that supposed to calm me ?" He asks raising his brows, but that actually calmed him a little.

" Yeah. We only get angry at the person we love." He tries his best to comfort Jimin. He might not be the best person in doing so, but atleast he's trying.
Jimin leans closer to Yoongi at that.

" Then, are you angry at me ?" He asks unfazed, looking directly into Yoongi's orbs.
" Huh ?" Then only, Jimin realise how he indirectly asked Yoongi if he loves him or not.

" What ?"
" What ?" He immediately breaks the eye contact and looked down at the soft toy Eunjae has put down on his lap, it's a little squirrel.

" Papa, it's you." Eunjae brings a chick plushie and extends it forward for Jimin to see.
" He looks exactly like your papa." Yoongi snickers from behind.

" I don't look like that." Jimin said with his pouty lips curving out, unconsciously making the same face as the plushie.

Eunjae looked at Yoongi at that and both started laughing.
Jimin's eyes spot a cat plushie and he immediately grabbed it.

" Look it's just like you, hyung." Jimin laughs at the similarity between the two. Yoongi who was laughing before now tried to fake an annoyed look.

" Appa is a cat." Eunjae starts chanting it like a spell and soon Jimin joined him.
" Yah! You're already turning my son against me." Jimin pokes out his tongue at the older. The moment felt so natural like Jimin was never missing from their life, like he's been here since the day and one not from just one day ago.

The moment wouldn't last long but it's better to experience it for a short time then to never get to experience it.


" He's so small here." Jimin looks at the photo album of his son. He looks around 6 months in the picture, laying on the bed with his little fists clenched and cheeks squished on the mattress, so close to sleeping.
It's like Yoongi was trying to take a good picture but the model was too sleepy. Afterall he's Yoongi's son, of course he's a sleepyhead.

" I was even afraid to hold him sometime, thinking I would hurt him." Yoongi remembers the time, he practically treated Eunjae like a glass ball.

He saw Jimin getting tensed at that and almost read through his thoughts.

" In this photo, he peed on me." He said trying to distract Jimin from thinking too deep into it and it actually worked.

" Hyung, look at your face." He keeps on looking back and forth between Yoongi and the photograph.
" Eunjae looks like he's so proud after peeing on his dad." He giggles again, Yoongi missed this beautiful laugh so much.

The younger kept on rummaging through the pages and Yoongi kept on admiring him with his face supported on his elbow.

" How is America ?" He asks in between.
" The place is really nice and cozy. Quite beautiful actually." He smiled, America is nice but nothing compares to his hometown's beauty.

" Did you make many friends ?"

" Not much, it was a bit hard to get mixed with other people at first. I felt like a complete outsider on the first day but then I met Daejeong." The smile that Jimin has on his face when he mentions that name made the dull ache resurface in Yoongi's heart. The same ache he felt years ago on seeing Jimin and Jungkook together.

" Boyfriend ?" Yoongi doesn't realise he asked it out loud until he finds Jimin staring at him.
" No, we're just good friends."
" But he asked me on date before I came here." He said, not wanting to hide anything from Yoongi.

" So, what did you say ?" Yoongi hasn't been this anxious in a few years now.
" I said we can go on one after I come back." He could have just lied and said that he rejected him but he wants to be an open book this time.

" Oh, that's good." Yoongi smiled. Jimin was finally happy and moving on, meaning the decesion he took years ago was a good one.

If he held onto Jimin that day, against his will, they may have ended up together for a short period of time. There would have been so much fights and quarrel because they were both suffering in their own ways. Their wounds were open and then they would have hurted each other more.

But now, years later. So much have changed. They are happy in their respective lives, on their path of healing. They don't feel any kind of hatred or hard feelings towards each other. They're still good friends, their bonds seeming more stronger than before.

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