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" Tae's a natural with babies." Seokjin whispers into Yoongi's direction. Their eyes are focused on Taehyung who's bouncing Aera in his arms while playing with Eunjae at the same time.
The comment that Jin made had Yoongi think if Jimin was here he would have been like that too.

" I heard you went on a date." Namjoon said out of nowhere. Jin instantly turned his gaze from Taehyung to look at Yoongi with big wide eyes.
" No- wait- it's not like that." He immediately jumped to his defense. Namjoon laughed on seeing his hyung being flustered like that.

" Who even told you that ?" Namjoon just look at Eunjae, and is enough to tell Yoongi that it's all his little boy's doing.
" Stop asking my son for details of my life." Namjoon raised his hands up in the air. In his defense, he and Eunjae like to gossip alot and the detail was just slipped in between one such talks.

" If you were curious, you could have just asked me."
Jin slammed his hands on the table at that, he's mad at the fact that his husband didn't told him about it even when he knew it.

" Fine, I'm asking you now. How was your date ?" He asks desperately looking right into Yoongi's eyes as if he'll slit his throat if he doesn't answer to him.
" It wasn't a date. You know me, Eunjae and Minjun just hangout sometime. It's nothing like that." He's trying his best to stay sane but the glare and smirk that his friends are giving him is making it impossible for him.

" But that boy have the biggest crush on you." Yoongi can't deny what Jin said, because it's that obvious.
" You should give him a chance." Namjoon joins from behind, supporting his husband.

Before Yoongi could add more to his defense, his phone dinged with a notification. He didn't saw what the message read but it was from Minjun. So, he quickly turned the screen over so the other two won't see it. Or it'll give them more material to tease him with.

But he's on the unlucky side today. Jin snatches the phone with his quick reflexes. Even though Yoongi's phone is protected with a password it isn't hard to crack it. Just put 'myloveEunjae' and it'll open easily.

His lips curled in the upward direction as the eyes scanned the text.
" He wanna go on a date next weekend." Namjoon looked over Jin's shoulder to get a sneak peek of the message too.

" Hyung this is your chance, say yes." Namjoon tries to persuade his hyung.
But Yoongi is shaking his head at the idea. He don't need anyone else, Eunjae is enough for him.

" Atleast give him a chance, it'll be less painful to forget him that way."
Yoongi just stared at Jin. Everyone knows he's waiting for something that'll never happen. Even though he says he has moved on they can see that he's secretly holding onto the possibility that maybe one day he'll come back.

" But-"
" I'm just telling you to go on this date. You know Minjun since last four years he's a good person and even Eunjae like him too." That seems to change Yoongi's mind a little. Eunjae like Minjun, there's no denying it.

Four years have already passed. Jimin must have move on too and it's time that he walk away from these memory too that has been holding him back.

" Fine." He says in a half hearty tone.

" Who's going on a date ?" Jungkook came from behind on hearing the discussion, with Eunjae stuck on his hips.

Jungkook loves Eunjae as his own son probably more because he see Jimin's face in him. Yoongi can see it in Jungkook's eyes, the sad look, the look of longing for that special person. Yoongi knows it all, too well.

" Yoongi is." Jin answers for Yoongi.
Jungkook is a little taken back, but at the same time happy too that Yoongi was finally moving on. Deep down he always blamed himself for how things turned out.

Upto this day he still live in guilt, Yoongi tried to tell him many a times that it's not his fault. Even though Jungkook lied to him, Yoongi doesn't have it in him to be mad at him.

Seeing the situation getting complex, Jungkook let Eunjae down from his back so he could go and play with Taehyung and Aera in the other corner.

" So, who's the lucky person ?"
Jungkook has warmed up alot to talk casually with them. Being the youngest in the group he's always being babied by his hyungs even when they have their own kids.

" Minjun, Yoongi's boss."
They all know about him, Yoongi have talked about him alot to them. Mostly about how kind he is and how good he is with Eunjae. So, they trust him.

" That's good." He smiles, he feels happy for his hyung.

On one side Yoongi's feeling excited but on the other side he don't know why he feels like this isn't right. As if Jimin is the only person right for him.

" Jungkook ah, when are you getting married. I've even decided on my suit." Jin says, making the other cover his face with his hands.

" Aera and Eunjae will be your flower girl and boy." Namjoon says putting his arm around Jin's waist, pulling his husband closer. Jin let him do so, smuggling into Namjoon's arms.

" Of course, that goes without saying, hyung." Taehyung comes from behind and sat next to his fiancè. Passing the little girl into Jungkook's arms. They hold the girl carefully in between them.

A smile always forms on Yoongi's lips whenever he sees his friends like this. Together and happy. It just remind him how they've been through alot together and they still are each other's safe space. Even after 20 years from now they'll stay the same.

The small hands wrap around his legs and he's withdrawn from his thoughts.
" Up, up!" Eunjae made grabby hands towards him and Yoongi doesn't waste any time to pick him up in his arms.

The little boy snuggles and curls himself into Yoongi's chest, probably tired after running so much with his uncles today.
Yoongi stroked his hairs slowly, leaving a long kiss on top of his head.

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