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With quite steps and sucked in breath Jimin tiptoes quitely to his room upstairs. They were so engrossed in their talk that they didn't bother to check the time. It was already so dark in the night, perhaps a new day has already started.

Yoongi must be asleep by now, because Jimin has seen Hoseok getting downstairs and going into his room and that was hours ago. So, he tried to be as quiet as possible, not wanting to disturb his grumpy hyung's sleep.

As expected, Yoongi was fast asleep on the bed with the blanket covering him. Shutting the door behind him, Jimin starts walking towards the other side of the bed.

" You took a long time." Yoongi speaks from his sleeping position. His eyes open in a flash when he smelled the sweet scent of the omega.
" Ah ! You scared me." Jimin jumped at sudden voice booming in the room, he wasn't expecting Yoongi to still be awake. He puts his hand out to his heart, calming it down.

Yoongi laughed on hearing Jimin's muffled screams and sat upright, stretching out his soar muscles. He has been trying to sleep for a long time now, but he just wasn't able to do so. His muscles are stiff from lying in the same position for so long.

" Why are you still awake ?" He asks once back from the initial shock.

Yoongi puts on a smirk seeing the omega approach the other side of the bed. He purposely slept on the right side of the bed, because he knows that Jimin likes to sleep on the left one. Even after all these years, he can't make himself forget these small details about Jimin.

" I was waiting for my massage." Although the lights are off and the only light in the room is the moonlight from outside, Yoongi can easily see the blush adorning Jimin's cheeks.

" That was supposed to be a joke."
Jimin muttered under his breath but because of the silence Yoongi heard it loud and clear.

" I didn't take it as a joke though." He looked at the younger. They maintained the eye contact for some time before Jimin decides to shy away from Yoongi's keen gaze.

" Now, get here." He orders Jimin and slowly starts taking off the loose t-shirt he was wearing, underneath which he was completely naked.

On seeing the slightest hint of Yoongi's bare chest Jimin immediately puts his hand on his eyes, covering them. He manages to let out a small whine, as he turned his back to the alpha.

" STOP! WHY ARE YOU TAKING IT OFF ?" He shrieked. Eyes still covered with his small fingers.

" Massage feels better on bare body." He says casually, tossing the t-shirt onto his side.

He starts stomping his way toward the door to let Yoongi know that it was not just an empty threat.

" Wait-" Yoongi jumped after Jimin to hold him by his wrist, but the younger has his head turned away from him.
" Fine, I'm putting it on. Get back." Jimin doesn't immediately go back. He waits for the alpha to put on the t-shirt before.

Once dressed again, Yoongi raises his hand to show that he has surrendered. Then only Jimin comes to sit on the other side of the bed.

" I'll just massage your back." Jimin tells him ahead, to not make him raise his hopes.
" Fine by me." Yoongi rest on his stomach, his face buried on the soft pillow.

Jimin's hand went to rest on the alpha's back, staying there for a few seconds before he slowly starts pressing and squeezing the sore muscles.

Yoongi left out an subconscious moan when Jimin massages against a particular tense muscle.
" DON'T YOU DARE MAKE THOSE LEWD NOISES !" Jimin retrieve his hand back when he heard Yoongi moaning. His pale face is bright red by now.

" But-" Yoongi tried to explain how it was unintentional, but the omega isn't in the mood to listen onto his explanation.

" Or else I'm going."
Yoongi zipped his lips at the second warning. He knows that the omega holds the power to actually do that.


" Jimin.." Yoongi said when the silence was starting to feel awkward to both of them.
Jimin hums lightly in response.

" Did you date anyone in those years ?" He's not asking the question out of jealousy or anything, he's just curious about how Jimin's life was in America.

Jimin smiles on hearing the question, he doesn't know why he did that.
" Mmh, my friends dragged me to the clubs once in a while. So, I hooked up with random people but nothing more. You know Americans are not really my type."

Yoongi was about to turn around to face him, but Jimin smacked him on his neck to make him stay still.

" Not even one relationship ?" He tilts his head just a little so he could get the view of the younger's face from his side eye.

" Nah, I wasn't looking for love at that time." Yoongi nods his head in understanding.

" How about your heats ?"
The omega doesn't like to use suppressants during his heats. That was one of the reason why he agreed to help Jimin with his heats during their college, earning them the entitle of 'friends with benefits'. So, he's curious about how he manages them now.

Jimin let out a visible sigh.
" I use suppressants."

" But I thought you didn't like them ?"

" I don't. But neither do I have any other option."
He didn't find someone as trustworthy as Yoongi. So, he decided to just stick with suppressants even though its side effects made him sick for days.

" What about you hyung ? You didn't try to find a suitable omega ?" He asks with a playful smile on his face.

" Work and Eunjae kept me busy, never had enough time to think about something else."
When he was in office, his only thought was to work hard to provide for his son. And when he was at home, his main focus was to dedicate all his time to Eunjae.

" Eunjae is a handful, isn't he ?" A smile creeps on Jimin's face.
" Please, he have changed a lot since you came back. He was so rebellious before." Jimin giggled on hearing those words. No doubt, he got that attitude from his dad.

" You have Minjun hyung though, I can see it in his eyes, he have a big crush on you."
The omega giggles again and Yoongi's shocked how he said those words without feeling any hard feelings towards Minjun.

" Yeah, he's nice. But I can't see him from that point of view. He's a good friend of mine, that's it."

" You don't need to give me justification, hyung." Jimin states, in case the alpha felt obliged to do so.

" I know, I just wanted to say my thoughts out loud." It feels nice after telling someone about his real thoughts.

" What about Daejeong ? He still calls you ?"
Jimin laughs the way Yoongi's tone changed when he mentioned Daejeong, it's clear that he dislikes him.

" Of course, he's my friend after all."
" Friend ?" He raises his brow and turns his head fully to get a good look at Jimin.
" Mmh, friend." Jimin affirms and turn Yoongi's head back.

" Jimin ah..." Yoongi finally sat up from his lying position. He takes Jimin's hand into his and Jimin understood that this was going to be a serious question.

" Do you regret having Eunjae ?"

" No." He replies without any thoughts. He doesn't need to think when he knows the answer by heart. Maybe the old Jimin would have hesitated, or even said yes, but to him Eunjae is the best thing that ever happened. And the only regret is that he was so late in their lives when he should have been here from the start.

" I don't hyung." He replies with a smile and Yoongi doesn't need to ask further. His question got answered all at once.


I wasn't gonna post this chapter today but 'butter' made me change my mind.. 😌🧈
Get it, let it roll🎶

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