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" Should I wake them up ?"

" No, let them be."
Taehyung stops Jin from moving any further from his previous spot.
Right now they are standing in Yoongi and Jimin's room. They came here to wake them up for the breakfast as it was already past nine and none of them showed downstairs.

Everyone were a little worried knowing very well that Yoongi is an early bird and that he still hasn't shown up.
So, Taehyung and Jin were the person in charge to drag them downstairs. But when they came there the two were deep asleep in each other's arms.

Taehyung secretly took some pictures of them sleeping like that, he'll use the pictures later to blackmail Jimin. The thought made him giggle a little.

" Look how close they are."
Taehyung points out the way they were hugging each other so close, like there was no tomorrow and they only had one night to spend together. Even he and Jungkook doesn't sleep like that.

" Appa !"
Eunjae shouted in his high pitched voice as he runs into the room.

Before Taehyung came here, Eunjae was sleeping with Jungkook in his room. Taehyung knows that Eunjae have the habit of waking up when he's left alone in bed so, Jungkook must be up by now too.

He tried to stop Eunjae from disturbing his parents, but the boy is already climbing on the bed, wiggling his way between his two fathers.

" Good morning appa." He twists his body in the small space. Once he's face to face with Yoongi, he presses a kiss on his father's button nose.

Then, he turns around to face Jimin now.
" Morning papa." He kissed Jimin on the cheek.

His excited voice made the two parents stir in their deep sleep.
" Good morning." Jimin wakes up first, stretching his whole body and then embracing Eunjae in his arms. He's still a little hazy from his sleep, but he still hugged Eunjae even in that state.

Jimin seemed too engrossed in hugging his son that Taehyung has to cough to let him know that they were there too.

" Tae ? Jin hyung ? What're you doing here ?"

" We are here to wake you up for breakfast." Jin answers, his tone a little bit laced with the friendly scolding.

" What ? It's already time for breakfast ?"

He has slept for so long that he has lost the sense of time, he looked around to find a clock. When he saw one, it showed 10 am. Shit, he never slept till this late.

" Ah, why did I sleep this much." He runs his fingers through his already messy bed hairs.

Jin and Taehyung looked at eachother and just snickered. Jimin didn't quite understand why were they laughing, until he saw how the alpha was snuggled close to him.

" Ahh ! Nothing like that happened !" He immediately jumps to his defense, slapping Yoongi's arm away from his body.

" Eunjae ah, don't move." The alpha let out a loud groan at the sudden movement and pulled Jimin even closer, thinking that it is Eunjae who's hugging him.

" Hyung ! Wake up." Jimin slaps him on his bicep. He exerted a bit too much force, making the alpha open his eyes in a flash.

" Wha- what ?" His eyes squinted on their own because of the brightness.
After some time when his pupil are adjusted to the light, he open his eyes fully to see Taehyung and Jin standing there in front of his bed.

" They're here to call us for the breakfast. Let's go down."
He yelps on hearing the sudden voice beside him. The close proximity between Jimin and him, made him feel a bit fuzzy. Then slowly he remembered the past event and the fact that they even slept in a single bed.

" 5 more minutes." With that Yoongi went back to sleep. No, not really. He isn't sleepy, it's just that he's embarrassed and he doesn't want Jimin to see the blush on his cheeks.

Eunjae tries to jump upon Yoongi but Jimin stops him in time. Getting down from the bed and picking up Eunjae in his arms.

" Hyung, will come in few seconds. We should go down till then."
Everyone agrees and started leaving the room. Once the room door shuts, Yoongi took a nice deep breath.

" Jimin ah..." He kicks his legs in the air and then continue to cover his entire body with the blanket.


" Morning hyung." Jimin greets as soon as he saw Hoseok doing some morning stretches. Looks like his hyung is still very health conscious.

" Park Jimin, you're late. I waited for you for so long."
Then Jimin remembers that he promised Hoseok that they'll jog to the park around the corner. Hoseok is already dressed up in his tracksuit, and Jimin feels sorry for making him wait.

" Sorry hyung I was-
" Busy cuddling with Yoongi hyung."

Jimin turns around quickly to see his bestfriend putting his arm around his shoulder. Taehyung brings his face closer to Jimin, firstly raising his eyebrow at him and then lifting the left side of his lips in a smirk.

" Oh... it's fine then." Hoseok starts giving him a lenny face too. And Jimin wants nothing more than to beat the shit out of his beloved soulmate.

" It's not like that." He tried but he knows no one will hear him. They like to tease him a lot and never misses a chance.

" Shut up, chim. You're blushing." Jimin finally gave Taehyung a smack on his neck for speaking too much.

" I'm gonna freshen up."
With that he runs away from there, not knowing if he could handle their teasing or not.

" You remember our bet, right ?" Taehyung points his finger at Hoseok.

" Yeah, how can I forget when obviously I'm going to win." Hoseok entwined his finger with Taehyung's.
" We'll see that."


When Jimin came back after his long shower the breakfast was already placed on the table. When he saw Jin still bringing some cutlery, he rushed to his side to help him.

" Where's Eunjae and Aera ?" He runs his eyes all around the space, but didn't spot them.

Once he was finished with setting the table, Jin brought Jimin towards the glass door and made him see how Jungkook was doing pushups with the two babies latching onto his back.

" Wow ! Jungkookie is so strong."
A surprised yelp came from Jimin's mouth, his hands starting to clap unconsciously.

Yoongi heard those words as he was walking towards the table and without any further thoughts he brush past Jimin, to outside.

" Eunjae ah, come sit on appa's back."
He orders the boy. Jungkook stopped doing push up on seeing Yoongi coming there and helped Eunjae get down from his back.

" What is hyung doing ?"
Taehyung whispers to Jimin, but even he doesn't have any idea what the alpha has in his mind.

Jungkook stood on side with Aera in his arms as Yoongi tried to do push ups with Eunjae sitting on his back.

" Look at /your alpha/ trying to impress you." Taehyung whispers close to Jimin's ears, making all the body heat collect in Jimin's face.

" He's not my alpha."
Jimin whined, but his eyes were fixed on Yoongi who seemed to look at him only.

Taehyung gestured everyone to get away from there and they complied, leaving Jimin alone.
When Yoongi saw everyone was gone he slumped to the ground. His body had enough.

" Was I good ?" He asks, when Jimin passed him a towel to wipe the sweat off.
" Why are you pushing your body when you can't do it ?" Jimin sound mad, of course he is mad. He can't quite understand why Yoongi has to behave like a child and push himself to do something that he's clearly not comfortable with.

" Who said I can't do it ?" 
Yoongi stood up with a rapid movement causing a jerk to his spine.

" What happened ?" Jimin saw Yoongi's face twist in unpleasant expression.

" I think I'll need a massage today too." He only smiled apologetically at the omega. Hoping, that maybe, he could get a massage tonight too.

" In your dreams." Jimin huffs, as he threw the towel at Yoongi's face and stormed off from there. He's so done.

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