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When Jimin was finally finished with his breakfast and looking comfortable enough, Yoongi decided it was the time for the adult talk. Which if they had done before, maybe, things wouldn't have turned out this way.

But, they were young and reckless at that time, not wanting to take any responsibilities and just run away from them. Their young mind recognised it as the best solution. But the adult mind beg to differ.

" So, tell me how have you been ?" He starts casually, looking around to make sure that Eunjae was busy playing by himself and not sneaking around them.

Jimin raises his gaze upto Yoongi's face, thinking, how can the older still be so casual around him, like nothing happened. Why isn't he hating on him or screaming at him like he expected him to be ?

" I assume, you've completed your studies ?" He asks another question when Jimin doesn't answer the previous one.

" Yeah, I've been appointed as a professor." He finally answers. Yoongi felt a weird feeling on hearing those words. It means Jimin will be going back.

" That's great." He said with excitement, that masks his disappointment. Was he hoping for the omega to stay ?
" What about you, hyung ?" Jimin's question caught him off-guard. He was used to be the one asking the question in between them and not be the one answering them.

" I'm just a usual office employee, life's been good." A placid smile forms on his lips, he isn't lying. Life has actually been good for him.

" But, you wanted to pursue a career in music." Jimin says in a hushed tone.
Yoongi happy smile turns into a sad one. It was the dream of a young teenager but now he's an adult, that dream has long been buried deep inside his heart.

" I think office suits me more."
Jimin knows Yoongi is saying those words to comfort him, only so that he doesn't feel bad about it.

" Hyung..." Jimin whispers while looking down, he's been doing that quite a lot.
It's not like he doesn't like to look into Yoongi's eyes while talking but it's just... he still isn't over his guilt. He's afraid to look into Yoongi's eyes and see the hurt that he has caused him.

" Don't you hate me ?" He chew vigorously on his bottom lip. He's biting it so hard that it could actually bleed.

" Hate is a strong word Jimin. Why would I hate you ?" Jimin finally dares to look into Yoongi's eyes. Trying to see if that was a lie. But no. It wasn't. He saw it in Yoongi's eyes, how true the words were.

" But I-- left you... I left you and Eunjae when you needed me the most. I'm so s-selfish hyung."
He doesn't want to cry in front of the alpha but he can't help himself. It's hard not to cry when Yoongi is being so nice to him.

For the last four years he's been crying at nights. Hiding from the outer world, even the stars and moon, so, no one would see his vulnerable side. But, today he's letting the alpha see it.

" Jimin.." He place both his hands on Jimin's cheek, cupping his small face in his big hands. It still fits perfectly.

" I was the one who let you go. You choose your happiness, Jimin and you aren't selfish for doing that." He wipes off the falling tears with his thumb. The precious tears.

" B-but-" Jimin chokes on a sob again.
" You still cry like a baby."
Yoongi says to lighten up the mood. Jimin let out a laugh at that. The alpha smiles too.

" Don't beat yourself for what happened in the past. I've already moved on and I think you have too."
The confusing words of the alpha made Jimin wonder if he's currently seeing someone ? Jimin wants to asks but he is no position to. Even if the alpha is doing so, it's a good thing. And he would be happy for him.

" Eunjae is your son, too. And I won't take that right away from you." The words shock Jimin again.
" But I wasn't here for him, hyung. I wasn't here when he needed me the most." Yoongi puts his hand on top of Jimin's, they're still the softest thing ever. He gave it a little squeeze.

" You're here now. You have time to make up for all those years."
" Even if I try I can't hyung-"

" You can Jimin, you'd need to work hard." Yoongi tries his best to fill the younger with hope and positivity. He need to take out the negative thoughts from his mind then only the positive thoughts can sprout there.

He looks up at Yoongi. His mind only repeating one question. ' Why are you so good to me ?'

" Now, stop crying. If Eunjae saw you like this he'd scold me for making his papa cry." Jimin cracked a smile through his tears.

" He truly loves you."
Jimin's smile falter at the bold statement. Why does his son have to be an absolute angel too ? He deserves the hatred and resentment, not this love that he's receiving.

" I know what you're thinking, please keep those thoughts away." He saw the twisted expression on Jimin's face and instantly read his thoughts.
" You deserve love too, Jimin ah. Just because you needed some time for yourself doesn't mean you were selfish. Don't blame yourself."

Jimin goes silent after that, reflecting on Yoongi's words. It's like Yoongi's words are finally flowing into his brains from the ears.
" How long are you planning to stay ?"
" A month." He says for the first time in a while.

Yoongi goes silent for some seconds, if he's not happy with the answer, he doesn't let it show on his face.

" Then you've a month to fill up for those four years."
" It could be difficult but never impossible."
Jimin nods his head, before he go back he want to atleast get to know his son to the point that he'll be worthy to be called 'his dad'.

" Stay with us for the time being. Eunjae would love that." And Jimin can't say no to that request, because he wants to stay close to his son too.

He nods his head and Yoongi smiles. A month is enough. Atleast Eunjae would be happy for that time being.

" Now, go take a bath, you stink."
It's calming how they still behave like friends. It feels like the four years made their bond even stronger. Although there's some gap in that bond, Yoongi is sure Jimin will fill them up soon.

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