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The next morning, Yoongi wakes up with a determined mind. The comment that Eunjae's teacher made on Jimin came to haunt him in his dreams too. To be honest, he doesn't even know why he's making such a big deal of a small compliment.

A momentarily thought passed through his brain, that he should just let it slide away. He was going to acquiesce in, but then his inner alpha stopped him. He looked so stupid while trying to talk himself into the matter. At last his wolf won over his human.

" Ready for school, buddy ?" The alpha walks into the living room with Eunjae's bag hanging over his shoulder.

Eunjae ran to get his bag back from his father. To that, Yoongi decided he should tease the boy a little.

Jimin comes running out on hearing Eunjae's cries. His mind fogging with the thoughts of a possible danger on his child, only to smile when he spots the father and son just playing with each other.

" You should go hyung, you'll be late." The omega looks at the clock. Just in a few days he has easily memorised Yoongi's schedule.

The alpha simply shook his head to that, making Jimin worry about what he have in his mind.
" I'll give you a ride."

He expected the omega to decline the offer as soon as it gets out of his mouth but, Jimin's smile grew on hearing those words, as if he was waiting to hear them.

" That would be great. Right, Eunie ?" The boy, now, finally being able to snatch his bag back, ran towards Jimin to hide behind his back.

Yoongi gave Jimin a nod before he reaches out for the car keys, there's something about Jimin that gets him excited even for the bare minimum.

Maybe he could get late to his office today and just ditch the morning shift to have a nice breakfast with the omega. His alpha is already liking the thought.
But something or particularly someone has to come to interrupt his perfect plan.

" Morning !" The omega, standing on the other side of the door, chirped like a bird. A big smile flashing on his face along with his clothes that were a bit too much for casual wear.

" I thought you could give me a ride today too." He says almost throwing himself into Yoongi's arms. The alpha isn't able to do much but just nod along at the suggestion or more like the order.
" Of course." Yoongi presses his lips into a thin smile.


He should have known this would happen when he insisted Jimin to ride with them even when the omega tried his best to let down the offer. He should have sensed the tension in the air before he got himself into this awkward situation. He wants to slam the break in the middle of the road and just walk out of the car, but then again, it was his idea. A stupid idea.

Minjun glares at Jimin from the side mirror. His stomach experiencing inner turmoil on seeing the omega so happy and cheery with Eunjae in his arms.
He was fast enough to grab the passenger seat and got to sit next to Yoongi. But, when he asked Eunjae to come sit with him, the boy shook his head lightly and got into the backseat with Jimin. That made his eyes just lit up with flare.

" Your hands are so cold, Yoongi ah." Minjun says in a oblivious tone before resting his hand on top of Yoongi's hand that was situated on the gear.
" I get cold easily." Yoongi said simply. If it was any other situation, he wouldn't have mind the touch that much. But, right now, he could feel two eyes burning hole in his hand.

Jimin watched their interaction quitely but with sharp eyes. His omega is howling from inside on seeing another omega trying to hit on his alpha.
He tries to focus on the outside view, to distract his mind. Wanting Eunjae's school to come already so he can just get out of the car and breathe freely.

" Eunjae ah, where do you want to go this time with me ? How about a museum ?"  Jimin curled his fingers into a fist, Minjun smirked on seeing the desired reaction that he wanted from him.

" Will papa come with us too ?" Minjun's face fell on hearing that question.
" Of course, he can join us too." Yoongi said before Minjun could even think of any way to drop the topic.

" You don't have any problem with that, do you ?" He asks to Minjun and the omega have no option other than to smile and nod.

" No hyung, it's fine. You three can go. I'll stay home." Jimin butts in. Even though, the idea is absolutely devastating, he won't be just selfish and stop Yoongi from meeting another omega. He wants Yoongi to be happy and it's totally okay if his happiness lies in someone else.

" But papa-" Eunjae looks at Jimin with sad eyes ready to protest at the rejection.
" Ah, look. We've reached." Jimin quickly changed the topic with his quick thinking.

" Come on let's go." He held out his hand for Eunjae to take.
The boy is a little bit sad from before but still reaches out to take his hand.

Minjun is inhaling a relieved sigh when the two finally gets off.
At last, he finally have Yoongi all to himself now. But it's not long before Yoongi's door is opening too.

" Where are you going ?" He stops Yoongi from going outside.
" I'll be back." Yoongi withdraws his hand back with a jerk and rushed to Jimin and his son's side. His hand going all the way down to hold Eunjae's free hand.

Minjun saw the way Yoongi smiled while looking at Jimin and Eunjae. He hadn't seen the Alpha smile like that before in the four years that he has known him for.

When Eunjae's teacher came to fetch him, Yoongi purposely stepped closer to Jimin, putting a hand around Jimin's waist.
The omega is shocked by their close proximity, but, he doesn't say anything. He just stare at the alpha who have a satisfactory smile on his face.

But, as soon as the teacher is going back inside with Eunjae latching to him, Yoongi's touch fades away too. Like it was never there in the first place.

When they got closer to the car, Jimin just stops.
" Aren't you coming ?" Yoongi asks when the omega stopped walking beside him.
" I think I'll go meet Tae."

" Do you think you'll be alright ? Want me to come with you ?" Jimin is thankful for the offer but, he declines it.

" I need to make this right on my own. Plus Minjun ssi is waiting for you." Yoongi looks back at the car to see Minjun looking at them but he's soon turning his gaze away.
" Okay, be careful." He isn't a kid he needn't to be told that. But, Jimin kinda like hearing those words from the alpha. It's makes him feel like he cares for him.

" I will, hyung." With that he starts to walk away from them. He doesn't have any plan to meet Taehyung today. He just lied to the alpha because he doesn't want to third wheel them again. He doesn't want to see them being all lovey dovey with each other while he writhe in pain in the back. Maybe, he is better off the picture...

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