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" Good morning, love." Jimin has just walked out of his room in a half asleep state when he heard those words. He stopped yawning half way, his hands suspended in the mid air.

Squinted eyes going wide, mind telling him that he needs more sleep in order to stop hallucinating.
" Papa, good morning." Eunjae toddled his way to reach his papa and hug him.
The warmth that spreads in his body when Eunjae hugged him is real, so this can't be a dream.

The realisation hit him and he looked at the alpha in confusion, as to why he would say something like that.
Yoongi read his confusion and pointed towards Eunjae, then only Jimin remembers the act that they decided to put on.
Oh. So, it was just an act...

" Morning baby." He greets the little boy back, but Eunjae isn't satisfied with just that. He looks back and forth between him and Yoongi to remind the omega that he's forgetting Yoongi.

" Morning hyu-honey." The words feels so unnatural and awkward, but his son's smile is worth it.

" That was awkward." Jimin whispers into Yoongi's ears once the boy is out of their sight.
" Sorry, you had to do this because of him." The older turned to look at him, he seemed sad ?

" Geez, hyung. He's my son too, I'm willing to do anything to see him happy." A smile lines up on Jimin's lips. Yeah, Eunjae is his son and he'll do anything for his son's happiness.

Yoongi is happy to hear those words from Jimin. The omega finally admitted that Eunjae is his son, too.

" Did you asked Minjun ssi, if he's free today ?"
" He have an important meeting in the afternoon but he can meet you for breakfast." The omega lightens up on hearing those words, but Yoongi isn't still sure if he should let Jimin go there or not.

" That's great, I should get ready then."
He turns around to walk away but Yoongi stops him. Yoongi's alpha is convinced that this might not be a good idea.
" Wait-- do you want me to come with you ?" He can't suppress the sudden inner surge that he's getting to protect Jimin.

The omega is delighted at the older's concern, but he wants to deal with this alone.
" No, hyung. I wanna meet him alone." He slowly removes Yoongi's hand from his wrist and instead brought it to his hand. Giving it a little squeeze that's supposed to assure him.

" Fine." He can't argue with Jimin.

" I'll cook something for you and Eunjae before going out." Jimin says, before he locks himself inside the room to get ready.


Jimin takes a deep breath as he enters the restaurant. Yoongi gave him the location and said that the other would be here.
The atmosphere is hushed and serene. The insides look so exclusive and hideously expensive, but then he remembers that Minjun is a young CEO, what else did he expect from him.

He spots the omega sitting not so far away from the entrance talking on his phone, almost like whispering. With slow steps and fast beating heart, Jimin starts walking towards him.

Minjun saw Jimin coming towards him and instantly ended up the call, keeping the phone aside as he sat himself up straight.

" Good morning Minjun ssi. I hope you're having a great day." Jimin beams a smile, taking a seat opposite to him.
Minjun rolls his eyes at the sweet, honey laced tone. To him it seems just like a facade that the younger put on to impress Yoongi.

" No need to act, Yoongi isn't here. Just tell me what you wanna say and then we're done." Jimin is taken aback by the harsh words. But he still smiles ever so sweetly at him.

" It's not like that-" He tries to explain himself, but Minjun isn't giving him a chance to do so.
" Let me guess, you want me to stay away from Yoongi, because he's your alpha." Minjun says with a bitter chuckle, he's not gonna do that.

Jimin shakes his head, the older omega seems to be in a lot of misconception. He needs to clear the misunderstanding to hold a decent conversation with him.

" So, are you gonna threaten or bribe me ?" He must've watched a lot of dramas to picture this kind of scenario to unfold.

" Hyung, you're getting me wrong." He says in a little too loud voice. Then, he realises how he just called him 'hyung' without his permission.
" I'm sorry, it was just a slip of tongue." He apologize quickly in fear of making Minjun uncomfortable.

" Whatever." Minjun replies straightforwardly.
He admits he got a little carried away by his anger and that he should at least hear Jimin for once.

" You've 5 minutes, say whatever you want." Minjun folds his arms, looking straight at Jimin.
The omega is contented at that, 5 minutes are enough for him.

Minjun closerd his eyes, preparing himself for the critisism, attack, harsh words, pillory or anything.

" I wanna thank you."
Yeah, he wanna thank- what ? Minjun's eyes popped open on hearing that.

" Thank me ? For what ?"
Maybe that just slipped out and Jimin actually wanted to say something else.

" For taking care of hyung and Eunjae in my absence." Jimin says with a smile. There's something about that beaming smile that annoys Minjun so much.
" You don't need to thank me for that." One side of his lips curl up in a smirk.

" Still hyung, you've done so much for them."
Minjun doesn't understand Jimin's behaviour, he thought Jimin only behaved like that to him to impress Yoongi. But there's no Yoongi here right now, so why is he so good to him ?

" Why are you acting so good towards me ?" He asks, putting his hands on the table. As far as he thinks he has only said bad and hurtful things to Jimin, then why ?

" Because you're a good person." His heart skips a beat.

" You're mistaken." He denies the fact. He isn't a good person. He's anything, but a good person.
" I'm not. Yoongi hyung told me how you offered him the job when everyone else just threw him out on seeing a baby with him." Jimin gets a little sadden on remembering it, but then he focuses on the omega sitting in front of him. He's here for a reason today and he can't get distracted from it.

" You also treat Eunjae like your own son, you never made him feel my absence. I'm so thankful for that."
" Because I consider him as my own son." Jimin smiles at that, he's so happy that Minjun genuinely cares for Eunjae.

" Please continue to do so in my absence." Minjun nods at that, but his brain takes some time to register those words.
" What do you mean by your absence ? Aren't you gonna stay here ?"
Jimin smiles sadly at the question.

" I don't know, yet. But even if I'm back... I know how much you love both of them and it would only be right for you three to form a family." A bitter truth that he has come to swallow now.

" Are you drunk in the morning ?" Minjun can't believe someone would say these words in a fully awake state.
" No hyung, I'm serious. Eunjae and hyung needs you." He wants to argue with Jimin but Jimin's deep eyes are begging him to say yes.

" I'll try to be there for them." He assures.
" Thank you. Thank you so much. You don't know your words lifted such a heavy weight off my shoulder." Jimin cups Minjun's hand in his and puts them to his forhead as he expressed his gratitude.

" I need to go back now. Order something for yourself, I'll take care of the bill." Minjun stood up instantly, Jimin's words has left him in s bewildered state.

" But I wanted to treat you."
" Next time."
The thought that the omega wants to meet him another time makes Jimin happy.

" Bye Minjun ssi, have a great day."
" Hyung." Minjun stops in his tracks and mumbles.
" Huh ?" The words didn't quite reach Jimin's ears.

" Just call me Minjun hyung."
" Okay, hyung. Take care." Jimin's small grin turns into a toothy smile now.

Minjun walks out of the restaurant and finally releases his held breath. He looks up at the sky, it's a cloudless day.
" Stupid." He mumbles as he saw Jimin's figure from outside the restaurant.

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