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It took them a little more time than their friends to reach the designated place because they stopped to get some snacks in between. Jimin has chosen their accomodation with Hoseok, so he knew what the house looked like but Yoongi didn't even had a slightest idea.

Just as Yoongi parked the car in front of the house, his eyes went wide. The house was quite big. It has two storey and a large play area outside. Which must have been the main reason for them to choose this place.

" That must have been expensive." Yoongi said looking like an child who just stepped inside a castle for the first time.
The idea of Eunjae jumping just at the sight makes him happy, because even though he makes a decent amount of money, he don't spend it on these kind of things much. He saves it for Eunjae's future, so he never had the time to take his son to expensive places like this.

" Don't worry, I got this." Jimin assures the alpha. He himself has seen worse days so to him, money means nothing infront of Yoongi and Eunjae's happiness.

They took their bags inside, it was just Yoongi who carried them both because he refused to let Jimin carry it.
When they stepped inside, their friends were already seated in the living room.

" Jimin !" Ryu was the first to notice Jimin standing by the door and he instantly went to embrace the omega in a hug.
" Hii hyung." Jimin giggles as he hugged Ryu back.

Once Ryu was done greeting him, Namjoon followed after. Seokjin thought a lot about it, but in the end he went to greet Jimin too.
Everyone came to greet him except Jungkook.

Jimin was disheartened at that so, he decided to go talk to Jungkook himself.
But, the alpha went upstairs when he saw Jimin coming towards him.

" Jungkook-" Taehyung tried to call for him, but he didn't listen. He continued to stump his way.
" I'm sorry from his side, I'll go talk to him." Taehyung was about to rush after the alpha, but Jimin stopped him, shaking his head lightly. He doesn't want Jungkook to talk to him because someone forced him to. He wants him to talk when Jungkook feel like he's ready to forgive him and give him a chance.

" Let him be. I know he's a stubborn baby." He says with a relaxed tone and everyone turned their gaze to Yoongi, because they're seeing this kind of change in Jimin for the first time.
Yoongi just gave them a proud smile in return. His chest fills with pride on seeing how maturely Jimin can handle a situation like this now.

" Have you all decided on your rooms already ?" Jimin turns back around and everyone shifts their gaze back from Yoongi.

" Aera can't sleep without us so, me and hyung will share a room like usual." Namjoon said bouncing a blabbering baby in his arms. Aera continued to snuggle in Namjoon's arms and then letting out soft purrs. Jimin put his hand out to his melting heart, cooing at the little girl.

They all wanted to suggest that each pair get their respective room, but they were afraid how Jimin will react to sharing a room with Yoongi. They are not sure how the things have been between the two. They can only look at them and speculate their relationship dynamic.

" Hmm, then it's decided. Namjoon hyung and Seokjin hyung will share a room. Ryu hyung and Hobi hyung will share a room, and Jungkookie and Tae will share a room." Jimin explains.

The house has a total of five bedrooms. So Yoongi already have a feeling that the omega will decide that they both stay in different room, since all the rooms have double beds and Jimin might not be comfortable in sharing a bed with him.

" Hyung !" Jimin waved his hand in front of Yoongi to snap him out of his thoughts.
" Huh ?" The alpha looked a bit fazed, he has been feeling a little under the sun from all the driving. Since, someone decided to just sleep the whole way so, he was the only one who had to drive.

" I said, we should keep our things in our room too." He whisper yelled at Yoongi before going to pick up the luggage that he left at the door.

" Our room ?" Yoongi was shocked on hearing the words, but he still broke into the biggest smile ever.
" Why ? You don't wanna share a room with me ?" Jimin teased, trying to act like he was deeply hurt by the comment.

" Ah! No, it's not like that- I mean of course." The omega giggled on seeing him getting all defensive. Afterall, Yoongi hasn't changed at all, he's the same Yoongi as ever.

" Come fast then." He went upstairs to the free room, since Jungkook has already taken the other one. And Yoongi followed behind him like an obedient puppy.

" Are you seeing what I'm seeing ?" Taehyung whispers to Hoseok once the duo was out of their sight.
Hoseok put his face closer to Taehyung's as he whispered.
" Right in front of our eyes." His eyes kept watching the stairway that was empty now.

" Love, maybe you're just putting too much thought into it." Ryu reasons from behind, he was helping Jin to set up the groceries in the kitchen, that they have brought for their mini trip. It varied from vegetables, fruits, snacks, drinks to all the essential stuff.

" Appa call papa that too." Eunjae said randomly, everybody turned around to face him now.
Taehyung went close to his nephew and bent down to his level, putting his hands on Eunjae's shoulder.

" He call your papa what ?"
Eunjae looked up at his uncle and giggled before he actually answered his question.
" Love." The new revelation shocked everyone to the core.

" Your appa calls him love ?" Taehyung asked again, because he's still not able to believe his ears.
Eunjae nods enthusiastically to let him know how serious he was.

" Yeah, he said that they love each other and appa also kiss him good morning." 
Loud gasps are heard in the room.

" Ryu hyung did you heard that ?" Taehyung turned to Ryu with a smirk on his lips. Ryu raised his hand in surrender, he doesn't have anything to say in defense now.

" Eunjae baby, do you want your papa to always stay with you ?"
Just like Taehyung expected, he received a big head nod from the child.
" Then, will you help uncle Tae with his plan ?"
He extends his hand forward and Eunjae gladly put his small hand in Taehyung's big ones.


" This room is bigger than my own room." Yoongi said as they entered the room they're supposed to stay in. It's big and spacious with a large bed lying on the centre and a balcony attached in the front. It'll allow nice view at night.

" Ahh, my muscles are sore from driving too much." The alpha plops down on the bed as soon as he's done putting his bags away. He haven't drove for this long anytime before.

" You should have told me before, then I would have taken the wheel half way through."
Jimin opened one of the closet. Since the alpha is in no mood for setting up his things, he'd have to do it for him too.

" You were busy sleeping."
Yoongi raised his head a little to look at the omega. Jimin got flustered by the comment.

" I was sleepy." He muttered under his breath, but Yoongi heard him loud and clear.
" Yeah, sleepyhead." Yoongi grabbed one of the extra pillow and hugged it between his legs. It's one of his sleeping habits.

" I'll give you a massage in return." Jimin says after thinking for some time. The sentence made Yoongi open his eyes.

" Really ?" He got up instantly.
Jimin nods and that's all it takes for Yoongi to lie on his stomach. Ready for his sore muscles to get some massage.

He smiled on hearing Jimin's footsteps coming to the bed. The thought of Jimin's soft hand touching his back-- ah ! It's truly something else.

" I've to help the others now. You'll get your massage at night." Jimin giggles at the face Yoongi made before he rushed to get out of the room. Leaving a flustered Yoongi behind on his own.

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