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" So, what are we going to do after the breakfast ?" Taehyung asks, breaking the silence they were sitting in.

Everyone were almost done with their breakfast now, just the children remaining. Earlier, they didn't have to discuss about what to do next, they would just do whatever came in their mind. But they can't do the same because of the children now.

" Eunjae ah what do you wanna do ?"
When Taehyung didn't get any answers from his hyungs he turned to Eunjae. Afterall everyone else there would reply with something boring.

" Please no 'Lion King'."
He said making Eunjae frown. The boy has watched that movie a hundred times now but he still isn't bored of it and watch it with the same enthusiasm every time. Taehyung is actually shocked how can he do that.

Eunjae puts his spoon down, putting his finger on his temple and closing his eyes as if he was in a deep thinking state.

Then when the idea hit him, his eyes fluttered open.
"Hide and seek." He started clapping at his own idea.

Everyone turns their head to look at each other. Aren't they too old for playing a game like that ? Jin was about to let Eunjae down politely when Taehyung budged in.

" Perfect. It's decided then, we'll play hide and seek."
Taehyung took Eunjae's hand in his and both starts waving them in the air.

Even though everyone else wanted to protest the idea, nobody has the heart to actually do so and break Eunjae's heart. So, they all said yes.
For Eunjae, they'll play this game if that's what makes him happy.


Once everyone was done freshing up, they all gathered in the living room. Since Aera can't walk properly on her own yet, she would stay with the seeker. With that they started playing rock paper scissors to decide the seeker.

Namjoon was the one who lost the first game. The alpha grumbled on being the seeker, but then proceeded to take Aera from Jin's arms. The girl was a little hesitant at first on going away from her appa but when she saw that it was Namjoon she complied happily.

" I'll give you 2 minutes to hide."
With that Namjoon went outside in the open to count, leaving the inside in chaos.

Even though nobody wanted to play this at first, now nobody wants to lose the game.

Ryu and Hobi were the first one to go find a hiding spot. Jungkook and Taehyung soon followed after them. Yoongi extended his hand for Eunjae to take, but the boy dodged him entirely and went towards Jin.

" He likes me better." Jin poked his tongue at the two and then held Eunjae's hand, taking him away from there.

" Are you gonna hide or just stay here?" Jimin said laughing at Yoongi's defeat which fueled his anger. The alpha growled at him, before going the opposite direction to where Jimin was going.

The omega decided to hide in their room. He remembers that there was a closet which was big enough to hide him. And that would be the best place to hide, he can even cover himself with the clothes.

He peeped inside the room, it seemed empty. He heaves a relieved sigh at that and started to make his way towards the closet.

" Jimin ?"
The voice made him jump. He looked around but there was no one else then he bends down to see Hoseok peeking his head from under their bed. He almost thought he was a protagonist in a scary movie for a second.

" Hyung, you scared me !"
He puts his hand to his heart to express how scared he was.

" Sorry." Hoseok put his head up to apologise, but that made his head bumped in the bed post making him scream.

Jimin was about to ask him if he was okay, when he heard the footsteps coming towards them. Without wasting any more time, he leapt towards the closet.

He sat inside there and held his breath, for some reason he doesn't want to be the first one to lose in the game.
In between of his prayers, the door opened indicating that Namjoon has came into the room.

Jimin just wished that his hyung wouldn't think about checking the closet. But contrary to his wish, the footsteps came directly toward him. Jimin made himself even smaller and scattered the clothes all around him.

" Jimin ?"
He heard his name being called. He was about to whine and throw a fit about how easily he was found, but then he register that the voice doesn't belong to Namjoon.

"Why are you here ?"
He asked on seeing Yoongi standing there in front of the closet.
The alpha eyed him from head to toe and then just creeped inside the closet.

" Obviously, I'm here to hide."
He somehow got inside the closet but it was too cramped that the door wouldn't close.

" Give me some space." He tried to push Jimin more into the corner, but the omega isn't budging even a little bit. He's so stubborn. No wonder, why Eunjae is that way too.

" I came here first, you should look for another place to hide."
He pushed Yoongi lightly, enough to make him stumble out of the closet and onto the floor. Jimin and Hoseok fell into laughter on seeing the sight.

" Yah ! Park Jimi-"
" Shh, Namjoon is coming." Hoseok warns as soon as he heard another pair of footsteps, this time he was sure that it was Namjoon because he could hear him talking to Aera.

Yoongi didn't think twice and jumped back inside. He too, doesn't have any plan on losing the game.

Jimin was about to whine again, so Yoongi pushed himself on the omega until their chests were touching. His one hand went to hold Jimin's hand that strived to push him outside again and other went straight to Jimin's mouth to shut him down. They were so close they could feel each other's breathing on their skin.

So close that Yoongi can almost kiss Jimin's pink lips. The lips that he last kissed four years ago. The lips that has been inviting him to have a taste again. Maybe, just maybe, he'll give in to his desire for once. Because he finds himself out of control when it comes to a certain /Park Jimin/.

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