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" Eunjae ah!" Jin shouts just as his eyes fall on the tiny figure running towards him. He put down anything he was holding onto previously and ran to hug the boy. The omega was too engross in meeting his little nephew that he almost didn't see Jimin standing there.

But Namjoon did. He just stood there quitely, beside his husband. His hands resting on his daughter's back and eyes wide open.
Slowly, he brings his left hand closer to his right arm giving it a nice little pinch to see if he was still in his bed dreaming or if it was actually happening.

His eyes found his best friend, Yoongi, with his eyes he asked him the same question if this was reality or not. The alpha didn't say anything, he just smiled at his friend's dumbfounded look.
" Yoongi ah-" Jin finally looks up to greet his friend after he was done with Eunjae. But what he wasn't expecting was to see two familiar eyes looking back at him.

" Jimin ?" His mouth form the name automatically like it's been sitting there for quite a long time now. Namjoon came from behind with Aera in his arms and wrapped his free arm around Jin's waist, he knows how shocking it would be for the omega.

" Jin hyung, Namjoon hyung.." Jimin calls for his friends with the yearning coming right through his voice. He put all the bags down at once, not caring if they collide with the soily ground. He just needs to get closer to them, that was what his mind told him.
His arms open, eyes brimmed with tears, lips curled up in a big smile, feet running. But before he'd actually fall into his hyung's arms he was stopped.

Jin put his hand out in front to stop Jimin from coming any closer than where he was standing at.
" Why are you here now ?" His venomous tone made Jimin's legs wobbly. The younger's heart almost stopped pumping the blood from the shock.

Namjoon squeezed his husband lightly, trying to make the omega cool down but Jin wasn't in the mood for that.
" Hyung.." Jimin tries again with desperation.

" Don't call me that." The pain and hurt was real. Jimin expected this kind of behaviour after what he has done. So he was kinda prepared for it. But it's still too much for his heart to handle.

" Appa, why is papa and uncle Jin fighting ?" Eunjae goes over to Yoongi and tucks on his hanging sleeves. The angry and sad pheromones that were spread in the air at same time, made both the children uneasy.

Jin heard him say that and suddenly felt guilty for behaving like that in front of the children. He tried to calm himself and put on a smile. He doesn't want something like this to leave an impact on the children.

His brain then register that Eunjae called Jimin, papa. That means they must have been in touch for quite a while now. This made his smile flater again. His lips now sealed in a thin line.

" Hyung I can-"
" Papa, let's go there. My feet hurts." Eunjae starts dragging Jimin towards the mat on which the Kim family was sitting before. Jimin tried his best to stop the boy but, Eunjae was too excited to see that.
He made Jimin sit there forcefully and took a seat on his lap. Soon the other's came to sit around.

The husbands have so many questions going on in their head but no one dares to ask any of them in the presence of Eunjae, so they just stare at Jimin.

" Papa, Aera wants to play with you." Eunjae points out on seeing Aera making grabby hands at Jimin.

Jimin saw the way the girl was struggling to get close to him. He was getting drawn towards her too, but he was afraid what her parents would say, so he didn't made any move.

At last, Namjoon sighed seeing his daughter on the verge of tears. She rarely played with anyone who wasn't someone she already knew. But today she was so desperate to go to Jimin as if she knows him from before.

He can't see her struggling anymore. So, he decided to help her to get to Jimin.
The omega looked up in shock, Namjoon gave him a head nod as his approval, settling down the little girl in his lap.
Jin tried to stop him but Namjoon shushed him too.

The girl went back to her calm side once she was in Jimin's hold. She curled herself more into the omega, the sweet scent comforting her. She rubbed her tiny nose against Jimin's shirt and then giggled at her actions. The omega was shocked as to why the girl liked him so much. Afterall this was their first meeting.

But he soon stopped the unnecessary questions from interrupting this beautiful moment. He gestured Eunjae to bring the bag closers and the boy did so gladly.

Jimin opened them slowly and took out numerous things from inside that included dresses, frocks, pajamas, stuff toys, dolls and god know what else. He has taken Eunjae with him one day after school to shop for Aera's gift and to make up for the time he wasn't here for her.

Jin kept eyeing the gifts but didn't say anything while Namjoon thanked the omega with a big smile. The warm reply made Jimin somewhat happy.

" She's so beautiful." Jimin says in an attempt to gain Jin's attention, poking her chubby cheeks. Yoongi was right her cheeks are soft and round, they reminds him of mochi.

" Of course, she got it from Jin hyung." Yoongi tried to ease the tension in the air, for which he receives a scoff and smack from Jin.

" When did you come back ?" Namjoon asked not being able to suppress his curiousity anymore.
" It's been around a week." Namjoon nods his head to that, he could feel Jin harshly tugging on his sleeves. He knows the omega is mad, can easily sense it from his sour scent.

" How's America ?" Jin continued to give his husband a disbelieving look. How can Namjoon be so comfortable with Jimin after what he has done ?

He turned his head away not looking at Jimin's direction anymore. He won't just admit it but there's this little part of him that's so happy and contented to see Jimin back healthy and safely, his friend that he missed a lot for the previous four years. But, he doesn't say it all, loud.

Because the feeling of anger have clouded his mind. He is Yoongi's only hyung and being the oldest in the group he's usually the one who's seeing out for all his dongsaengs.

He was there to console Yoongi when he was tired of his life. On the days when he felt like he wasn't a good father to Eunjae and should give up, he was the one to slap some sense into him.

He has seen the alpha broke down in front of him. He has seen him put on his best smile just for Eunjae even though he felt like crying. He has seen all that. And for Yoongi's vulnerable state, he blamed Jimin for it. Everyone did. For them, Jimin was the only one at fault.

Namjoon and Jimin got quite engrossed in their talks. Mostly the alpha asking him about his life and Jimin replying happily.
Yoongi was glad that at least Namjoon was talking to him like a normal human being but, the piercing gaze of the oldest didn't go unnoticed by him.

He placed his hand on Jin's shoulder to calm him down which earns him a deadly glare again.
" Jimin.." Jin calls his name when he has had enough. He stood up from his seat.
" Can we talk somewhere 'private' ?" It was more like an order rather than a question. With that he went away from there.

Jimin passed Aera back into Namjoon's arms. Yoongi tried to stop him, he knew the outcome wouldn't be good, but Jimin assured him with a smile.
He huffs in a deep sigh before following behind the other omega. This isn't gonna be good but this is the reality and he have to face this head on.

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