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It's been years since he last stepped inside the house but Yoongi could still smell the faint sweet scent that's been lingering there. He won't lie, it brings a calm to his heart, like the older times.

He looked around one last time. The bright paint has dulled out now, indicating the passage of time. He'll make sure to hand over the keys today. It'll be his last goodbye.

He stops before actually opening the door. Fingers trembling on the cold metal knob, his heart is begging him to not go. It's telling him to wait for Jimin for a bit longer as if he'll come. But four years are long enough...

He huffs in a deep breath. Putting on a smile for the last farewell. With that he twist the knob, not actually pushing the door open though. He tries to talk himself to gather the courage to step out of this house.

He close his eyes trying to picture the face of Minjun to help him overcome his dilemma but instead he sees the familiar milky white skin, cresent moon eyes and soft lips. He pushed the door at the image, not being able to breathe inside there.

He expected a whip of cold wind to strike him when he opened the door but instead he felt the warmth in the air because of the overwhelming amount of sweet scent that intoxicated him.

His eyes were still close, he hasn't opened them yet because he want to savour Jimin's face for a bit more. But the oh-so-familiar scent forced him to open his eyes.

Have you heard of someone being drunk without even drinking ? Well, Yoongi was experiencing this weird phenomenon. It was like Jimin's face that he was dreaming about a few seconds ago, just appeared for real in front of his eyes.
Oh, he's high on oxygen now.

" This is a nice dream." He chuckles to himself. The sound of his deep laugh echoing inside the small hallway they were standing in.
Yoongi extended his hand forward, expecting it to go through Jimin like it should, because the Jimin isn't real; it's just his imagination.

But that doesn't happened, he felt the hard and rigid body of Jimin against his fingertips. Screaming to him that he was very much real and not just a piece of his imagination.

Jimin wanted to run away when he saw Yoongi standing there. He wanted to run away like he did all those years before. He's a coward, he has always been like that. Always wanting to run away instead of facing the problems head on.

He want to do the same but his body is opposing him today. He can't move a single step.
He wasn't expecting to meet the alpha after four years like this. Fuck, he wasn't ready to meet Yoongi. He needed some time to prepare himself so he could atleast apologize to him properly.

Lost in his thoughts, his gaze met with the alpha. And he swore Yoongi looked just the same as years ago. But this time he have that matured look, on his still so handsome face.

He doesn't know what to say, he didn't thought about this situation in advance. When he decided to come back he knew he'd eventually have to face Yoongi one day but, not as soon as he arrives there.

The reason why he came to his apartment was because of the slightest hope that maybe Jungkook was still living here. He wanted to asks for his forgiveness first. Having Jungkook by his side would make him feel less nervous when he would finally meet Yoongi.
But how the tables have turned.

His thoughts are interrupted when Yoongi pulled him into a hug all of a sudden.
Jimin had put on so much thoughts about this scenario, he expected screaming, shouting, name calling, even a violent fight. But the warm welcome... he couldn't have even imagined it.
This only made him feel more guilty.

" Jimin ah." Yoongi calls out his name with the same love and sweetness. His voice still have that soothing sensation to it. It's making Jimin's eyes water.

" Hyung." He says out loud. He wants to hug Yoongi back but he feel like he isn't worthy of it now.

" Are you real or am I dreaming ?"

Jimin laughs a little at Yoongi's question, letting the tears free from his eyes. His laugh has Yoongi's heart melting just like the old times. It's the same laugh that makes his heart beat faster.

" I'm real." He says with a smile and slowly the awkward phase starts to ease out a little. It's like the last four years never happened and Jimin never left.

" You are back ?"
He isn't able to take his eyes off the younger. Jimin looks so much better than before. There's no eyebags under his eyes, his body looks so much healthier and even his skin is glowing. The development is making Yoongi feel contented.

" Kinda." He says looking around him and then Yoongi saw the many suitcase a and bags the younger was carrying. How did he even managed to bring them all up with him ?

He was about to say another thing when his phone vibrated in his pocket. He remembered, he kept in on vibration mode, so his date wouldn't be interrupted. He picks it up instantly when he saw it was from Taehyung.

" Hello ?" The other voice comes instantly rushing after his greeting.
" Hyung, how much longer will the date last ? Eunie is getting fussy, he's crying for you." Taehyung says worriedly, looking at his fiancè who's about to cry too because of Eunjae.

" I'll be there soon. Just give me 5 minutes, Tae." He hangs up the phone after that. He need to head out right now before Eunjae get more cranky.

" Was it Tae ?" Jimin gulps the lump in his throat when he heard his bestfriend's name. He clenched and unclenched his fist to hold himself back from having a melt down.

" Yeah." Yoongi nods and shove his phone back. He needs to get to Taehyung's house as soon as possible but he can't leave Jimin alone here.

" Do you have a place to stay ?"
" I was thinking of going to a hotel." He says looking down at his feet, he don't feel so good in looking into the alpha's eyes.

" You can stay at my house."
Jimin whipped his head with a jerk, pulling on one of his nerve. His eyes widens, hands out in front trying to let the offer down.
" N-no." He tries to deny. He don't want the situation to get more awkward than it already is.

" Don't you want to meet your son ?" Yoongi asks with a smile.
Jimin looks at him with those big glossy eyes. Yoongi regarded him as 'his son' even after what he has done. He doesn't feel too good to still have that right.

Yoongi picks up one of the bag and starts heading downstairs but Jimin didn't budge from his position.
" Come on, we'll be late." He stops to wait for the omega.
Jimin looked hesitantly into Yoongi's eyes, they've the same softness to them. Delicate like a flower but at the same time looking so strong and fierce.

He could easily say no and run out of the building but the thought of meeting his son is so tempting that he is unable to resist. Afterall, he is the one who deserves an apology from him the most.

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