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Standing in the middle of the cramped room, Jimin looks at the calendar with an intensive gaze. With one of Eunjae's crayon he mark the date his flight back is supposed to be. He counts the days till then, it's 25. He have exactly 25 days to make amends. He'll making the best use of them.

And today marks the very first day of it. With determination flooding through his each and every vein to make the most out of today, he starts to do the things he have planned ahead.

The first thing on his 'to do list' is to wake up the two sleepyheads. He was only going to include Eunjae in his today's schedule but since Yoongi has a day off, he'll gladly include him too.

The omega walks inside the room on his tiptoes, trying to be as quiet as possible. His hand rest on his mouth to suppress the giggles that threatens to escape whenever he thinks about the idea he have.

" Eunjae ah." He whispers, lightly shaking the boy, so only Eunjae will wake up and not Yoongi.
" Euniee~" He sings a little in a hushed tone.

" Papa ?" Eunjae starts to stir up. Before he could make more noise Jimin puts his finger to the boy's lips to shush him down.

" Shh, your appa's still sleeping." Eunjae rubs the blurriness and then turns to look at his father curled up into a foetal position beside him. He let out a small snicker at that.

Jimin lowers himself to whisper something in Eunjae's ears. The boy listen to him attentively, giving him a thumbs up once he whispers the end part.

The omega goes to Yoongi's side of the bed, gesturing 1, 2, 3, with his fingers. Just as he hit the 3rd mark both of them jumped upon the alpha at once. Their fingers by the side of Yoongi's body and tickling with all their might.

Yoongi woke up with a loud laugh, his hands trying to stop the intruders from disturbing his sleep and a trail of laughter echoing in the room followed by Jimin's and Eunjae's laugh.

" What-" Jimin and Eunjae finally backed off letting the older catch a breath. From his teary eyes, Yoongi watched the two of them high fiving each other.

His initial idea was to scold them a little for disturbing his precious sleep but, nothing is more precious than seeing Jimin and Eunjae laughing together. You can bet, Yoongi have heart eyes as he looks at his precious angels.

" You seem to be in a good mood today." Yoongi comments on seeing the omega beaming with joy as he bounce around the room. He hasn't seen him this happy in a while now.
" Yes I am. Now, get up and freshen up. We're leaving in an hour." Jimin announced like a boss. Eunjae instantly got up at the command, making Yoongi furrow his brow because the boy never listen to him like that.

" What ? Wait-- where are we going ?" He asks hurriedly, seeing the omega already stepping out of the room.
" You'll see." Jimin winks at the end of his sentence. Even he doesn't know where he got the courage to do so, he quickly makes a run for it to save himself from embarrassment.

Jimin's good mood brings a smile on the alpha's face too. Yoongi shakes his head to bring himself out of the fantasy land, he need to get ready or the omega would get mad at him.


The next time he steps out of his room, dressed in an oversized knitted sweater and ripped jeans, Eunjae and Jimin were dressed up too. Jimin was wearing a black turtleneck, black jeans and a red cardigan. The younger managed to look magnificent even in those simple clothes.

Sitting on the table with his toast clutched in his little hands, Eunjae gestured Yoongi to join him. The older does so gladly.

A glass of milk and a simple toast was soon served in front of him.
" Is this all ?" Yoongi asks, because usually the omega would prepare a heavy breakfast for them. And he has gotten used to it in a small period of time.

Jimin and Eunjae exchanged a few glances and smiled from ear to ear. There's surely something going on between these two that Yoongi is not known of.

" Appa, eat fast. We'll be late." Yoongi shot him a glare but then went back to chew on his food.

Finally after the breakfast was done, Yoongi asked Jimin once again about his plan. The omega only replied with a mysterious smile and then went inside his room once again.

He emerges with two small bags. Jimin picked up another bag from the kitchen counter that the alpha helped him with.
Yoongi doesn't know what's inside them but for some reason they feel awfully heavy.

" Eunjae ah, come on. We're leaving." The boy come out running with a plushie clutched in his hands.
" Your little bear will join us too ?" Jimin asks, seeing how reluctant Eunjae looks with keeping the soft toy down.

Eunjae nods at that. He brings the soft toy in front of Jimin's face so his father could see it.
" Let's go." Yoongi shouts from the doorway. Both of them laughed a little before running out of the house.

" So, where's the destination." Yoongi asks once they all are seated inside the car.
" Blossom park." Eunjae chirps, bouncing in Jimin's lap.
The alpha only nods in response and starts driving to the place. He didn't give it much thought, guessing that Eunjae might have  wanted to go there.

The whole ride was filled with singing and lots of singing. Eunjae and Jimin were jamming to the nursery rhymes and Yoongi was shocked that the omega actually knew each and every lyrics, while he himself sang whatever word came into his mouth.

Nonetheless, the whole Min family just jammed to the twinkle twinkle little star in broad daylight.


They finally reached their destination. Since it was the cherry blossom time, the park was crowded. Yoongi was concerned if they'd be able to find a decent spot or not. If not, then they wouldn't be able to enjoy the view to its full extent.

" I'll look for a place to sit." The alpha starts to walk away but Jimin stops him.
" No need, hyung." Before Yoongi could ask why is that, he heard his son's booming voice in the background.

" Aera ! Uncle Jin ! Uncle Joonie !" The older freezes from head to toe on hearing the names. The panic starts rushing through him, with a need to protect Jimin following after.

His thoughts automatically went that they accidentally bumped into them. He hesitated to look at Jimin's reaction. The younger clearly told him he wasn't ready to meet their friends yet, and he still haven't recovered from meeting Jungkook and Taehyung. How will he react on seeing Jin and Namjoon ?

He gets closer to Jimin, hiding the omega behind his back. But Jimin refused to do so.
The omega isn't shocked like him but he surely looks a bit anxious. That only means only thing, meeting Namjoon and Jin wasn't a coincidence, all along it was Jimin who had planned it all.

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