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Waking up to a completely different room was already shocking enough for Jimin but then, he heard the loud wailings too. It was way too early for his brain to process so, he just walked outside the room without putting too much thought to it.

The crying got louder when he stepped into the living room. There stood a worried Yoongi with a crying Eunjae in his arms, trying his best to shush the boy down.
He didn't announced his presence, instead just stood there and stared at them in silence.

Eunjae continued to sniffle on Yoongi's shoulder but when he caught the whip of the sweet scent, he opened his eyes. Immediately, jumping out of Yoongi's arms and running towards the omega.

Jimin was shocked on seeing the boy coming to his direction but, he still crouched down to the ground with with wide arms for Eunjae to come land in them.

" P-papa, Eunnie thought... you l-left." He sobbed lightly in Jimin's arms. But this time it was the tears of relief.

In that moment, a flame of guilt burned through Jimin. Feeling like he failed himself and even his son. At that vulnerable moment, Jimin easily shows the frightened child within, damaged and afraid, the one still hiding in the dark. That child is still looking for that dark place all over again, but praying for the light.
And maybe his son could be the light for him.

He slowly put his hand around Eunjae's back. Keeping them there for a second, securing his hold and rubbing it softly.

" I'm here. I'll not leave you."
He doesn't know where he got the courage to say those words. But, his omega was not in a good condition after seeing his child cry. He just wanted to comfort him.

His soft hands caressed over Eunjae's chubby cheeks, wiping off the tears. Eunjae looked at him with his big doe eyes.
" Promise ?" He holds out his little finger for Jimin.

The omega gulped the forming lump in his throat, he wasn't able to reply. How could he give him false hope when he himself isn't sure if he's worthy of staying in their lives ?

" Eunjae ah, it's your bath time." Yoongi comes in between the conversation so Jimin wouldn't have to lie. He saw it in the younger's face how a small promise has him getting so anxious.

" Can papa bath me today ?" Yoongi opens his mouth to deny the request, but his son's eyes are his biggest weakness. And he's using them against him.
He looks at Jimin not knowing what to say.
" I'll be a good boy." Eunjae pleads again with his eyes.

Jimin just stare between the two, who seems to be conversing with their eyes. He doesn't know a single thing about children. How is he supposed to fulfill Eunjae's request ?

" Fine. Go get your towel." The boy jumped happily on getting the permission, running to his room to get his things.

" I'm sorry he's just so excited to meet you for the first time." Yoongi says shyly. He should have atleast asked Jimin before saying yes to Eunjae, but he's a little too whipped for his little boy.

There's a question that had been sitting on the back of Jimin's mind ever since the first time he met Eunjae and he finally asks it.
" How does he know about me ?"
Yoongi gives him a faint smile at the question, he was kinda expecting it.

" I never kept you a secret from him. When he asked me about his other parent, I told him about you." The older seems calm after answering the question.

But Jimin is in shock. Why would Yoongi do that ? The question is repeating itself in his mind.
Why is the alpha so good to him when all he ever do was to hurt and leave him behind ?

" Papa, let's go." Eunjae wrapped his tiny fingers around Jimin's hand and shot him a smile.
Jimin looked down at him, it was a good thing that he didn't see his face before going away because if he did, he wouldn't have been able to go away from him.

Yoongi looks at Jimin, requesting him to comply with Eunjae's demand.
Jimin wants to say no so badly. Not because he doesn't want to but, because he's afraid he'll do it all wrong and disappoint Eunjae somehow.

The face his son is making at him has made it impossible for him to say no at this point.
" Okay." Yoongi mouths a 'thank you' for that.

Jimin let's the boy guide him to the bathroom. He may not know much about how to bath a child but, he's ready to learn it. He wants to prove himself worthy of his son's love.


" Appa ! Papa gave me a bubble bath." Eunjae ran towards Yoongi with a towel wrapped around his lower body. He rubbed his wet hairs against Yoongi sweatshirt, making him laugh.

" But I told you bubble bath is only for the weekends." Yoongi have strictly set the rule to limit the bubble bath only for the weekends but clearly Jimin was unaware of thar. And nor was he able to say no to Eunjae when he asked so politely for a bubble bath.

" Sorry." Eunjae presses a kiss on Yoongi's nose, it's his way of apologizing to his father.
" Now, go get changed. I've prepared your clothes." With that the boy disappear back inside his room.

Jimin slowly walks back into the living room. Yoongi offers him a smile in return for helping Eunjae with his bath.
" Are pancakes okay with you ?" Jimin used to love them before, but Yoongi isn't sure if he still does.

Jimin gave a head nod in response.
" You can freshen up after eating breakfast." He went to grab the plates and start putting the pancakes om them.

" Aren't you going ?" Jimin asks as he watches the big clock hung in the middle of the room.
" Where ?" Yoongi quirks a brow at the incomplete question.
" To work." Jimin have no idea what field do the older work in now. Is he pursuing a career in music like he talked about in college ? Or is he doing something else ?

" I've taken a today off." Jimin knows it's because of him but he doesn't say anything much. He just sat there silently, his leg bouncing under the table.

" Appa, I'm ready." Eunjae ran into the kitchen to show Yoongi that he have dressed up.
" Yeah? Good boy." He ruffled the top of Eunjae's fluffy hairs.

Getting praised by Yoongi he goes to Jimin next. Standing in front of him with a big smile. And Jimin is so awkward, not knowing what to do. Yoongi runs to his rescue and gestures him to do the same thing as him.

" Good b-boy." He said in a shaky voice, placing his hand on Eunjae's head and stroking it lightly, just like Yoongi did before.
The boy giggled with happiness at that and sat on the chair next to Jimin.

Jimin looked at Yoongi for the affirmation, if he did the right and Yoongi is assuring him with a smile. It's not gonna be easy, he never expected it to be but he'll give it his best this time, for his son.

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