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It's been a few days since Jimin came back home. Slowly he's getting to know Eunjae better with time passing by. It's no denying that his son really loves him, but, that makes him feel more guilty, because as the other people say he doesn't deserve that kind of love. So, he have decided to prove to them that he's worthy of that love.

When a sudden noise echoes around the house, Jimin wakes up in a bolt. The smallest noises doesn't help a bit when you're a light sleeper.
He looks around the room, the sunlight is peeking through the window with the barest hints of orange hues spreading in the sky, indicating that it's early morning time.

He didn't saw anything out of the place inside the room so, that points out that the source of sound is outside the room. He decided to go check it out.

The room door opens and Yoongi freezes in his spot as if, he's a thief going to get caught.
" Hyung ?" Jimin smells the alpha's scent present in the air, rubbing the sleep out of his puffy eyes.

Yoongi turns around with an apologetic smile, his hand up in a waving gesture.
" Sorry, I tried to be silent." He instantly picks up the water bottle lying on the ground that was the source of the strange noise.

Jimin notices how the alpha is all dressed up right now. It seems like he's going for a morning jog, judging by his clothes but, his perfectly styled hair is giving a different idea.

" You're going somewhere ?" He walks close to the alpha.
" Yeah, Minjun asked me to go hiking with him today." A wave of discomfort ran across Jimin's face on hearing Minjun's name. The change of expression doesn't go unnoticed by the alpha's sharp eyes.

" I was going to tell you yesterday but you were already asleep. Hope you don't mind." He tried to postpone it with all his might but Minjun is so persistent and at last he had to give in.

" It's okay hyung. You should go and enjoy. Eunjae is still asleep ?" He looks at Eunjae's room, the door is closed. Honestly, he expected the boy to go with Yoongi too since Minjun has mentioned earlier how he wanted the three of them to spend some time together.

" Yeah, he would have asked me to take him along but he's not much of a walker so, it's better if he stays home."
Well, that was a lie because Eunjae is a very energetic child, who never runs out of energy, of course he got it from his papa. But, the idea of Jimin staying home alone wasn't sitting right with his mind, so he decided to let Eunjae accompany him today.

"Plus, it'll nice for him to spend time with you. You two are already getting so close." He says with a smile.
" I'm still trying to get to know him."

Yoongi looks at his watch, it's already 8. He should get going by now or else the omega will start sulking again. He's not in the mood to deal with a cranky Minjun.

" I should go now." He picks up a small bag from which his water bottle is peaking out.
" Take care, hyung." Jimin waves him off.

Once the door is closed, he gives a nice little stretch to his muscles. There's no doubt that a jealous feeling is growing in his heart but, he's trying to overlook it. As long as Yoongi and Eunjae are happy, even if it's not with him, he don't want anything else.

From what he have heard from Yoongi and Eunjae, Minjun seems to be a great person. He might be a little mean to him but, that's explainable because he's the bad guy here who stole Minjun's alpha from him.

The omega walks towards Eunjae's room to see the boy fast asleep with the quilt covering his whole body. He decide to let him sleep to his heart's content. Thinking about making breakfast for him and freshing up in the time being.


" Eunjae ah!" He calls for Eunjae once he was done with all the chores. He waits for a response before calling his name again.

" Eunjae!" He shouts expecting the footsteps to come towards him but, there's no response. Usually Eunjae is very attentive in his sleep so, he would wake up just from one little call. But, that doesn't seem to be the case today so, it got him worried.

He hurried towards the room. The boy is still on the bed. This made Jimin's heart race.
" Eunjae ah." He pulls the cover down to see the boy's whole body covered in sweat and the milk skin looking so red. He puts his hand to his forhead to feel the burning sensation.

" Eunjae ah, wake up." The omega tried not to panic in this situation. Eunjae just grunts and curl into Jimin's arms craving for his warmth.
" Baby, are you okay ?" Eunjae shakes his head at the question. He wanted to say something but only painful moans made their way out.

Jimin held him even closer at that. He needs to call Yoongi.
" Can you wait for me baby ? I'll go and call your appa." Eunjae nods even though he wanted to stay close to Jimin.
Jimin let him down slowly, caressing his son's face that looked so pale right now.

He ran towards Yoongi's room and picked up his phone, instantly dialling up the alpha's number. The phone ringed for quite a long time but nobody received it on the other side.
Jimin didn't waste any more time standing there. He hurried to the kitchen, filled a bowl of cold water, grabbed a nearby towel, and ran back to his son's side.

" Papa is here." He announces to Eunjae. The boy stopped squirming around and relaxed a bit in his father's arms. Jimin put the cold towel on his head, his heart swelling at the way Eunjae hissed on feeling the cold sensation.

" It's okay. You're gonna be okay." He stroked his heated cheeks.

" Hyung, pick up the phone." He prays in a desperate tone. He can't sit like this and let something even worse happen to his son.

He dials up the number he still remember clearly even after four years. He was a little afraid if Taehyung still had the same number or if he changed it.
It went like the same with Yoongi, the phone ringed but no one picked it up. His omega is getting so stressed on sensing a possible danger on his child.

Eunjae writhed in his father's arms. His hands curling into a fist. Coughing gently, he snuggled more into the warmth. Slowly, his eyelids became too heavy to even keep them open. So, with a swift movement he closed them, falling into the dark abyss of unconsciousness.

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