Chapter 1

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Nami's taxi arrived in front of an apartment complex in Konoha's East End of the city. It wasn't the greatest part of the city; but right now, this was the best Nami could do. Today was Friday and she would start her job as an assistant to actress, Sakura Haruno, on Monday. It would give Nami more than enough time to unpack her single suitcase of clothes, her futon, and her typewriter. Yes, Nami Umino used a typewriter. She adored the old-timey feel of the keys rather than a bright screen. Nami dreamt of being a writer and felt this was a way to help her become a better one.

She got out of the taxi and tipped the driver who helped her unload her suitcase. Her arms were full but she found her way into the leasing office.

"Hi, you must be Umino, Nami?"

Nami peeked around the fluffy, folded futon she carried, "That's me."

"I can help," the man took her futon and suitcase. "I'm Genma. Follow me and I will show you to your unit."

They trailed down a dimly lit hallway and up an old spiral staircase to the third floor. Unit 3F. Genma wiggled the doorknob and swung the door open.

"How annoying. I'll get that fixed for you. Anyways, here is the kitchenette. The bathroom is through that door."

He set her suitcase down and the folded futon on top of it. He checked each light switch to make sure it functioned properly. He checked the faucets to ensure the water was on. Nami set her typewriter on the low wall separating the kitchen from the room. She smiled. This place was all hers.

"Can I get you anything else Ms. Umino?" Genma asked.

Nami turned to Genma, his brown hair reached his jawline, he had a blue hat on backwards and held a senbon in between his lips. His t-shirt showed off his muscular arms. Nami had to stop her mind from wandering further.

"Will I be needing one of those too?" She asked pointing to the senbon. She knew she didn't pick the best part of town; but, the senbon was comical.

Genma chuckled and held the senbon in his hand now, "You know, some people bite their nails, some play with a senbon

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Genma chuckled and held the senbon in his hand now, "You know, some people bite their nails, some play with a senbon."

"Probably better for your teeth anyways. Umm, where can I find the best cup of coffee here?"

"In my unit, 5C," Genma said. This woman was stunning. He noticed Nami's cheeks turn red immediately, "Well, I'm serious. I got an espresso machine because I couldn't stand places getting my order wrong, now I make it myself. When you're settled, find me."

With that, Genma turned on his heels and confidently walked away. Nami was still blushing, a slow smile crept across her face.

She really needed to find the best local coffee shop. Getting involved with the man you pay your rent to probably wasn't the best idea. But, why did that man have to be built like a Greek god?

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