Chapter 33

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Nami woke tangled in Madara's dark and soft sheets. He was a deep and fiery sleeper. Nami could feel the heat radiating from him and snuggled closer. Soon enough, his alarm went off. Madara Uchiha didn't take days off. He was always working on multiple projects. Nami knew this from her time at Uchiha Studios.

"Good morning Miss Umino."

"Good morning Madara."

"What would you like to do today?"

"I'd like to get my things from Tobirama's."

"How about you leave that for later. Let's do something, just us."

"I don't have any clothes."

"We don't need to do anything that requires clothes."

"Madara, I want to continue to get to know you and spend time with you; but, not today. I need to get my stuff and go home."

"I understand," Madara said monotonously.

"Do you?"

"I will get you some clothes and call you a cab, okay? Call me when you're ready."

"Thank you."

Nami checked her phone. In addition to the texts she never answered after the premier, she found thirty-eight texts from Tobirama and nineteen missed calls. Nineteen voicemails, each progressively more drunk.

Madara came back into the bedroom with some jeans and a blouse for Nami, "The cab will be here shortly to take you to the Senju's."

"On second thought, I think I want to just go straight home. I don't have anything that important at his house."

Madara looked to her phone and understood, "Are you scared of him? Did he hurt you?"

"No. He is pretty upset in his messages. Last night, he threatened to drag out this contract as long as possible."

"Hashirama won't stand for it. Besides, isn't the Senju leaving for Africa? You'll have four months off and he will be in another country."

Nami dressed and met Madara at his front door. She kissed his cheek, avoiding any deeper physical contact and left.

Sunday morning meant Hidan would be passed out still, not that he was even remotely a problem now, Nami still didn't want to chance running into him.

When she got inside her unit, Nami collapsed onto her futon. Being Sakura's assistant sure did lead to bigger opportunities. Was it worth it though? Her phone started to ring. Nami almost didn't answer, in fear of it being Tobirama. When she looked at the screen, she instead saw Iruka's name.

"Hey brother."

"I'm coming to see you. Where are you?"

"My apartment."

Iruka arrived an hour later with a hot latte in hand for Nami. She sat on the futon while Iruka sat in the chair at her desk.

"What the hell Nami?"

"What do you mean, what the hell?"

"Madara Uchiha?"

"It was just a dumb article."

"Tobirama called me last night. He said you two got in a fight and he tracked your phone. You were with Madara last night."

"Sakura lives there too."


"Okay, okay. I was with him."

"Tobirama was one thing. But, Madara – "

"Brother, I work for terrible people. I'm trapped in a contract, if I break it, it will ruin my reputation. All of my hard work. Being with Madara is the lesser evil right now."

Nami cried and told Iruka everything she had learned. After all, Iruka had been with her through thick and thin. She knew this information was safe with him. By the time she finished, Iruka felt powerless. He didn't have any of the connections that the Senju's or the Uchiha's had. All he could do was support his sister's next decisions.

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