Chapter 45

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Dinner was going well. Izuna stuck with basic background questions and Nami avoided asking him anything that may make things uncomfortable. Specifically, she avoided anything that had to do with drugs, alcohol, and, well, murder. Unfortunately, Izuna picked up on the avoidance.

"Nami, we're both adults. Why do I feel you are hiding things about your past? Tell me specifically why you left Kiri to move back to Konoha?"

"I'm not hiding anything. I just don't want to bring up anything that may be... triggering."

"Well, if something "triggers" you, don't you think you should resolve that shit with therapy?"

Nami had no idea what to say. He was right. She still wasn't willing to discuss her past, especially with someone who literally got away with murder.

"I have a better idea. Since therapy is expensive and takes time to really work, what do you say we roll instead?"

"Wh – "

Izuna took out two little tablets and started to crush them up. He grabbed Nami's drink and stirred some of the powder into the liquid. He then put the powder into his own drink and threw it back.

"Don't leave me hanging Nami."

Everything in her screamed "no." Then, a little voice broke through and told her that maybe she should partake. At the very least, wouldn't this be something to write about?

Nami downed her drink.


Hours later, the two found themselves with Itachi in his suite. It was eleven at night but Itachi couldn't turn down his uncle or the woman he was sure he was in love with. Plus, he was a little drunk and very bored.

"Itachi! Itachi! Please help me and Izuna, we had this great idea for a short film, a short story, a short whatever."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Record us! Use my phone to just record the scene."

Itachi took Nami's phone and complied with her request. The two began to reenact a scene from Shakespeare's Hamlet.

Izuna spoke, "O my offence is rank; it smells to heaven; It hath the primal eldest curse upon't – a brother's murder!"

Nami started to laugh. It wasn't supposed to be funny but the seriousness of the scene didn't match how she was feeling. She laughed so hard that she fell down onto Itachi's plush carpet. The two men soon followed suit. Itachi placed the phone on the table, the camera was covered but it was still recording their conversation.

Itachi spoke, "Nami, you're too beautiful to be with someone like Madara."

Izuna looked hurt for his brother; but, the drugs weren't letting him get upset, "Nami, I think you're really great for being able to forgive Madara and show him love. No matter what we do in our lives, we deserve love."

"I hate that he put me in this position; but, I must admit, he is really great to be around when he is in a good mood," Izuna's words suddenly struck Nami in her intoxicated state, "Izuna, you say no matter what we have done we deserve love?"

"Oh, totally."

"Is there someone special in your life?"

"Me? No. I prefer to be more of a free spirit, there's so many cool people in this world. I don't want to be tied down. You should have seen some of the women I met in Bali last year."

"You were in Bali?"

"Yeah, Bali and Alaska."

"Is that where the rehabs were?"


"Yeah, you've been in rehab for the past fifteen years, right?"

Izuna laughed, hard, "What? Where did you hear that?"

Nami was so confused but did her best to address the situation, as gracefully as she could. Perhaps the drugs had caused her this confusion.

"You've been in rehab since the accident."

Izuna grew serious, "The accident. Nami... what do you know about that."

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bring it up. I know how painful it must be."

"Nami. Tell me what you know."

Nami repeated exactly what Tobirama and Madara had told her months ago. Itachi and Izuna stared in disbelief. Itachi began to cry. The ecstasy, still in their system, wouldn't allow Izuna or Nami to feel such emotion.

"I feel like I'm missing something important here guys," she said as she watched Izuna make some weird faces and seeing Itachi so upset.

Itachi got up and went to his bedroom. He shut the door and left Izuna to tell the truth. It made sense now as to why Nami "fell for" Madara. He had spun such a complicated web, completely ensnaring her in his trap.

Itachi had been head over heels for Nami since he met her. He loved how considerate she was. She had always brought him and Sakura a latte on set. He knew they had chemistry that night at Madara's party and of course during their time together with Shisui. The very thought of the night with Shisui both enraged and excited him all at once.

He had no idea what lies Madara had told her but it all made sense now. Itachi resolved himself to not feeling guilty for sleeping with her when he knew she was with Madara. In fact, it gave him hope to go after her.

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