Chapter 53

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It was Itachi and Shisui. She could see their figures running towards her, closing the distance. She didn't dare turn back to look at Madara who was only feet away from her. She made it to Itachi's arms just as Shisui made it to Madara.

"Tach, get her out of here, now!"

Itachi picked Nami up and ran to the car while Shisui wrestled Madara for the gun. There was an empty click that made Nami shudder.

Itachi cursed, seeing the car's tires buried in soft sand. They heard another empty click from the gun in Madara's hand. It seemed Madara really did drop the bullets earlier. Itachi scrambled to get Nami inside the car. He spun the tires trying to get the car free from the sand.

A gunshot rang through their ears.

Itachi and Nami looked up to see Madara headed towards the car, murder in his eyes.

The Senju helicopter was hovering above the opening in the trees now. The wind caused Madara's hair to swirl wildly as the blades came closer to the ground.

Nami turned to Itachi, "I don't know how many bullets he has, they were spilled all over the floor of his car earlier."

Madara raised the gun to Itachi's car just as Izuna and Hashirama jumped from the helicopter.

"Nami get down!" Itachi yelled while jumping on top of her to shield her.

Hashirama tackled Madara and tried to wrestle the gun free from his hand. Izuna went to help him.

"Brother! Please. Let's talk."

"I told you all, you try and stop me and she's dead! I have Shisui to prove it!"

Neither Itachi nor Nami saw as Madara pointed his gun at Hashirama's torso and pulled the trigger. As he was hit, Tobirama pulled the trigger of a sniper from the helicopter, hitting Izuna through the chest.

Madara watched as his brother fell to the ground. He focused his attention on Tobirama who didn't hesitate to shoot Madara down.

Itachi got up and held Nami down, "You shouldn't see this."

Nami pushed his arm away and got out of the car. It was clear Tobirama had dealt lethal shots. Hashirama was still moving, the bullet seemed to have missed vital organs.

There were three dead men before her. All of who had shown her either immense kindness, a swirling darkness, or both. She was numb as she watched Itachi lean over Shisui's body. He took his friends body into his lap and let out a cry. Tobirama was at Hashirama's side helping him keep pressure on his wound.

So, Nami just stood. She was oblivious to the vomit on her dress and the cuts on her feet. She stood in the middle of the chaos. Her head was still bleeding from earlier. Her legs and her dress were soaked in mud. She started to shake once more. Usually Madara would have supplied her with another micro dose right about now. The adrenaline was quickly fading from her veins. She wasn't sure if she was still standing anymore.

Soon enough the small opening in the forest filled with red and blue flashing lights. Police and paramedics flooded the area. They first helped get Hashirama loaded into the ambulance and sped off. Tobirama made sure to call Mito so she could meet the ambulance at the hospital.

The police then began their work of documenting the crime scene. Nami was led to stand by a police car so she could be interviewed. As she looked into the passenger seat of the cop car she saw a bottle of lotion, a box of tissues, and a magazine with a beautiful face on it.

Once her initial disgust faded, Nami looked closer at the magazine. It was her face. It was a photo shoot done almost a year ago. The magazine was finally running her interview. Nami looked at her reflection in the window of the police car. The skeletal structure of her face stared back at her.

The police officer kept repeating his questions, growing impatient at her lack of attention. She tried answering, only to stutter her words and mumble incoherently.

"Officer? Perhaps you can spare her for tonight. She has been traumatized," Tobirama spoke as he walked up to Nami and the officer.

"You should be at the jail already, Senju. You're the one who fired an illegal weapon."

"Ask your boss if you must; but, I have been cleared to go and I'm taking Nami to the hospital."

Tobirama ushered Nami away from the cop's car and towards the car he had called; yet, she couldn't break her stare from the dead brothers that lay only feet apart from each other, their eyes glossed over in madness and despair. She shook Tobirama's grip off and went to each brother, closing their eyes. She saw Itachi talking to the coroner, he didn't break away from his conversation but his eyes looked pleading as she turned to leave. Tobirama took her into his arms and led her away. 

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