Chapter 42

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Contains a mini 🍋

Monday. Finally.

Nami kissed Madara as he left the suite. She felt sluggish as he had kept her up all night with 'goodbye' formalities. She was exhausted and could barely walk. She stared at the medicine cabinet before finally deciding against it. She had to get to Senju Studios – sober.


She was greeted immediately by Hashirama upon entering the doors. Nami found herself filling with anxiety as Hashirama went on with pleasantries. She may have won the world record for the longest fake smile in the longest elevator ride. Once in his office, he motioned for Nami to sit as he poured her a drink. He was going on and on about the Oscar's and how this year's was supposed to be the best yet. He finally stopped talking once he took his seat directly inform of Nami.

"Let me see your phone. The one Madara tracks."

Nami handed the phone over. He tucked it into his pocket and led Nami to the executive floor where Tobirama and him had their offices.

"So, Nami, I am still working on our plan. In the meantime, my brother would like to see you. Is this okay with you?"

"I mean sure, but – "

"Great!" Hashirama jumped up and opened the door to reveal Tobirama. The ex-couple just simply stared at each other.

"Well, I would leave to give you both some privacy...but this is my office and Nami, you no longer need to worry about being tracked... I have some work to catch up on."

There was a moment of silence before Tobirama spoke, "Come, I will buy you breakfast."

Once again, Nami endured a painfully long elevator ride down. When they got to his car, Tobirama spoke.

"I never thanked you for the charity dinner. It was the most profitable event I've ever had."

"I didn't expect a thank you."

"Nami," Tobirama began. He closed his mouth and looked forward he pulled out of the parking lot and sped off.

"You know I hate it when you do that."


"You were about to say something and you stopped. Just say it."

"Why do you even care?"

"I don't know! What were you going to say?"

"It isn't important," Tobirama remained silent.

He usually won this game. Nami crossed her arms and relaxed. He was a fast driver; but, a good one. She began to lose herself in her thoughts until she realized the road they were on.

"I thought you said we were going out to eat?"

"I changed my mind. I would like to make us breakfast instead."

Tobirama pulled up to the front of his house. It was a home Nami missed tremendously. It had been one of her favorite places to write. He got out of the car and went around to Nami's side. He opened the door and held out his hand. She stayed with her arms crossed.

"I am not going in there."

"Get. Out. Of. The. Car."

Nami sat there.

"What are you doing? Put me down! Tobirama!"

Tobirama had picked her up out of her seat and was heading towards his house.


Nami sat at the table drinking coffee while Tobirama made her a simple breakfast. He began to go over the steps of their next film. Soon enough, Nami started to lighten up. She began talking to him like she did back on the island.

"I'm still in love with you Nami."

Nami just stared.

"It is what I was going to say back in the car."

Nami's head was filled with a thousand things she could say. Yet she couldn't bring herself to speak.

"Do you love him?"

"No. I am terrified of him," she whispered, "I think I hate you both."

"You're the one who ran to him."

"You threatened me!"

"I would never!" Tobirama closed the space between them.

Nami stood her ground, "Hashirama said he would help me."

"So I've heard."

"And you?"

Tobirama kissed Nami and wrapped his arms around her waist. One hand grabbed a fistful of her hair.

When they broke, Tobirama said, "Why would I help you if you hate me?"

"Fuck you Senju."

As she stepped around him, he grabbed her wrist. He slammed his lips into hers and picked her up. She didn't resist as he took her to his bedroom and pinned her underneath him. He began to undress Nami. Once her panties were off and his shirt was removed, he practically dove into her. He kept her legs spread wide apart as he began to lap at her clit.

She moved her hips to be closer to him before she grabbed a handful of his white hair. He moved his fingers around her entrance before inserting them fully. His tongue swirled around her clit making her legs shake with anticipation.

He looked up at her, noticing some bruising on her thighs. He knew the bruises only came from one man.

"Just end things with him, fuck the consequences. We will get through it," Tobirama stood up and wiped his chin off.


"You act as if my brother and I aren't equally as powerful as him. Like we don't own half the city," Tobirama spoke with a visible anger.

"You got me into this mess!"

"Come back to me and I will get you out."

"I don't want to."

Tobirama turned away from Nami and pulled his shirt on. Nami looked at him, confused as to what just happened. He's going to leave me, high and dry. Won't be the first time I guess.

"Tobirama?" she called, "Where are you going?"

"I don't want you when you're still allowing his dick inside you."

Nami rushed to pull on her jeans, her thighs still dripping. She pushed past him and walked out his front door, down the long road. She called an Uber to pick her up and return her to Senju Studios. What. Was. The. Point. Tobirama?


She stormed into Hashirama's office. He looked up, startled.

"My phone," she said as she held out her hand.

"From the looks of it, things didn't go well with Tobirama," Hashirama placed the tapped phone into her palm, "Would you like to talk about it?"

"There is nothing to discuss," she turned to leave before facing Hashirama again, "Consider my contract broken."

She turned to leave as Hashirama followed her.

"Nami, please, let's talk!"

"Fuck you, fuck Tobirama, fuck Senju Studios."

"Nami, please, I hate to hold this above your head, but Senju Studios owns Konoha Times. You'll be ending your book deals."

"Fuck. Off."

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