Chapter 58

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Breakfast with Orochimaru was actually quite nice.

Nami learned that he was a researcher for a big pharma company that lacked test subjects. Over time he got addicted to several drugs that were still in development. Orochimaru was passionate as he explained his goal to Nami. She giggled when he got really excited. He was a hand talker. He would flail his arms in the air when making a crucial point and move his hands in circles as he explained a topic in depth.

She became more and more aware that her partner was simply brilliant.

"Imagine that? A world where everyone can live past the life expectancy mark?"

"Wow. That's amazing. I can't wait to see where you take it."

"Well, I only hope I get to continue. It's been quite taxing."

"I'm sure. Do you have a wife or children?"

"I haven't had time to."

"I see."

"Well what about you?"


"I'm sorry if it's a sensitive subject. I'm not much of a tabloid reader but according to that show yesterday... you've had a rough go of it."

"That might be an understatement," she said as she laughed.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I just got swallowed whole. Before I knew it... I went through three boyfriends in two years. It all happened so fast. I don't know when any of it will feel real. Even talking about feels like I'm telling a story of someone else."

Nami shrugged. Even in therapy, she had no idea where to begin her story. It didn't help to start at her move to Konoha, there was too much that had happened before. And, she knew it all came down to just wanting to be loved.

It sounded pathetic in her brain. But, that's exactly what she longed for with every cell in her body.

She started to tear up in front of Orochimaru. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and did his best to console her.

"Let's not get into that now. Come on, fresh air will do you some good before visitor hour."

He leads her outside to the gardens that the center featured during their tour. It was gloomy and drizzling.


Nami and Orochimaru entered the conference room where Shining Light hosted Visitor Hour. They were wet from the rain, Orochimaru had her laughing hard about something, he looked down at her with a smile. Today was the first time she finally allowed Iruka to come and visit. In the past three weeks, she was able to put on some weight and her hair, skin, and nails were already looking healthier.

"Hi Iruka! How are you?" She asked as she broke away from Orochimaru, hugging her brother in her moment of joy.

"Nami! You look great! I'm good, the kids and Ayoko are doing great," Iruka tried to sound as normal as possible but couldn't help himself from wondering who this terrifying looking man was and why his sister seemed to be enjoying his company so much.

Nami introduced the men before Orochimaru excused himself. She felt a pan of guilt when she noticed that he didn't have any visitors. The siblings went on with their pleasantries until Iruka shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"You know, sis, we eventually need to talk about all the ugly stuff that's happened."

"What part?"

"Well for one, I'm sorry, I wasn't aware how bad your addiction was."

She sighed, "The last time we saw each other, it wasn't."

"Nami, I don't think it's healthy to make excuses like that. We were all so worried. And, believe me, we're all so proud that you're here!"

"Who is 'all?'"

"Me and Ayoko. Also, Hidan. He calls just about every other day to ask me how you are."

"Hidan? Calls you?"

"Yeah, he was the one who found you when you overdosed. Don't you remember?"

"No... Madara..." Nami was at a loss for words. She never understood how she had gotten to the hospital the first time. She never really even had a chance to ask Madara about it.

"I guess a lot has happened since then, huh? Well, yeah, Hidan found you collapsed in the hallway of your apartments. He took you straight to the hospital and called me."


"Yeah. You really didn't know?"


"Nami... what happened that night you were with Madara?"

"I'm not sure I'm able to reveal that information Iruka. I don't think I'm ready to."

Iruka stared hard at his sister. They had never been so distant from each other.

"Ayoko and I are getting divorced."

"What? Iruka, why?"

Iruka was debating on telling Nami the truth. In the time he argued with himself inside his head, Nami knew.

"Because of me... right?"

He nodded slowly, "She watches too many gossip shows. Nami, some people believe that you are to blame for three Uchiha's being killed."

"I guess, in a way, I am. Shisui was trying to protect me from Madara. Madara wasn't in his right mind."

"Why would you need protection from Madara? What am I missing?"

She was furious and devastated at the same time. Her therapist had posed the question, 'Why did you stay so long?' She thought of her typewriter. She thought of the look on Madara's face when he held a gun to her head. The more her memories came flooding to the forefront of her mind, she realized, she didn't want to be here.

"Iruka... I can't have this conversation right now. It was so nice to see you again. I'm really sorry to hear about you and Ayoko," she said as she quickly hugged her brother and left the conference room.

Iruka was left standing there. Guilt took over him as he realized he shouldn't have pushed her so much.


Nami walked swiftly through the hallways, her eyes brimming with tears. The weight of all the horrors since she met Madara Uchiha pressed down on her. Of course, he wasn't to blame. She took responsibility for allowing every wrong upon her. She was responsible for the death of Shisui and Izuna.

And, in perfect timing, she rounded a corner and bumped into Orochimaru. She tried to turn away but he held her by the arms and forced her to make eye contact.

"Well this isn't the state I had left you in."

Her lips quivered and her tears started to stream down her face, "I did it! I killed them!"

His eyes widened over such an exclamation. She was hysterical now. He covered her mouth with his lean hand and walked her into his room.

"Nami calm down! Calm down!"

She tried to wrestle out of Orochimaru's grip as he tried to console her. She fell to her knees and laid fully on the floor. She had never felt this type of heartbreak before. She hurt. She was alive. That's what hurt.

"I killed someone too."

Nami stopped crying. She caught her breath and looked to Orochimaru who stared at her, emotionless.


"It was a test phase gone horribly wrong. It's why I started testing on myself."

Orochimaru sat on his bed, his hands on his lap. She stood up and went to him. They sat side by side and she rested her head on his shoulder.

Konoha Times {OC x Various} Naruto AUWhere stories live. Discover now