Chapter 50

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Madara and Izuna were throwing brutal punches at each other. It was clear Izuna was very drunk. Obito and Itachi were trying to tear them apart. Sakura's side of the family looked mortified. Obito started to call both Hashirama and Tobirama, they were usually the only ones who could deal with Madara and Izuna.

"You have ostracized me from this family!" Izuna said as his fist connected with Madara's jaw.

Madara spat out blood, "You brought this upon yourself!"

Nami's heart ached for justice but she looked to Sakura who was in tears as Sasuke tried to shield her from his family. Fugaku furiously attacked Izuna which only made matters worse.

Izuna turned to Fugaku, "You have no idea, do you?"

Fugaku let this in one ear and out the other, "Izuna, my son's wedding is not the time nor the place. Leave before you further disgrace yourself from this family."

"Disgrace..." Izuna went to swing at Fugaku before Nami intervened.

Fugaku was already poised to block and strike after the hit from Izuna that never came. Instead his kick hit Nami's torso, causing her to stumble back into Genma's arms. From where Madara stood, it looked as if Izuna had hit Nami, causing him to see red. Madara lunged at Izuna.

"Don't you touch her!"

"Afraid she'll discover the truth if she gets too close to me? You have them all fooled, at my expense!"

Madara's eyes flashed angrily as he looked to Nami, who clung to Genma. Genma helped Nami to her feet and started to pull her away from the fight.

"I think we should get you out of here," Genma whispered into her ear.

"Remove your hands from her," Madara said while looking Genma in the eyes. He looked to Nami who was holding her side, noticing her sex hair and smeared makeup, "Come on Nami. We're leaving."

Nami looked around. All eyes were on her now. Why the fuck did I leave the bathroom, there were other stalls that stupid lady could have waited for.

Sakura rushed to her side, "No she can't leave yet."

"Then everyone else will leave!" Izuna started to send guests home. Most fled without having to be asked as he wildly shooed them away.

When the venue started to clear out Madara turned back to Genma who was tending to Nami with an ice pack. He had Nami laughing which pissed Madara off even more. He tugged Genma's shoulder back and away from Nami.

"You are going to need to leave."

"Nami should go to the hospital. She already feels swollen."

Just as Madara was about to tear into Genma, the Senju brothers arrived. Tobirama's eyes widened when he saw Nami. She was holding an ice pack to her ribs and looked like a complete disaster.

"Madara Tomodachi! What is all of this fuss about?" Hashirama said as he walked towards the Uchiha with open arms.

"Family matters. You two don't belong here."

"I beg to differ. Let's see how I can help – again, anyone who isn't an Uchiha or Nami, leave," Hashirama looked to Genma and Sakura's parents.

Genma reluctantly left Nami's side as Tobirama's intimidating red eyes pierced into him. Itachi was pained to see Tobirama tend to her instead of himself; but, he didn't dare leave his father's side. He needed to de-escalate Fugaku – and quickly.

Hashirama spoke again, "Shall we see thy newlyweds off to their honeymoon?"

Nami moved to help her best friend but was held back by Tobirama. Nami's dress was a two piece with a peek-a-boo to her waist. The skin where Fugaku kicked was inflamed and swelling up. She definitely had a couple broken ribs. Her breaths were short and quick. Instead, Obito escorted Sasuke and Sakura out of the reception room.

Now all that was left of Sakura's wedding was Nami, the Senju brothers, and the Uchihas. So many Uchihas in one room was proving to be dangerous. Izuna and Madara stared, fuming at each other.

"Alcohol perhaps wasn't the best choice tonight; wouldn't you agree Izuna?"

Izuna now turned to Hashirama, "Fifteen years have passed. Fifteen years and the real problem was right beneath your nose, Hashirama."

"Izuna, I do not think you realize the severity of the situation."

Izuna attacked Hashirama. Madara stood by smirking, "It is what you get for muddling in Uchiha affairs."

Tobirama became infuriated. He gave Nami and apologetic look before rushing to the fight, "Do not forget it was us who saved the Uchiha name fifteen years ago, Madara."

Nami stood horrified as the fight escalated. Madara and Fugaku now fought Hashirama while Tobirama was on top of Izuna punching him into oblivion. Nami looked to Itachi and pleaded for his help to get Tobirama off of Izuna. Nami pulled on Tobirama's shoulders while Itachi pulled Izuna out from under the mighty Senju.

When Madara saw Nami's arms around Tobirama, he turned his full attention to her.

"Why do I even bother trying to protect us when you've bounced around from man to man tonight?"

"Excuse me?"

"I saw you with Fugaku's subordinate. Now you're before me with your arms around the Senju?"

"I don't think this is the place Madara."

"Where is the place Nami? Itachi's apartment?"

Nami looked to Itachi who looked to Izuna. Izuna's mouth was bloodied and he smirked, "Tell him Nami, you have all the ammo. Tell them all."

Madara's eyes widened as he realized Izuna had already gotten to Nami.

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