Chapter 39

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It was now Tuesday. Madara had several meetings to attend and wouldn't be home till late that evening, it gave Nami time to focus on her writing. It also gave her time to meet with Hashirama this afternoon.

She was anxious to say the least. Nami hadn't bothered to eat at all, even if she had, she would have thrown it all up. She knew whatever Hashirama had to say, it would be the truth.

She reached 55 Valle Verde fifteen minutes early and saw the Senju already at the teahouse.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Hashirama eased her pain immediately as he pulled her into a firm hug.

"Nami, thank you so much for coming."

She just nodded.

"Can I please get you something to drink?"

They both got herbal teas and little pastries. The pastries went untouched for most of the talk. Nami shared what she knew about Izuna and the deal the three had made.

"So it seems to me you know most of the truth. What is unsettling is the belief that I would blackmail Madara."

"That is simply what he told me. He said if I were to break this contract, Izuna would be condemned and my career would basically be over."

"I love Izuna as my own brother. Izuna and Tobirama were inseparable until Izuna's addiction turned into his personality."

"But why did you help cover up a slaughter?"

Hashirama sighed. He had no justified response. "I had to help him. Madara and Izuna are family."

"Some family. Madara said you are the only other person to know Izuna's whereabouts?"

"Yes. He is safe and no longer a threat."

"I fail to see how I got looped into all of this."

"I am afraid that would have been my fault. I asked for you."

"Like I told Tobirama, I wasn't an actress."

"No. That is exactly why. An actress making her debut on such a major series! Honestly, having you join Senju Studios was merely a matter of making money. Izuna's cover up was far too risky and expensive; however, you were never supposed to know about this. You were never supposed to be involved. Tobirama told you out of hatred for Madara. He wanted you to turn on him."

"I don't even know what to say, this is all too crazy!"

"But Nami, I am worried for you."


"I have a feeling Madara may be compiling evidence against you."

Nami didn't doubt this. One wrong step and she was sure Madara would end all of her hopes and dreams of being a great writer.

She started to cry and it broke Hashirama's heart, "I don't know what to do."

"I'll help you. Please just be patient. And don't cry!" Hashirama reached across the table wiping her tears.

Hashirama suggested a few plans as to how Nami could escape her current predicament but they seemed to all go in one ear and out the other. Hashirama stopped mid-sentence.

"He truly misses you, you know?"


"My brother."

"Hashirama... he was so... vile that night. He was heartless."

"Yes. I am all too familiar with his darker side," Hashirama sighed, "But Nami, we each have one."

Nami lowered her head as she thought of what her dark side might be. Perhaps she hasn't had a situation to provoke that side of her. Not yet at least.

"Sometimes I miss him."

"Only sometimes?"

"That night ended things so abruptly, I don't know how I truly feel," Nami said. Her cheeks got a rosy pink as she smiled and looked to Hashirama's eyes. Hashirama could instantly see why his younger brother had fallen so hard for this woman. She was practically the goddess of love in the flesh and she sat here before him. She spoke again, "I don't know how to leave Madara; Hashirama, for the first time in a long time, I am truly terrified."

"Nami, perhaps we can meet at Tobirama's house and discuss this more?"

"Madara tracks my cell phone."

"I feared as much. Get another phone Nami," he said, "Okay, the studio then. You start filming early. Monday, eight A.M., to be exact. See you then."

Hashirama stood to hug Nami tightly and left the teahouse swiftly. Nami sat back down. Iruka would be here any minute. She had told Madara she was meeting her brother and didn't want it to be a complete lie.

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