Chapter 37

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Four months passed by quickly. Madara squeezed his way into every aspect of Nami's life. Except her apartment. That disgusted him. It was why he did everything to keep her with him at all times. He entirely consumed her.

Tobirama was back from his trip and the charity dinner was tonight.

She had the perfect idea for the dinner. She gathered several actors and actresses and would auction off an evening with them to the dinners attendees. Actresses included Sakura, Tenten, Temari, and the legendary Lady Chiyo. Among the actors were Sasuke, Neji, Shisui, and Yamato. She also arranged for an art auction, featuring Sasori, Deidara, and Sai.

Nami also arranged for various musical acts. Kisame and Kakuzu volunteered the Jashinists, against Hidan's wishes. Kakashi was able to co-host the evening alongside Nami.

In attendance, were the key leaders of Konoha, Mayor Hiruzen. The chairmen, Danzo, Minato, and Kushina. Naruto, Konoha's police chief, and his wife Hinata. Everyone else belonged to prominent families in Konoha. Nami single-handily organized a dinner to unite everyone. It was anight to set aside difference and join together for a cause.

She smiled deviously when she told Tobirama his role and handed him the speech she had prepared.

"This is all for you Tobirama, the guests need to see you!"

"I do not want to stand at the door to greet people. I can greet them all in my speech."

"Pft. No. It is all arranged and I do not have anyone else to fill this role."

"You did this on purpose."

"Of course I did," Nami straightened his tie and pushed him towards the door. Guests were starting to arrive. When Madara arrived, the two refused to shake hands.

Nami ran off to make sure all of the final details were in place. It was half inside and half outside. The dining room was gorgeously decorated with large wooden tables, specifically chosen to unite and mingle different attendees. The walls were lined with ivy and fairy lights. Outside was where the dancefloor and the stage were located. The ivy and the lights trailed around the perimeter, making a magical ambiance. Ino's parents had donated tonight's décor.

The guests were swiftly seated and served drinks and hors d'oervres. Kakashi and Nami took their place on stage to introduce the prominent members and give them thanks. The then announced Tobirama who stiffly walked to the stages podium.

"Welcome, friends, family. I am so honored to be in the presence of you all in one room. Tonight, we come together to raise funds for an organization near and dear to my heart. I have been volunteering my time and services to H2O for Allfor the past ten years. We strive to help villages in Africa gain access to clean water. Now it is our goal to help build a hospital and fund the hospital's success. Miss Umino has an excellent line up for tonight's auction as well as great music. I invite you all to mingle and enjoy tonight's festivities."

Tobirama saw Nami's handwriting at the bottom, "Don't forget to smile!" What a little asshole. I love her. He looked to the audience and gave a brief upturn of his lips before exiting the stage, just as quickly as he entered. It pained him to see her sitting next to Madara. Even though he had participated in the 'trading' of her for Izuna, he knew the truth. He knew who had pure intentions and who did not. He knew Madara was lying to her about something, there is no way she could truly fall for a man like that.

Nami took the stage after Tobirama to announce the food. After she would begin the art auction, dessert, then the actor auction, and end with the actress auction. The night would end with music and dancing.

Over dinner, she sat among the actresses on stage, Kakashi sat with the actors. Nami was careful to avoid eye contact with Tobirama and Madara. She also was mildly freaking out about being seated so close to Itachi and Shisui. It was all becoming too much machismo for one woman to handle. Instead, her and the women gushed over the details of Sakura's wedding, which was only a month away. Coincidentally, this was Sakura's bridal party, plus Ino, minus Lady Chiyo.

Soon enough, the auctions began. Kakashi led the art and actor auctions, giving Nami a chance to take a break. She stood in the back of the building away from the hustle. Hashirama approached her.

"Nami, may I ask why you are not part of the auction?"

"Because who else would keep this whole evening running? I hope you are enjoying your evening?"

"Stop with the formalities Nami, I need to level with you."

Nami was taken back by Hashirama's sudden seriousness. She hadn't seen this side to him and it frightened her.

"Tobirama told me what happened between you two. You're making a grave mistake."

"Mr. Senju, perhaps now – "

"I am serious Nami, allow me to finish and I will stay out of your business."

"Would you? Or would you find a way to blackmail me like you do Madara?"

"What? Is that what he told you?"

"You wanted me to make money for Senju Studios in Raised by the Night. To ensure I wouldn't back out of the contract or return to Uchiha Studios, you've kept all of the evidence condemning Izuna. That's blackmail."

Hashirama now looked genuinely distressed and Nami picked up on this as Madara met her eyes from across the room. He raised an eyebrow seeming to check on her when he spotted Hashirama. She smiled and gave a coy wave. What the fuck have I gotten myself into? Darkness seemed to engulf her. She handed Hashirama a small paper, 55 Valle Verde St., Tuesday @ 2pm. Without a word, Nami took her place on stage to begin the final auction.

Lady Chiyo proved to be the highest bid during the auction. Sasuke bid the highest for his fiancé. Now the dancing could begin.

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