Chapter 23

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Nami was speechless. She would be here on this island paradise for four months. As promised, all of her expenses were taken care of and in her down time she was writing like never before. She completed three works and started a new project. The crew made fun of her typewriter but she had access to the things she needed to keep it going.

The crew was amazed at her talent of expressing emotion so candidly, scene after scene. It was why she was chosen for the job. Sakura would frequently call her, less and less for coaching and more to catch up as friends.

"So how is it going with Tobi?" Sakura asked. He voice was playful.

"Oh my god Sakura! He's my boss."

"Not for much longer! You finish shooting in two weeks!"

"And I still have two weeks to go once I get back to Konoha!"

"I can't wait for you to get back! Girl's night!"

"An actual girl's night right?"

"Eh, maybe, we'll see when you get here. Anyways, is Tobirama still all cold to you in front of people?"

"Yes! I just don't get it. We can be having the best conversation over breakfast and then if anyone walks up, including a server, he just shuts down. It's infuriating!" Just then, there was a knock at Nami's door, "Sakura, gotta go. Love ya!"

Nami hung up and opened her door only to find – Tobirama.

"Oh Tobi. Hi."

"I wanted to finish our talk from earlier, if it isn't too late for you."

Nami looked at the clock, it was two in the morning. She had to be up at five, "Umm, actually, I was just about to go to bed."

"Oh, right," he was about to walk away when Nami stopped him.

"Why do you treat me like a secret?"

"Excuse me?"

"I love talking to you

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"I love talking to you. I love talking to you more than anyone else. But, whenever we are approached by someone you stop talking to me, almost like you're embarrassed of me. I know you're this big famous guy and all but you can't treat me like – "

Nami was shut up when Tobirama's lips met hers. He guided her back into the room and closed the door. She wrapped her arms around his neck. He was much taller than she was.

His red eyes were hazy with lust, "I have been wanting to do that since that night at Madara's."

"No. I'm not going to be just a secret fuck buddy for you Tobirama. You cannot treat me like the only girl in the world one moment and then trash the next."

"Is that what you think? That I treat you like trash?" Tobrirama's deep laugh boomed throughout her room.

Nami was confused. Why was he laughing? She backed away from the tall man and crossed her arms.

"I would dare to argue that I treat you like treasure. I don't like anyone knowing my business. One thing slips and its plastered all over the tabloids. I am protecting what is dear to me."

"Madara said something similar to me before I left."

Tobirama scowled at the name that rolled of the woman's tongue so casually, "You're involved with the Uchiha?"

"What? No!" Nami took another step back, "Even if I was, you haven't exactly made it clear that I shouldn't be involved with anyone else."

Tobirama stepped forward quickly, grabbing Nami's waist and crashing his lips to hers again. He broke the kiss and his deep voice whispered in her ear, "How should I make that clear?"

Nami looked into his crimson eyes, "Seriously? I just told you. Now will all due respect Mr. Senju. I would like to go to bed. I will see you bright and early."

Tobirama was speechless. He exited her room and closed the door behind him leaving Nami smiling to herself. She was falling for her boss.

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