Chapter 57 🌶

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When she got to her room, her name was called.

"Wait, Nami."

She turned to find Orochimaru approaching. He walked casually to where she stood.

"Are you okay? It must have hurt to have had that all broadcasted to everyone."

"I'm fine. Thank you."

"You know, we have been here for three weeks, and we haven't done anything as partners."

She just stared at him, noticing the way his hair fell in his face and curtained his shoulders.

"Would you like to eat dinner with me?"

"Orochimaru, I'm sorry but want to be alone tonight."

"Okay, I understand."

He stepped closer and embraced her. His arms went around her shoulders. She didn't think as she wrapped her arms around his waist. It felt good to hug someone. It had been a while since she had this type of contact.

He pulled away quickly, as if he wanted to respect her wish instantly. He disappeared into his room.


Nami tossed and turned. Her room was freezing; under the blankets she was too hot. She was trapped in thoughts of Orochimaru. Well aware that it was due to the hug and nothing else, she felt a pull towards him. She couldn't shake the thoughts no matter how hard she tried.

She was frustrated. She wasn't allowed to think of Madara anymore. She loved the way Tobirama had been looking at his new girlfriend, she couldn't bring herself to think of him. Her thoughts drifted to Itachi. Her last moment with him had been him crying over Shisui's body.

Even with the heartache, she was frustrated. So, her mind and her body gave way to thoughts of her stop-taking-dope partner, Orochimaru.

She got in a comfortable position on her bed and started to rub herself. She played with her hardening nipples as she thought back to the introductory circle. The look that crossed his face and the tongue that ran across his lips. What else could his tongue do? As she grew wetter, she only got more frustrated. He was a thin and lean man, so did his manhood match that? She inserted her fingers into her warmth. Horror crossed her mind. Maybe he didn't have one?

She threw her head back and looked to the table across the room. The rehab center believed in crystals and had some assorted sizes on the table. One was smooth quartz, it was nine inches long and about four inches around. Very phallic looking.  Nami got up to get the crystal. She cleaned it and sat back in her position on the bed.

She had a feeling that Orochimaru may very well be similar to this crystal.

She continued to rub herself and let her wetness grow before she inserted the cool crystal into herself. She gasped at the cold it had introduced before she relaxed into the sensation. She stretched and twisted around on the bed. Imagining his embrace. Imagining the look in his eyes whenever he spoke to her.

She moved the cool crystal in and out of her womanhood. With her free hand she switched between playing with her nipples, gripping her thighs, and rubbing her clit. Her knot grew tighter and tighter.

As she climaxed she mindlessly shouted, "Ugh, Orochimaru!"

She let her head lean back, hitting the wall, she couldn't help from letting moans escape her mouth. The release was much needed.

And then, she heard it, her neighbor's door opening, footsteps, and a knock at her door.

"Nami? Is everything okay?"

"Uh, yeah! I thought I saw a bug!"

Nami scrambled to put on her clothes. When she was dressed she opened the door. Her hair was knotted in the back. Orochimaru looked to her and then at the bed where he saw wet spots on the sheets and odd phallic shaped crystal.

She saw a devious look flash in his eyes. He wasn't a fool. How could she have been so stupid to leave the bed looking like she just writhed and came all over it.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes! Thank you for checking on me!"

"Well, you did call out my name."

"I'm so sorry for the false alarm."

"Would you like to join me for breakfast in the morning?"

"I don't think – sure. That would be – lovely."

"Perfect. I'll knock at eight."

Nami smiled and quickly closed the door. She sunk to the floor in pure embarrassment. Great. Although, from the look she saw in his eyes just moments ago, she was pretty sure his size was close to that of the crystals.

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