Chapter 34

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Over the next week, Nami had attempted to speak and reason with Tobirama, who wouldn't hear what she had to say. He only wanted her back and if she agreed he could look past her "infidelity." Finally, after weeks of arguing, the two reached an agreement of no agreement and would have to have Hashirama mediate.

Madara and Nami arrived at Senju Studios together where they would meet with Hashirama and video chat with Tobirama. As the pair walked into Senju Studios, Madara pulled Nami close, "Do not mention my brother, I would like to keep him removed from this all."

She nodded. The two had been continuing to see each other since their first night together. The couple, dressed in their all black, walked through a grand double door to find a huge meeting room. Tobirama was already on the screen and scowled when he saw the two.

Hashirama acted quite the opposite, "Madara! Nami! Friends, please sit. I have coffee being prepared for you, is there anything else I can get for you?"

Madara went to speak, Nami beat him, "No thank you so, so much Hashirama! Thank you for meeting with us today."

"No need to thank me – "

"Can we skip the formalities and settle our contract?" Tobirama's voice boomed over the room's speakers.

"Ah, yes, let's start," Hashirama looked a little confused as to why he was in this meeting, "Perhaps, brother, you would like to start?"

Tobirama spoke, "Nami is converging with our rivals, Uchiha Studios. This absolutely will not stand while we film the next two films in the Raised by the Night series. I demand that she stop all communication with the Uchiha's and their affiliates."

Madara's deep laugh echoed throughout the large room, "Converge? Hashirama, if I may?"

Hashirama nodded, already looking worn out.

"Miss Umino is not meeting with Uchiha Studios to work. She merely visits," Madara looked to Tobirama, "for pleasure."

Hashirama looked between his brother and his best friend. He was aware they were both master manipulators. He looked to Nami, innocent of just how deep this manipulation ran. It was his turn to speak.

"Now brother, if this is found to be true, then you know this is no breach of contract."

Nami watched as the men burst into an uproar. Madara and Tobirama clashed while Hashirama pleaded for them to stop. After about thirty minutes of this, she stood up and cleared her throat. Nothing. She slammed her fist on the wooden table. No reaction. She began to panic when Tobirama mentioned Izuna's name. Nami felt the need to protect Madara and his brother. She stood on the meeting table, still not getting the attention of the two, until she kicked Madara's coffee mug across the room. The cup shattered into what seemed like a million pieces when it hit the wall that Tobirama was projected upon.

The room was now uncomfortably silent. Nami took her seat and cleared her throat again. Coffee dripped down Tobirama's virtual face.

"Tobirama, I know we left off on bad terms and for that, I truly am sorry. I want to fix this. Madara, you do not have my permission to discuss our relationship – with anyone. Hashirama, you are correct, I have not breached my contract, nor do I intend to," Nami spoke clearly and slowly for each man to hear.

They each stared at her, a little dumbfounded. She continued, "I will see my contract through; but, I am ending my personal relations with Tobirama. I do not believe we need to discuss those details any further. Upon your return, Tobirama, I will have the benefit dinner completely ready for you to attend. Any other questions you have for me can go through my manager. I'm leaving," Nami stood and cleared her throat once more for Madara to take her arm.


Once back his suite, Madara turned to Nami, "It seems you are a natural at commanding a presence."

"I just grew tired of your argument."

"Did you really have to agree to finish planning the dinner?"

Nami, outraged seemed to grow in height as she met Madara's eyes, "Are you forgetting who got me into this mess to begin with?"

"You know why I had to do it, Nami."

She looked down, "I just want to keep the peace and get through this series as quickly as possible. I have my meeting with the publisher today, I should go."

"I'll pick you up for dinner."

It wasn't an invite or a question. Nami nodded before heading to Konoha Times Publishing house.

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