Chapter 44

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Itachi laughed at Nami as she seemed to melt.

"What would you like to drink?"

"Something strong?"

"Ah, was I that terrible?"

"Quite the opposite, it has just been one of those day, ya know?"

"Well, same. Care to talk about it?" Itachi asked as he handed her a glass of brown liquid.

"I don't even know where to start."

"Nami, my uncle is the type of man who has always gotten his way. And, if it didn't happen instantly, he would make other people's lives hell to get it. Am I wrong to assume you feel trapped?"

Nami looked to Itachi, her eyes wide. She held the glass, still containing the alcohol, "What do you know about the deal with Senju Studios?"

"It seems to me, if something were to happen with the contract, you would be blacklisted from most production companies, except of course, Uchiha Studios. Nami, did something happen with your contract?"

Nami told him all about her encounter with Tobirama and all about Madara and his methods of control.

"So ending things with Madara seems to be cutting off all of your ties to your goal. And, even if you tried to start your own company, I am sure he would find a way to destroy it."

Nami nodded. Just as she was about to speak, there was a knock at the door. The two, still naked, jumped to get dressed.

Itachi opened the door to find a joyful face.

"Ah, my nephew! How have you been my boy?"

"Uncle Izuna! What a surprise. Please come in."

Itachi moved out of the way to allow the other Uchiha in. Nami dropped her glass when she saw him. Izuna. This was the man she had seen when she entered the building. This is Madara's junkie brother? He looked... like the opposite of a man who killed an entire family. He looked like he never touched a drug in his life, aside from a lot of psychedelics. He radiated positivity and light.

"Ahh the girl from downstairs, now I see why you were in such a hurry, my nephew here is quite the catch."

"Uncle, this is Nami Umino. She is actually Uncle Madara's girlfriend."

Izuna raised an eyebrow but did his best to remain cordial.

"My apologies for my behavior in the lobby. Today has been pretty rough."

"Hm," Izuna turned to his nephew and back to Nami. Across the living room was the wide open door to Itachi's bedroom. The messy bed and crumbled cum towel was on fully display. "I'm glad my nephew can be a – source of comfort for you."

"Nami, I hate to appear rude, but may I ask for some time alone with my uncle?"

"Oh!" Nami palmed her forehead, "Of course! Thank you so much for the drink."

Itachi led her to the door while Izuna watched them like a hawk. It took restraint for Itachi to not kiss her goodbye.

"Goodnight Nami, we will catch up soon."

Nami went upstairs to Madara's suite. Her nerves going haywire. All she could think about was the medicine cabinet.

Itachi turned to his uncle, "It isn't how it looks."

"No Itachi, I know it is exactly how it looks. This is a dangerous game you are choosing to play."

"I just don't understand."

"She completes the look my brother has strived to achieve."

"Uncle Izuna, I am always happy to see you; but, why are you here?"

"The fifteenth anniversary is soon upon us. I wanted to be sure Madara wasn't getting into any more trouble. However, it seems I am already too late."

Itachi nodded. The two talked well into the early hours of the morning.


A couple days passed and Nami hadn't heard anything from Itachi. Madara had been busy and wasn't available for her to talk to. She decided she would take some time to herself and try to get some writing done.

Nami made her way down to the lobby of the Uchiha suites. She was on her way to a little private lounge with her typewriter in tow. As she stepped out of the elevator she saw Izuna who made a beeline for her.

"Miss Umino. What a pleasure to see you again."

"Oh, hello Izuna."

"Hey listen, I have a proposition," he continued, "I would like to take you to dinner in my brother's absence. I would love to get to know you since Madara seems to be pretty serious about this relationship."

"Wouldn't he – "

"Of course he would get upset. That's why I would like to take you out while he is on a different continent and has no choice."

Nami had no excuse and really nothing better to do. She agreed to dinner with Izuna.

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