Chapter 18

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Nami was dropped off at her apartment. As the titans drove away they laughed at the slums of the East End. Oh, how Tobirama wanted to sweep Nami out of there and put her into the life of luxury she deserved.

When she approached her apartment, Hidan was drunk and slumped in the hallway waiting for her.

"Baby, you're back!"

"Leave me alone."

"Come on, I said I was sorry. And I am! Baby, can't we kiss and make out? Up."

"You stink. Hidan, I'm tired. I have to be up early. Let's talk this weekend."

Hidan went to his door and muttered, "Bitch."

Nami was too tired to react. She was aware that Hidan was overprotective and had his opinions; but, she couldn't believe this side of him that she was seeing. She couldn't deal with this control freak side. Especially after the night she had with the Senju's and Madara.
Later this weekend, Nami decided to approach Hidan and her friends. She told them of her offer.

"Wow that's fantastic!!! You're going to take it right?" Zetsu said.

"So you got offered a role just for being good looking?" Anko said.

"Well, have fun," Hidan looked at his girlfriend, "Have fun thinking of me while fucking that old dude."

"What the fuck, Hidan? You're gonna do that here too?" Nami's cheeks were bright red.

"You cheated on Hidan?" Konan asked.

"No – "

"She may as well have. She went out with the rich people she's talked shit about for the past year. She was dressed like a floozy too."

"No, I was dressed perfectly fine."

"You were asking for it, Nami. No wonder you got a fucking role offered to you," there was no love in Hidan's eyes.

"Would you stop saying that?"

"Why, so your friends don't realize what an actual fuck up you are? Anko, Konan, did you know Nami was raped. I didn't understand why until I saw you go out in that dress on Thursday."

"Hidan, you're being a dick. I highly doubt Nami was asking for it by wearing a dress. Nami, I'm sorry that happened to you," said Kisame.

Anko and Konan looked to each other. Their friend's time in Kiri made sense now. They still couldn't understand Hidan's behavior and felt he may be right. Why else would he be acting so harsh?

"You know what? Fuck you all, except you Zetsu and Kisame."

With that Nami left. They protested for her to come back. Zetsu and Kisame even ran after her but she told them to go away.

Nami got to her apartment and called the Senju's to accept the role. After her call, Sakura invited her over for a girls' night. Nami sighed, relieved that she had anywhere but here to be.

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