Chapter 41

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Over the next week, Madara went out of his way to keep Nami in his bed. If she let herself forget her predicament, maybe she would have enjoyed herself.

"I have been inside for almost a full week! Sakura and I need to have at least one full day of planning before you both leave!"

Nami kissed his cheek as he reluctantly let go of her small hand before she headed out of the suite. She was only going a few floors down to see Sakura.

When she knocked on the door it only took half a second for it to open. She was greeted by Sakura who had tears streaming down her face.

"Hurry, come in!" Sakura said as she tugged on Nami's arm. For such a petite woman, Sakura was strong as hell.

"Sakura? What's wrong?"

Sakura continued to sob and throw herself onto the couch.

"Is it Sasuke again?"

Sasuke came from around the corner and glared at Nami for her comment.

"Sasuke! What happened?"

"She's upset because she has to leave so soon before the wedding."

Sakura looked up and tried to speak but only ended up mumbling incoherent words.

Nami pulled her into a hug and laughed, "That's what I'm here for!"

"That is what I told her! She won't get it through her thick skull!"

Sakura stopped and turned on Sasuke, "I am not thick!"

Sasuke just smirked before heading out the door, "I will see you later. Good luck Nami!"

Sakura ran to Sasuke and gave him a kiss. They exchanged some words that were not meant for Nami's ears. Nami went to the Espresso 5000 that sat glistening on the marble counter. She smiled at how truly peaceful things used to be.

Nami began making two lattes just how she was taught. She even learned a few new designs besides the leaf. Maybe the new designs were just failed leaves; but, this was Nami's optimism showing. There was now a ghost and cat added to her collection. Nami smiled and pulled out her new phone. She snapped a picture of the two lattes and sent it to Genma.

Nami: I have added some new deigns sensei, though you'd be proud ;) Hope you're well!

She put her phone away and handed Sakura, who sat on the couch sniffling, her mug. Nami sat next to her and the girls curled up together.

"I never really thanked you for being such a great friend."

"You don't have to thank me for that. But... likewise, Sakura. You have been there for me when no one else was. But, enough tears! We have a wedding to plan and only a month left to do so!"

This exclamation made Sakura cry even harder. And, since emotions were running high, Nami let her tears out as well.

Sakura rubbed her face, "Why are you crying?"

"Everything is a mess Sakura!"

Nami's new phone, which was on the table, pinged. Sakura caught a glance at the name.

Genma: The pupil surpasses the sensei. Damn Nami, I still only make the leaf design.

Sakura's eyes widened and she stopped crying. She moved to comfort Nami.

"Things do seem... complicated. Do you wanna talk about it?"

Nami got up and pulled out her usual phone. She held it for Sakura to see and put her finger to her lips. She then puts her phone in Sakura's bathroom. When she returned to Sakura she let the past five months spill out. She started from the moment Tobirama read Zetsu's trash article.

"No offense; but, how in the hell does Hashirama plan to help you? This is Madara we're talking about. The man is always miles ahead of everyone else."

"I don't know but when you two leave on Monday, I have a meeting with the Senju's."

"Madara has been obsessed with you since you started working as my assistant. Nami, at first I thought it was romantic how one man could fall so in love with a woman...but this isn't love."

"I know."

"What about Tobirama?"

"What about him?"

"He loved you so much. It was so obvious, just looking at a picture of you two."

"Perhaps you're right. But, Sakura, these are bad men. They've done selfish and horribly illegal stuff. I just don't want to be involved any longer."

"I will try to help in any way that I can. I promise!"

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