Chapter 55

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Today was the day she would finally be released. Tobirama was there as usual to assist her. Helping Nami was the one thing he felt he could do to be of use after that night with Madara and Izuna. He picked her up in his own car, helping her sit since she was still very weak. Nami was surprised at first that Tobirama was not taking her back to his house. Instead, he parked in front of Nami's apartment and opened the door to help her step out. He then motioned for Nami to lead the way inside.

During her time in the hospital, Nami missed the funeral of Madara, Izuna, and Shisui. The media had completely stopped talking about her and instead focusing on the newlywed's – Sakura and Sasuke – now that they were both back from their honeymoon and accepting new roles in a few different films.

When Nami opened the door to her studio, she started to blush, embarrassed by the sight. Empty paper cups that once held coffee and a thin layer of dust littered every surface. The futon was crooked and blankets were tangled on top. A few dishes had been left in the sink. All of this had been left about a month and a half ago when she had been entangled by Madara again.

Tobirama ignored her pink cheeks as he went straight to her bathroom and started clearing out all the medicine she had accumulated. He took every pill bottle, the first aid kit, and even the NyQuil, throwing it all in a plastic grocery store bag. He then moved to the bed and started to pack all the dirty laundry to be taken to a laundromat.

"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like?"

"I can clean my own apartment."

"I'm helping you get everything straight again Nami. Including yourself."

"Why are you throwing away the NyQuil?"

Tobirama looked at Nami, "You don't have a cold. You don't have any chronic pain. You don't need any of this. Look, we're cleaning this place up and then putting you in a program."

"I can do that myself Tobi..."

"Will you though?"

Nami just looked at the Senju. I will, I just need some sleep first, and tomorrow after I get my coffee I will start looking for centers. I really should get back to writing though. Or mourning. Should I mourn Madara? Izuna? Shisui...

"Nami, I'm tired. I don't want to fight you on this."

"I'm not fighting you."

Tobirama continued to clean until he noticed how quiet things had gotten. He peeked around the door of the fridge he was cleaning to find that Nami was fast asleep. He went over to her and brushed the hair away from her face. He was disgusted by how much he still found her to be beautiful, even in her junkie state.


Tobirama returned to cleaning Nami's apartment, finishing around midnight. It would be too late to take her to the rehab center now but he was determined to get her there the following morning.

He heard her phone ring and looked over to see over two hundred messages asking where she was and if she was okay from various people. Iruka was now calling.

Tobirama answered Iruka's call.


"Hello Umino."

"Where is Nami?"


"So she is out of the hospital. May I ask why you're with her?"

"She allowed me to be. Look, I will be taking your sister to rehab tomorrow. I'll send you the information tomorrow after I get her admitted."

With that, Tobirama hung up on Iruka. He wasn't in the mood to talk anymore. He hadn't been sleeping much since the night he shot Madara. He laid down beside Nami and fell asleep the moment he pulled her close to him.


Nami usually had vivid and pleasant dreams; but, last night she only had what she would call a nightmare. She kept seeing Shisui point to Itachi in a field of grass. She would look to Itachi as he was shot by Madara. Then she would be in Madara's bed with him on top of her. The bloodthirsty look he had just after he shot Shisui was plastered across his face, his hair was wild. Suddenly he was penetrating her and just as she started to enjoy and crave his touch, he would be next to her, dead. She was stuck in this terrible loop until she woke to find Tobirama's arms around her.

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