Epilogue 🍋

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Nami let out a long sigh as she pushed a dolly full of boxes down a long corridor. It was Monday – moving day. Tomorrow was an interview with Rolling Stone followed by a meeting with Great Leaf Publishers.

She enlisted the help of her niece and nephew who dutifully ran back and forth from the apartment to the moving truck. Her goal was to have everything moved into the new apartment and spend the rest of the week setting it up before the weekend came. Saturday was Sarada's second birthday party.

Ever since her second book, With Titans, got released she had been fighting a legal battle for the rights to her first book. Then the new publishing house, Great Leaf, got into a bit of a war with Konoha Times Publishing. The legal fight resulted in Nami's first book to go out of print and become a sort of underground gem only few could get their hands on. Altogether it boosted the sales and popularity of With Titans, so much in fact, Nami had a movie deal in the works.

This time around, Nami had boundaries. She knew how the game worked. The movie would not be able to be made by Senju Studios or Uchiha Studios.

The Rolling Stones interview would be the first time she's spoken out since Madara's death two years ago. Nami still had the occasional dream of Madara. Dreams where he would beckon to her. She would wake up, craving an artificial sleep again. It took several therapy sessions and countless sleepless nights for her to get to the point where she was at today. Two years ago, whenever she saw a picture of Madara or Izuna or Shisui, all of the hurt would come barreling towards her again. It always ended in a panic attack or hiding in her apartment for days. Madara was the most tragic chapter she had yet to endure. Watching his spiral into madness had broken her.

She could not stand before you and pretend that she had merely picked up the pieces. She had turned to ash and had – like a phoenix – been reborn.


It was now Friday night. Nami stood, still surrounded by unpacked boxes. She had been attacked by the need to write, got her office half arranged, and spent two days staring at her typewriter.

It was Friday night and things were still not put together for his arrival. He would be missing Sarada's birthday party and their anniversary; Nami had at least wanted him to come home to a sanctuary, not a box town disaster.


She was an hour into unpacking when she heard a slight tapping on the door. The clock read 11:38 p.m.

Who the hell was knocking at this time?

Nami got up, brushed the silver threads of hair that hung in her face out of the way, and opened the door to reveal him. The man she had fallen into a true and deep love with.

Itachi Uchiha.

"You're home! Early!" Nami yelled as she jumped in his arms.

Itachi caught her, returning each and every one of her kisses. He brought her inside the apartment, dragging his suitcase haphazardly behind him and closing the door. He set her down on their couch, tossing bags of clothes onto the floor before taking his own shirt off. He looked at Nami with her tousled hair and dirty shirt.

"I'm sorry! I was trying to have everything put – "

"Shut up," he said as he pulled her shirt off.

Nami pulled him closer as soon as they were completely naked. Itachi slapped her ass, hard and pressed her into the couch cushions with his kiss. She reached for his manhood and started rubbing him softy and sensually. Itachi's knee pressed in between her thighs as she grinded against it.

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