Chapter 30

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When Nami arrived at Tobirama's her nerves worsened. All of the lights were on and she heard shuffling in the bedroom. To her surprise, Tobirama was packing. He barely acknowledged her presence.

"Why are you packing?"

"I decided to leave early."

"Oh," Nami didn't know what to make of this.

Before all of this happened the couple planned to have Nami move in and together they would leave together to go to a small village in Africa. Tobirama spent the last several years working with a company that brings clean water to small villages. He films and edits these videos in between Senju Studio projects. He works with the company to help them fundraise for trips.

Nami agreed to help organize a fundraising dinner with some of Konoha's most elite. She was supposed to accompany him on his trip while planning the dinner and Sakura's wedding. Now she wasn't so sure.

"Tobi? Can we please talk about this?"

"You told me that you would borrow one of Sakura's gowns, not one of Madara's weird gowns he keeps for a future wife."

"Wait – that's why he had this?"

"Yes Nami, I have known the man a lot longer than you have."

"None of this even matters! He saw me in my black dress, gave me the red one and I left. That stupid article was written by a friend – "

"A friend?" Tobirama seemed to double in size, "You mean a 'friend' wrote that trash article about you and me?!"

"Since when did you care about tabloids?"

"The moment the article put my girlfriend with the man I loathe," Tobirama walked out of the room to grab something from his office, "And you're still in that dress!"

"You liked it at the beginning of the night!"

"That was before I knew its origins. That fucking Uchiha."

Nami immediately unzipped the dress and let it fall around her feet before kicking it out of the room. She slammed the door and threw on some shorts and one of Tobirama's old shirts before swinging the door open again. Just as she opened the door, Tobirama stood, muscles flexed, reaching for the handle.

"Happy? No more dress. Stop packing and talk to me."

"What is there to discuss?"

"So much. Me moving in, the trip, the dinner, Sakura asked me to help her plan her wedding and be her Maid of Honor. Anything but a dumb article."

"Why would a friend of yours write that? Did you have something with Madara?"

"No," Nami sighed, "And I guess he really isn't much of a friend anymore. We used to be friends back when I first returned to Konoha and started dating this guy, Hidan. Zetsu was his friend and over time became my friend. He was an aspiring journalist and I guess he settled for the first job that paid somewhat decent."

"I haven't heard you talk about this guy Zetsu."

"There really isn't anything to talk about."

"How did you meet Madara?"

Nami explained to Tobirama that she moved back from Kiri for the chance to work directly with Sakura in hope of being around more inspiration for her writing. She reminisced over her time with Madara and the other Uchiha actors.

"I thought maybe you knew all of this since it was Madara who introduced us."

"The truth, Nami, is that Madara put us in a really difficult position. His brother, Izuna, has always been a bit of a wild child. He got into a lot of trouble and Madara asked Hashirama for his help. I got looped in by Hashirama but until then, I preferred to keep my distance from them. The Uchiha's think they are above the law since the have connections and money."

"What did Izuna do?"

"He killed an entire family while driving under the influence. Madara asked us for help with covering this up since Hashirama is good friends with the police chief."

"I'm sorry but how do I have anything to do with this?"

"Senju Studios hasn't been doing well. In exchange for help with Izuna, Hashirama asked for the rights to the Raised by the Night series and a beautiful woman to go along with it."

"But I wasn't an actress."

"Over the past couple of years, Madara had talked to my brother and I about a beautiful employee he planned on making his wife. Hashirama demanded this beautiful woman in exchange for Izuna."

"So I am part of a cover up for a family's murder?"

Tobirama looked down, suddenly ashamed of leaving Nami at the premier party and coming home without her.

"You helped cover up a murder and 'stole' me from Madara?" Nami couldn't believe what she was hearing. "I wasn't even his to begin with!"

"This movie offer ruined my relationship. Granted it was a bad relationship and needed to end but not the way it did!"

"You're famous, Nami. You're meeting with a publisher in a week, something that would never have happened if it wasn't for the movie."

"You can go on this trip early. I won't be joining."

Nami called a cab before taking Tobirama's shirt off. She put the red gown on again. All the while, Tobirama protested her leaving. He became meaner.

"You are part of a contract. You agreed to three movies."

"I did. But I didn't sign a contract to stay in a relationship with you. Goodbye."

"I will drag out this contract as long as I can if you do not come back right now!"

Nami ignored him and got in the cab that finally arrived. She went straight to the Uchiha Suites. Madara was outside to meet her when she arrived.

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