Chapter 48

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It was Sakura's wedding day. She would finally be an Uchiha. Nami realized Sakura was too innocent for this kind of lifestyle and felt a weight in her chest.

Nami stood in the mirror. The small dosages that Madara continued to give her helped her look somewhat put together – but she still looked – skeletal. She got herself ready before rushing to Sakura.

When she entered the suite she was met with the usual stress and tears but Nami quickly got things under control. She didn't feel like she had things under control. She was fully aware of just how messy things were.


Nami managed to make it down the aisle perfectly. Out of everyone in attendance, it was only Madara and Itachi who watched her. The music commenced and everyone gasped in delight when they saw Sakura. She was simply stunning. Nami looked to Sasuke who kept such a serious face. What is it with these Uchiha's? Upon closer inspection, Nami saw the smallest tear rolling down Sasuke's face.

After the couple exchanged their vows, they all made their way to the reception. The wedding was one of the most extravagant events Nami had been to. The reception venue was dimly lit with gardenia and eucalyptus trailing everywhere. It was held is a high rise with a 360-degree view of Konoha. There was well over three hundred guests in attendance. Both Sasuke and Sakura had their whole families in attendance. Many work associates of the parents and uncles were enjoying the festivities as well.

Nami scanned the tables and saw a familiar face. Genma. He sat amongst Fugaku Uchiha's business partners. He owned a large construction company that had built most of Konoha's modern downtown. She smiled to herself. He accomplished his goal. This thought made her mournful when she realized what she had been through. She had been so close to accomplishing her own goal and destroyed her chance. Most of the men at the table had their wives present, Nami noted that Genma was alone in that regard.

Madara sat beside her at one of the main tables. He spoke with Fugaku and another Obito. They questioned him about Izuna's arrival in town last week.

"These are family matters, not to be discussed at such an event. Fugaku, Obito, join me later tonight at the suites. We can discuss Izuna then."

The men nodded and Madara turned his attention to Nami. She was shaking ever so slightly. To most, it would look as if she were cold. Nami knew it was her addiction. Even with the small doses Madara had been giving her she craved more.

"Would you like a drink my dear?"

"Virgin anything please."

Madara left to get drinks while she sat amongst the Uchihas. Itachi watched her like a hawk. How many of them were oblivious to the truth about Madara's accident? Izuna's arrival had certainly brought up a lot of questions for the other Uchihas. She had an urge to shout what had actually happened. Every bone in her bone was urging her to cause a scene. A call for help, for anyone to rescue her from Madara's grip.

When he returned with her drink, she tasted alcohol in it. This was done on purpose. She decided to wait patiently. She would have her revenge. She just needed to will her body to stay strong.

A few hours later, after more drinking and dancing, Nami excused herself to the restroom. She was thankful that Sakura was the center of attention. Everyone else could cater to her while Nami took some time to herself. The washroom was spinning now that she was away from the lights and the loud music. Name let cool water rush over her hands for a bit. Then she sat on the toilet for what felt like hours; yet, each time she checked her phone, only a few minutes had passed.

There was a knock on the door and it snapped Nami back to reality. She quickly exited and stood just outside the restroom watching every one dance and mingle. Just then, she was tapped on the shoulder.

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